Chasing His Kickass Luna Back

Chapter 0199

Chapter 0199

“Hey Marcus, what’s up?”

“Karl, glad I caught you. You have a minute? We need to discuss some pack matters.”

“I’ve got a moment,” I say, feeling a knot of tension that I hadn’t noticed before start to unwind. “What’s

going on?”

“First off, the lumberyard deal went through. They’re asking if we’re okay with them expanding a bit

more into our territory.”

I think for a moment. The owners of the lumberyard have been allies for years, and the lumberyard

provides jobs for pack members. “Fine by me, as long as they stick to the agreed environmental


“Great. I’ll confirm it with them.”

“What else?”

“We’ve had some land disputes on the west boundary. The Everwinter pack is claiming it’s theirs.”

I grit my teeth. The Everwinters are notorious for pulling stuff like this. “Alright,” I say with a sigh. “Let’s

not start a war over it. Offer a meeting to discuss it, and go heavy on the diplomacy. Remember, their

Luna loves our pack’s specialty: Turkish delights. Get her a fresh box of them. It’ll sweeten the deal.”

“Understood. Oh, and you’ll have a couple of contracts to e-sign tonight. Expect some emails.”

“Sure, send them over,” I reply.

Marcus pauses for a moment before he speaks again, choosing his words carefully. “And, Karl, there’s

something else. Some of the pack... they’re talking.”

I feel a prickling sensation at the back of my neck, a warning from my wolf. “Talking? About what?”

“About you not being around much. They say you’re shirking your duties as Alpha.”

I close my eyes for a moment, inhaling deeply. The irony isn’t lost on me: I step out to escape one

problem, only to be confronted by another.

“Marcus, what’s my approval rating?” I finally ask, needing to know how deep the wound goes.

“It’s... not the best lately, Karl. You should be aware of that. You’ve always been one to prioritize the

pack, so your absence hasn’t gone unnoticed. It’s fixable, though. You just need to come home.”

I feel a pang of guilt, and it stings. “Maybe I have been shirking my duties,” I admit, looking up at the

sky as if it holds answers. The stars twinkle back, indifferent to my problems. “I’ve been distracted



I hesitate, reluctant to bring up Abby and the complicated web of issues surrounding her right now; how

my efforts to gain her favor only worked to a certain extent. How she’s still rejecting me, even tonight. “I

can’t talk about it right now, Marcus. But I understand what you’re saying.”

Marcus sighs on the other end of the line, a heavy sound that says he’s carrying his share of burdens,

too. “When can you be back, Karl? We need our Alpha. In person.”

“Very soon,” I say, feeling the weight of that promise as I make it. “I’ll come back full-time to the pack, I


“Thanks, Marcus. Bye.”

Yet, in this moment, the strings pulling me back to my pack feel more like steel cables than strings. Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

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I’ve been walking a fine line, trying to be the man Abby needs and the Alpha my pack deserves. And

I’m failing at both.

“I’ll fix this,” I mutter to myself, setting my jaw. “I have to.”

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