Chasing His Kickass Luna Back

Chapter 0200

Chapter 0200


The sun pours through the curtains, bathing my bedroom in a soft, golden light. As I slowly blink awake,

I’m almost immediately filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

My friends, my little family, they all came together to help me last night. My apartment is almost back to

normal, just waiting for a fresh coat of paint and some minor repairs that the landlord promised to

handle at no cost.

But then it hits me—the kiss.

My cheeks flush at the memory.

Karl and I, alone in the pantry, his lips meeting mine in a stolen moment that felt like it lasted forever. I

can’t shake off the feeling of his lips against mine, the sensation of his hair curling through my fingers,

or the way my wolf seemed to wake up, even if just for a moment.

And then there was the awkwardness that followed, the way he walked away, his face unreadable. He

was quiet the rest of the evening, and I noticed that he slipped away early.

“Ugh,” I groan softly, getting out of bed.

As I walk into the living room, Chloe and Leah, who crashed on my sofa, stir awake.

“Morning, sleepyheads,” I greet them, still trying to shake off my own complicated feelings.

“Good morning,” Leah mumbles, her voice rough from sleep. “I need coffee.”

“Me too,” Chloe agrees, stretching her arms.

I purse my lips, glancing at the kitchen. Unfortunately, my coffee maker was one of the things that got

wrecked. I scratch my head and look back at my friends. “Cafe?”

They grin, almost sitting up in unison.

“Cafe it is.”

We decide on a nearby cafe, known for its strong coffee and its fluffy, cloudlike croissants. The

atmosphere is warm and inviting, a gentle hum of chatter filling the air.

We settle into a table in the window after grabbing our coffee and pastries, and I’m grateful for the easy

conversation, for the warmth of the sun, and for the laughter that temporarily makes me forget about

last night’s awkward kiss with Karl.

“So, anything interesting happen with Karl last night?” Chloe finally asks, her eyes meeting mine. “You

two were in the pantry for a while and then, boom! Both of you looked like you saw a ghost.”

My face instantly heats up, and I look down at my coffee cup, swirling the foam with my spoon. “No,

nothing happened.”

“Mhm, sure,” Chloe says with a frown, not buying it for a second.

“Chloe, stop pushing,” Leah interjects, giving her a warning look.

Chloe rolls her eyes but complies. “Fine, sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.”

“Let’s talk about you instead,” I say, eager to divert the attention away from me. “Any interesting guys in

your life lately?”

Chloe chuckles, her eyes lighting up. “Ah, well, last week I hooked up with this guy. He was cute, but

man is he desperate. He’s been chasing me ever since, even though I ghosted him.”

I can’t help but laugh as I give her a playful punch in the arm. “You’re so mean!”

Chloe grins, unapologetic. “It’s in my nature, you know that.”

Chloe’s laughter fills the air, carefree and unrestrained. “Settle down? Me? Never!”

And we all join in the laughter, each of us hiding our own complexities, our fears and hopes tucked

away behind the safety of our smiles.

But today, I can’t focus on it. Today, I have friends to laugh with, an article to read, and a restaurant to


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I push open the heavy wooden door to the restaurant an hour later, and a myriad of savory scents

envelops me as I step inside.

My eyes scan the room until they land on a few familiar faces at the bar: Chloe, Ethan, and Daisy. They

smirk when I arrive. Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Hey there,” Chloe says, sliding a newspaper across the bar to me as I approach. “Didn’t forget, did


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