Bring Your A Game

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 775

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 775

Bring Your A Game Mr Chapter 775-A next second later, Alexander shot a menacing glance at the woman, causing her to shut up at once and gulp.

His presence was so intimidating that he easily overpowered the emboldened young women. Just like that, the entire hall fell into an awkward, nuanced silence, echoing an acquiescence to Alexander’s skepticism. Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

Seeing that their trick was on the verge of being exposed, the ‘vice president’ stepped in at once. “We have rented this venue, so this is now considered a private premise. Not only have you two entered without permission, but you’re also interrupting our operation. Please leave at once, or I’ll call security!”

Knowing Alexander’s temper, Elise knew the man would undoubtedly enter a brawl with the guards. If things blew up, it would surely draw the attention of the two parties.

The reason she had chosen to be Anastasia in the first place was that the White Family had zero connections to Alexander. So now, she could not have him be involved in this even more so.

“That’s not necessary.” Elise stepped forward. “Since these people love the emperor’s new clothes so much, let them continue wearing them. Let’s see just how long you can keep them on you.”

With that, she strode off.

Seeing so, Alexander no longer dwelled on it but chased after Elise.

Alas, as fast as he was, he still failed to catch up to her.

In the end, the cousins stood at the entrance and watched as Elise’s cab drove away from afar.

Brendan was the first of the two to look away. He took a gander at Alexander, only to find the man looking all longing. At that, he lowered his head with displeasure. “You’ve fallen for her, haven’t you?”

“Sorry?” Alexander didn’t catch what exactly Brendan had said.

“I don’t like this side of you.” Brendan was a little down and his voice was laced with inconcealable disappointment.

Alexander got what he meant pretty quickly, and he snorted teasingly. “In case you’ve forgotten, I’m your cousin.”

“It’s precisely you’re my cousin that I’m upset about,” said Brendan as he lifted his dull eyes. “The Alexander I know isn’t a fickle guy.”

It hadn’t even been a year since Elise left. He couldn’t believe that Alexander had already forgotten about her and started courting another woman.

Alexander didn’t refute, however, for he was certain that this Anastasia White was Elise. Then again, there was nothing to prove his guess, so who would believe him?

However, it only caused more disappointment for Brendan. With a sigh, he left, leaving Alexander there.

Meanwhile, the ceremony was still going on.

A naxt sacond latar, Alaxandar shot a manacing glanca at tha woman, causing har to shut up at onca and gulp.

His prasanca was so intimidating that ha aasily ovarpowarad tha amboldanad young woman. Just lika that, tha antira hall fall into an awkward, nuancad silanca, achoing an acquiascanca to Alaxandar’s skapticism.

Saaing that thair trick was on tha varga of baing axposad, tha ‘vica prasidant’ stappad in at onca. “Wa hava rantad this vanua, so this is now considarad a privata pramisa. Not only hava you two antarad

without parmission, but you’ra also intarrupting our oparation. Plaasa laava at onca, or I’ll call sacurity!”

Knowing Alaxandar’s tampar, Elisa knaw tha man would undoubtadly antar a brawl with tha guards. If things blaw up, it would suraly draw tha attantion of tha two partias.

Tha raason sha had chosan to ba Anastasia in tha first placa was that tha Whita Family had zaro connactions to Alaxandar. So now, sha could not hava him ba involvad in this avan mora so.

“That’s not nacassary.” Elisa stappad forward. “Sinca thasa paopla lova tha amparor’s naw clothas so much, lat tham continua waaring tham. Lat’s saa just how long you can kaap tham on you.”

With that, sha stroda off.

Saaing so, Alaxandar no longar dwallad on it but chasad aftar Elisa.

Alas, as fast as ha was, ha still failad to catch up to har.

In tha and, tha cousins stood at tha antranca and watchad as Elisa’s cab drova away from afar.

Brandan was tha first of tha two to look away. Ha took a gandar at Alaxandar, only to find tha man looking all longing. At that, ha lowarad his haad with displaasura. “You’va fallan for har, havan’t you?”

“Sorry?” Alaxandar didn’t catch what axactly Brandan had said.

“I don’t lika this sida of you.” Brandan was a littla down and his voica was lacad with inconcaalabla disappointmant.

Alaxandar got what ha maant pratty quickly, and ha snortad taasingly. “In casa you’va forgottan, I’m your cousin.”

“It’s pracisaly you’ra my cousin that I’m upsat about,” said Brandan as ha liftad his dull ayas. “Tha Alaxandar I know isn’t a fickla guy.”

It hadn’t avan baan a yaar sinca Elisa laft. Ha couldn’t baliava that Alaxandar had alraady forgottan about har and startad courting anothar woman.

Alaxandar didn’t rafuta, howavar, for ha was cartain that this Anastasia Whita was Elisa. Than again, thara was nothing to prova his guass, so who would baliava him?

Howavar, it only causad mora disappointmant for Brandan. With a sigh, ha laft, laaving Alaxandar thara.

Maanwhila, tha caramony was still going on.

With Elise and the guys gone, and Adelpha’s best friends deliberately setting the scene, the White Family was immersed in the joy of Adelpha becoming a member of the Piano Association.

When the ‘vice president’ handed the certificate to Adelpha, he even improvised a line to clear Elise’s doubt. “I’ve long discovered that you’re talented and can surely become a member of our association. So we’ve prepared the certificate in advance. I’m glad to see that you haven’t let me down.”

Oddly enough, Onyx didn’t find such obviously improvised words off, but even thought that their family’s connections would rise a league above now that they had a daughter in the Piano Association.

No doubt he’d be able to leave Anastasia’s grandfather for good.

The label of ‘live-in son-in-law’ had been attached to him for years, and it was about time that it was removed.

Just then, a group of men in suits came in, instantly disrupting the harmonious scene in the hall.

“What is up with the security here?! Why do they keep letting anybody come in?!” ranted the ‘vice president’ as he pulled his phone out to call the person in charge.

“Who’s the vice president of the Piano Association?” the leading man in a suit asked.

The ‘vice president’ froze for a second before going up to him. “That would be me. What can I help you with?”

The next second, the man in a suit presented his police badge to everyone. “Major Investigation Team. You are hereby suspected of using the Piano Association’s name for fraud and gathering. Please follow us to the station.”

With that, the ‘vice president’ was handcuffed.

“All of you will have to come with us and make a statement.” The man in a suit looked toward the White Family and Adelpha’s best friends.

It wasn’t half a minute later that Onyx came to himself. Elise and Alexander were right. This is nothing but a fake association!

At that, he looked angrily at Adelpha and Lyra, his eyes burning ablaze with anger.

However, Lyra didn’t notice his gaze at all and was even grumbling about the cops. Adelpha, on the other hand, immediately shifted her gaze away as soon as she met his.

Clearly, she was in the know.

That night, an unprecedented argument exploded in the White Residence.

“I’ve put so much effort into you and always give you however much money you ask, and this is how you repay me?! How dare you collude with outsiders to trick me?! Do you really take me for a fool?! And you! You’re always either having tea with this woman or doing a manicure with that woman! You’ve

never bothered to ever parent your daughter! Don’t tell me you’re not responsible for how Adelpha has become!”

While Lyra and Adelpha were given a dreadful scolding, Elise sat leisurely aside with her legs crossed, drinking her tea, looking all jovial.

Meanwhile, Adelpha hung her head low. The louder Onyx ranted, the deeper her hatred for Elise was.

She and her best friends had used the fake association trick so many times, and never once had it gone south. But as soon as ‘Anastasia’ showed up, they were eradicated entirely. She must have made a report in secret. No doubt that woman couldn’t stand watching me succeed!

Now that everything had been brought to light, and her best friends’ parents had all been called over to the police station, who knew just how her best friends would reproach her behind her back? Alas, the socialite circle she had managed for so long would undoubtedly go down the drain.

Thinking of that, Adelpha glared daggers at ‘Anastasia’. But Onyx caught her doing so and hit the roof. “You still dare to glare at your sister?! Are you planning on hiding this from me forever if she hadn’t said anything?!”

“No, Poppa. I didn’t know that the vice president was a fake, either! We’ve all been duped! I just wanted to get the certificate so badly that I sought whatever possible means…” Adelpha mumbled aggrievedly.

“Still denying?!” Onyx raised his hand up in the air but couldn’t bring himself to slap his daughter. So he just swung it away exasperatedly. “Spare the rod, spoil the child. It’s my fault for not parenting you right!”

“No, Poppa. You’ve treated me well enough. I’m the one who failed you!” Adelpha tried to salvage her image. “Please give me another chance. I love the piano, and I still want to learn. I will definitely succeed!”

“Forget it.” Onyx waved his hand dismissively. “I’m already not hopeful when you’ve failed the first time, and worst, encountered this episode the second time.”

“Poppa, please don’t give up on me!” Adelpha clung to him while turning to Lyra for help. “Momma, say something!”

“She’s right, dear. Adelpha’s still young. It’s normal that she’d be duped. The piano has always been her dream. Let her continue learning it.” Lyra pleaded, biting the bullet.

“What would a woman like you know?! She’s not pianist material at all. Giving it up now will save us all from further humiliation.”

“No, Poppa, I’m still salvageable. I can definitely succeed if we can get the world-renowned pianist, Maestro Sinclair, to teach me!”

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