Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman

Chapter 440 Listen To Me

Chapter 440 Listen To Me

"Well, no. I pondered about it for a long while. I thought that I might have feelings for her, but then I

realized that she was not worth giving everything up. If I really loved her with all my heart, I would have

definitely reciprocated her will to settle down, but I didn't want to compromise just yet. At that time, I

knew she could only be pleased if I gave her a family. After we broke up, she married someone right

away. Apparently, she was desperate to have her own family at that moment. Then again, I wondered

also why I even started dating her in the first place. And I realized that it may have been empathy that

made me date her. You see, she was an orphan too."

Eyes wide in surprise, Jean couldn't believe what she just heard from Moore. "So, are you saying that

you dated her because you feel sorry for her rather than love her?"

"That could be, yes. Possible! Maybe also the reason why I didn't want to give her a family just yet,"

Moore replied with a bitter smile and added,"And that's why I have to apologize to her when I see her

again. Well, that is, if ever I see her again."

"Moore," Jean gave Moore a serious look and couldn't help but ask,"are you seriously going to tell her

that you didn't love her all those years you had been together?"

Moore nodded and then asked confused,"Why? What's wrong? Don't you think it's the right thing to do?

I believe that honesty is the best policy."

"Well, I just don't think it's right at all. If you tell her that directly, how do you expect her to behave and

feel after knowing the truth about your attitude towards your relationship with each other? Besides, both

of you were in a relationship for three years. Moore, that's already a long time. Are you sure you want

to let her know that you wasted three years on each other just because you empathized with her?

Then, how about her love for you? How do you plan to let her face that fact? That all those years your

relationship was actually just one sided instead of mutual as she thought it was?

Moore, if you really feel guilty about what you did to her, I suggest that you don't tell her the truth. I'm

sure that what both of you had was a beautiful memory for her, like a dream, so please don't ruin it. I'm

sure that she loved you, and don't hurt her again by doing what you plan to do. Moore, it's just not

right." Jean stopped and shook her head at Moore.

"I know she loved me, and I also know that she is still in love with me after all these years. Her best

friend told me that. That's why I want to tell her the truth, so that she will give up the dream and live a

better life with her husband,"

With a bitter smile, Moore explained, trying to make Jean understand his intention.

Jean looked at Moore intently for a while and then asked,"Did she ever look for you?"

"As far as I know of, no, she didn't," Shaking his head, Moore answered honestly.

"Then, I still don't understand. Why do you have to tell her the truth? Regardless whether she loves her

husband or not, for sure, she loved you. It doesn't mean that if a woman has another man buried in her

heart whom she loves very much, she will not live a good life with her husband! Believe me, you have

no idea how much girls like dreaming. They keep dreaming all the time."

Jean looked seriously at Moore.

Jean's last words echoed in Moore's mind for a second.

He was stunned by how Jean placed so much conviction upon her words. He looked up at Jean and

tried to absorb what Jean was trying to say.

Jean noticed how much Moore gave effort to think about this situation. She smiled at him. "If you still

have some feelings for her, then don't ruin her beautiful dream.

You know how cruel it is to destroy one's dream. You of all people should know that. You are also very

fortunate to have been cherished in a girl's heart. Take it as a blessing for it is also her happiness."

"All right. If you put it that way." Moore's throat felt sour as he was touched deeply in his heart by the Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

content of Jean's words.

Relieved, Jean couldn't help but sigh.

Noticing the sigh from Jean, Moore asked,"What's wrong? Do you have someone else in your heart as

well?" He couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of hope rise from the bottom of his heart.

"You have no idea, but I'm not as lucky as you. I only dated one boyfriend before Zed, and he turned

out to be such a complete jerk." Shaking her head, Jean added helplessly,"I sighed only for your ex-

girlfriend. She had loved you so much but disappeared immediately after you broke up with her. I have

to admit that I truly admire her courage and determination to move on, but her pride was too high. If

she doesn't swallow her pride, it will only hurt her when it comes to a relationship."

Moore looked at Jean with admiration all over his face. "Jean, you are such an expert when it comes to

relationships. Tell me, who was it that was so blind to miss you?"

Moore chuckled as he couldn't help but tease Jean.

"You don't know him, and you won't have the chance to meet him. If I were you, I'd just avoid and forget

about him. I really don't want to mention that jerk again." Jean shook her head in disgust as she

refused to recall every memory she had with Ethan.

She suddenly felt the anger rise inside her as she remembered how he and Shirley set her up in the

party, placing her in danger as well.

Then again, Shirley was done for good, but how about Ethan?

She made a mental note that would ask Zed someday to find out Ethan's recent whereabouts.

Moore and Jean changed their topic from the rest of the drive. Finally, the car arrived at the sea and

slowly parked at the parking lot near the beach.

Not so far away, they all took a glance at the emerald sea that sparked at the sunlight. The blue sky

hovered above them as if greeting them with such a perfect day at the beach.

They looked down and saw several people playing on the sand. Some were making sandcastles, while

some lay down to bath under the sun. Others were in the shallow area of the sea, enjoying the comfort

of the salty water.

As if their happiness were contagious, Jean's face immediately lit up and formed a wide smile. She

then turned to Moore, who was smiling as well, and said,"Moore, since you aren't completely recovered

yet, I don't think it is right for us to go into the water. How about we take a stroll along the beach and

take a deep breath of fresh and salty air before I take you to have some seafood?"

"That would be nice." With a pleased smile on his face, Moore nodded, delighted about Jean's idea.

They got out of the car and walked towards the beach. Suddenly, a phone's ringtone broke their

comfortable silence.

It was Jean's phone, and she picked it up to find out that it was Zed. She lifted the corner of her lips in

a bright smile and answered at once,"Hey, Zed."

"Where are you?" Zed asked without greeting her back. Jean noticed the concern and urgency in Zed's


"I brought Moore to the beach. Why? What's wrong?" Jean took a glance at her watch and noticed that

it was too early for Zed to be at home. "Are you looking for me?" She added.

Jean then heard Zed sigh before replying. "You see, Joy is in front of our house, so don't come back

now. Stay there for a while or anywhere else. Just come home later after she's gone!"

Zed warned Jean on the phone.

"Joy?" Displeased, Jean's smile was immediately replaced with a frown. "Shirley will go to jail sooner or

later. I don't understand. Do I have to hide from Joy for the rest of my life?"

"Jean, it's not like that," Zed replied in haste. "I just don't want you to be in any trouble again. You know

Joy. After all that had happened, she suddenly turned insane and honestly, we don't know what she is

capable of doing. For now, it is best to avoid her. Don't worry about her. I'll take care of that. Just spend

more time outside with Moore. I'll call you once it's settled."

"Why should I do that?" Anger rose from Jean at once. "She can wait for me as long as she wants.

Why should I avoid her? I'll just ignore her when I see her, so why should I hide from her?"

"Jean, please," Zed begged with a hint of helplessness in his voice. "Listen to me this time, all right?

Shirley is in the custody of the police now, and nobody can see her by law. That's why Joy wants to talk

to you desperately. Listen to me, okay? I don't want to be angry with you, and most importantly, I don't

want you to get hurt ever again."

Hearing Zed's soothing words, Jean slowly calmed down as she replied, sighing in defeat,"Okay, fine.

I'll listen to you this time, but no more next time. I will definitely not compromise anymore."

Zed sighed in relief and smiled at once. He knew that Jean would still agree with him in the future

despite what she said. Besides, all he decided to do was for her safety and security. He wasn't willing

to make any compromises for that. "Good. It's nice of you to make a compromise. Have fun with

Moore! I'll pick you up later as soon as I finish dealing with Joy."

Jean instantly spoke before Zed could end the call,"You don't have to pick me up. Toby is with us. He

can drive us home. You must be tired from today's work. Zed, honestly, I feel bad knowing that you

have to process everything after all the troubles they have caused. That's supposed to be my

responsibility." With a heavy heart, Jean apologized on the phone.

"What are you talking about, Jean? I'm your husband. It's my duty to solve your problem, so don't

apologize ever again, or I will get angry." Zed pretended to be angry on purpose, acting out with a

frown on his face. Jean couldn't help but smile at this.

"Thank you, Zed. Well then, take care of yourself. May I also remind you to never pity Joy. Just do what

you need to do." Jean reminded him with concern in her voice before she ended the call, looking out

into the horizon.

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