Bring Your A Game

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 776

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 776

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 776-At that, Adelpha began passing the buck. “You always say this yourself that there are no weak students but only unqualified teachers. I’m stuck at this level because all my past teachers weren’t good enough; they didn’t know how to teach. I’m sure I will become a maestro myself if Maestro Sinclair teaches me!”

Upon hearing so, Elise put her cup of tea down and retorted, “There are so many trying to shoot for the stars. Why should they choose you?”

“Because I love the piano,” said Adelpha, keeping a stiff upper lip. “I believe that Maestro Sinclair will be moved by my absolute enthusiasm!”

“Love?” Elise sneered. “You’ve loved the piano for nearly two decades but can’t even pass the most fundamental Grade 10.”

“As if Adelpha can’t pass Grade 10. She’s just been hindered by those mediocre teachers!” Lyra took the chance to exculpate. “Dear, I think Adelpha’s right. What family doesn’t spend big when it comes to fostering their children’s talents? Since she wants to learn, why not learn from the best? Think of the glory that will fall upon us after Adelpha is successful!”

“Yeah, Poppa. I want to be a White forever. I want to become an independent woman who will marry a live-in husband so that our family name will live on. Shouldn’t I better myself if I want to achieve that?!”

Adelpha’s impassioned speech, coupled with her idea of ‘carrying on the White Family name’, successfully moved Onyx. At that, he fell silent, seemingly pondering the feasibility of this issue.

Seeing that her father had begun softening up, Adelpha went up and continued influencing him, striking while the iron was hot. “I’ve already done the research. Maestro Sinclair will return to Tissote every two years to attend a Piano Association gathering. As long as I manage to get the ticket to the gathering, I’ll have the chance to approach Maestro Sinclair and ask him to take me under his wing!”

At that, Onyx looked side-eyed at her. “Are you certain you will succeed?”

“I’ll die trying!” Adelpha vowed.

“Alright, I’ll believe you this once.” Onyx admonished. “If you can’t win Maestro Sinclair’s approval, then you’ll go back to the countryside and marry a farmer!”

“Rest assured, Poppa. I can definitely do it.” Adelpha reassured with utter confidence.

“I doubt it.” Elise leisurely rained on their parade. “How would a world-renowned pianist take an interest in someone mediocre and can’t even pass her grade twice when he has so many people he can choose a protégé from? I think you should just buy some shovels sooner, lest you don’t even have these tools to farm with when you go to the countryside.”

At that, Adalpha bagan passing tha buck. “You always say this yoursalf that thara ara no waak studants but only unqualifiad taachars. I’m stuck at this laval bacausa all my past taachars waran’t good anough; thay didn’t know how to taach. I’m sura I will bacoma a maastro mysalf if Maastro Sinclair taachas ma!”

Upon haaring so, Elisa put har cup of taa down and ratortad, “Thara ara so many trying to shoot for tha stars. Why should thay choosa you?”

“Bacausa I lova tha piano,” said Adalpha, kaaping a stiff uppar lip. “I baliava that Maastro Sinclair will ba movad by my absoluta anthusiasm!”

“Lova?” Elisa snaarad. “You’va lovad tha piano for naarly two dacadas but can’t avan pass tha most fundamantal Grada 10.”

“As if Adalpha can’t pass Grada 10. Sha’s just baan hindarad by thosa madiocra taachars!” Lyra took tha chanca to axculpata. “Daar, I think Adalpha’s right. What family doasn’t spand big whan it comas to

fostaring thair childran’s talants? Sinca sha wants to laarn, why not laarn from tha bast? Think of tha glory that will fall upon us aftar Adalpha is succassful!”

“Yaah, Poppa. I want to ba a Whita foravar. I want to bacoma an indapandant woman who will marry a liva-in husband so that our family nama will liva on. Shouldn’t I battar mysalf if I want to achiava that?!”

Adalpha’s impassionad spaach, couplad with har idaa of ‘carrying on tha Whita Family nama’, succassfully movad Onyx. At that, ha fall silant, saamingly pondaring tha faasibility of this issua.

Saaing that har fathar had bagun softaning up, Adalpha want up and continuad influancing him, striking whila tha iron was hot. “I’va alraady dona tha rasaarch. Maastro Sinclair will raturn to Tissota avary two yaars to attand a Piano Association gatharing. As long as I managa to gat tha tickat to tha gatharing, I’ll hava tha chanca to approach Maastro Sinclair and ask him to taka ma undar his wing!”

At that, Onyx lookad sida-ayad at har. “Ara you cartain you will succaad?”

“I’ll dia trying!” Adalpha vowad.

“Alright, I’ll baliava you this onca.” Onyx admonishad. “If you can’t win Maastro Sinclair’s approval, than you’ll go back to tha countrysida and marry a farmar!”

“Rast assurad, Poppa. I can dafinitaly do it.” Adalpha raassurad with uttar confidanca.

“I doubt it.” Elisa laisuraly rainad on thair parada. “How would a world-ranownad pianist taka an intarast in somaona madiocra and can’t avan pass har grada twica whan ha has so many paopla ha can choosa a protégé from? I think you should just buy soma shovals soonar, last you don’t avan hava thasa tools to farm with whan you go to tha countrysida.”

“It’s good that Adelpha has ambition. So be it that you won’t support her as her sister, but how dare you make such sarcastic remarks?! Looks to me you can’t stand seeing her succeed!” Seething with rage,

Lyra lashed out at ‘Anastasia’ as soon as she got the chance.

“That’s enough.” Onyx dared not cross ‘Anastasia’. “Bring Adelpha upstairs. I have something to talk to Anastasia about in private.”

Lyra wanted to speak up but ultimately dared not challenge Onyx’s authority, only dragging Adelpha upstairs with her resignedly.

Finally, after the mother and daughter could no longer be seen, Onyx ambled over to Elise, feigning indifference as he sat across from her. “Anastasia, I’ve been doing some thinking. Our family and your grandfather’s are no ordinary households. I still think you should hold a wedding ceremony. If you don’t want anything big, at least invite some esteemed elders over for a meal. What do you say?” This content © Nôv/elDr(a)m/a.Org.

“I say nothing.” Elise put her teacup down and flung the newspaper beside her to her ‘father’. “Take a look for yourself. Second page, bottom right corner.”

Onyx grabbed the newspaper in bewilderment and flipped to the second page, only to frown once he realized what he was seeing. “Y-You’ve announced your marriage in the newspaper?!”

“Can’t I? I thought you liked paper media the most.” Elise looked at him with a half-smile. “Come to think of it, I haven’t thanked you for this. If you hadn’t said you wanted to sever our kinship and put it in the newspaper, I couldn’t have thought about such a simple and easy way. But what’s different between us is that you only talk the talk, but I walk the walk.”

With that, she got up and went upstairs, leaving Onyx stumped on the couch. He crumpled the newspaper into a ball as he flew into a rage, his countenance changing multitudes in seconds.

At Wework LLC, Ariel stretched after a morning of work, then looked out to find Danny and Helios quietly hanging out in the office across from hers, looking absolutely harmonious.

In seventh heaven, free from Danny and her nephew, Ariel pulled her gaming console out, getting ready to play a solid game.

But right as she went online, a notification popped up. ‘Player ‘Sis’LilSidekick’ requests to add you as a friend.’

LilSidekick? Who’s this?!

Ariel had wanted to just ignore it and pretend to have never seen it, but the requestor was surprisingly hell-bent, sending the request non-stop. Alas, she could only accept it.

As soon as the request was approved, LilSidekick sent a message. ‘Hi, not many people play this game. Do you like it too?’ They even attached a ‘cute’ GIF.

Upon seeing the GIF, Ariel justifiably assumed the person on the other end was a girl, so she replied with patience. ‘Yeah, it’s right up my alley. But I’m a complete noob at this. My level’s still pretty low even though I’ve been playing for a few months.’

LilSidekick replied instantly. ‘The thing about this game is that it takes up a lot of time, or you’ll have to form a team if you don’t have the time. Why don’t you join me?’ ‘She’ attached a ‘hehe’ GIF.

‘Alright, let’s give it a shot. Hope I won’t hold you up.”

Right after Ariel sent the reply, LilSidekick sent a team-up request, and the two entered the game promptly.

Just like LilSidekick said, ‘she’ was pretty familiar with the map and NPCs, and with ‘her’ lead, Ariel cleared the map, which she had been stuck in for over a month, in ten-plus minutes.

At that, she couldn’t help praising enthusiastically, ‘Wow, you’re really good at this!’

‘Hehe, I guess I have some talent in me. But it’s kinda boring to play alone. It’s so much more fun playing with you,’ LilSidekick replied.

‘Haha, you’re a sweet one. Why do I feel like you’re a boy? Then again, your player ID looks like a girl’s. You baffle me.’ Ariel hoped ‘she’ would satisfy her curiosity.

But it took a while for LilSidekick to reply this time. ‘Because I have a sister. She’s also the reason I’m good at this game. Hence, ‘LilSidekick’.’

‘Ah. Then I should thank your sister!’ Ariel naively believed so.

‘Haha, she’s as happy as you are right now,’ LilSidekick replied.

‘The three of us should play together next time.’

After agreeing on a time, the two went offline.

After a rare smooth gaming experience, Ariel thought everything looked right; even the sun was shining brighter now. Thus, she grabbed her phone and ordered a premium lunch to reward Danny and Helios.

But lo and behold, she found the two boys running and yelling inside the office like ostriches as soon as she looked toward it.

To that, Ariel shook her head helplessly. She had really been too optimistic. As if it wouldn’t become a madhouse when two kids were put in the same room.

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