You Can Run But You Can't Hide My Contractual Wife

Chapter 347: Over Her Dead Body

Chapter 347: Over Her Dead Body

It was raining cats and dogs outside.

The wind blew so cold that it witnessed the terrible crying and agony of a mother who was deprived to

be with her child.

She was soaked in the rain.

Tears were non-stopped pouring and though she was screaming at the top of her lungs, no one

seemed to hear her.

She begged for mercy and help but no one wanted to show her mercy.

Obviously, no one dared to show her mercy because no one wanted to offend Bill Sky.

“Bill… Please! Adam! My son! Anyone… please open the gate!” She was screaming like she was

losing her sanity.

The rain didn’t stop and it seemed it had no plan to stop.

She was holding the steel bar while she was shaking it.

She used all her strength to shake it and her shouting was very loud but there’s no soul went out to

help her.

She was so devastated but she had no plan to give up until he ran out of voice.

She tried to shout again but she could not hear her own voice.

It was just the sound of the rain reverberating in the surrounding.

Still holding the steel bars, she plummeted to the hard wet ground and cried her heart out.

Whatever happened, she would not leave this gate.

As for her, Bill might bring Adam somewhere and she would not see her son ever again.

She hated the carelessness she did.

Because of her plan, she was driven away by Bill Sky.

Now, she realized that she was mistaken.

She underestimated Bill Sky.

This explained why there were no servants around in the mansion earlier.

When they got out, it was very clear which was very unusual.

Even outside, there were no butlers who were always on standby.

Well… she anticipated that maybe they were out of duty because they didn’t have a boss to wait as Bill

was flying out of the country but she was wrong.

She was very wrong.

Bill had planned everything.

Drive with her excitement and hopes to escape, she overlooked some things.

She even forgot that she was inside Bill Sky’s mansion and she forgot that she was escaping from Bill


The merciless king of all monsters.

Arabella trembled inside feeling her wet body and the cold wind was also merciless to her.

She wanted to move but her body was too heavy.

She wanted to stand and beg again.

Maybe… just maybe… one of the servants would hear her or even if it was impossible, maybe Bill

would show her a little mercy.

Thinking about the chances she missed, her heart was shattered into pieces.

When Bill offered her to be Adam’s mom and his woman, she should have accepted it even if her heart

protested his offer. NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

She should have accepted his offer so that she was still in Adam’s bed tonight hugging her son to


His tender warmth, the fresh scent of her son, she could still feel and smell it.

Her tears were flowing like a river that had no sign of stopping.

She already missed her son so much.

What made her so scared was not seeing her son again.

Not to be able to hug him again and smell him again.

She was shaking the gate again but her strength didn’t affect the humongous steel gate.

Arabella was so helpless, all she knew at this time,

she won’t give up as long as she was breathing.

She refused to stop breathing.

She felt very weak and she shivered tremendously on the ground. She was heaving deep as she was

afraid to even breathing was already difficult for her to do.

She had to be strong for Adam.

She would breathe and she would fight her misfortune tonight for Adam’s sake.

She would fight against her frail body and unsteady breathing to see Adam again.

She could not let Bill bring Adam somewhere.

She would block the gate with her body not to let them pass.

Bill could bring Adam over her dead body.

The darkness eloped with the rain and the new start of the day came.

The sun came to brighten the wet surrounding caused by the unyielding rain.

It seemed to wash all the misery of the world and gave a fresh new start but that was not applicable to

the woman who was sitting on the wet hard ground while her back was leaning on the steel huge gate.

She was drenched and a mess.

Her clothes were wet and dirty.

Her long-wet hair was covering half of her face.

Her eyes were closed but her frail body was trembling enormously.

“Adam… my son… Bill don’t take my son away.” Tears slipped from the corners of her closed eyes.

One looked, she seemed to have delirium.

Just when the steels clank to each other sound was heard. Arabella’s eyes slowly opened.

It seemed her mind was still sharp and functioning but her body was not able to move quickly.

Then the next sound she heard was the sound of a car approaching.

She instantly felt nervous.

This was her greatest nightmare and it was going to happen now.

Her instinct was to move and stop the car but her frail body won’t allow her.

It stayed rooted on the ground though she was already using her strength.

Guess at this point, her strength wasn’t enough.

She could not let them go.

She could not let Bill take Adam away from her again.

She was the mother of Adam and she had the right to be with him and take care of him.

She was the only one who could give him the right love he needed and would guide him as he grows.

“Beeeepppp!” It was a long horn sound as the car was put to an abrupt stop creating a loud screech.

Arabella crawled and dragged her weak body to stop the car.

She was already desperate.

If they were going to leave her, she might as well die.

If she could not see Adam again, what was her purpose to live?

She was very helpless but she refused to surrender.

She was hoping that Adam would see her and would go out of the car.

She knew her son.

Adam loved her so much and he would not let anyone bully her.

Adam would surely protect her.

Though she didn’t want to brainwash her son at this time, she just wished that Adam would go down of

the car and go with her wherever she could go holding her hand.

He would no longer want to stay with his dad.

With that, she would not need to explain everything to Adam.

Realizing her thoughts, it was all merely impossible.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Jones, but you have to get away from there.” Suddenly a man sounded and he quickly

picked her up from the ground.

Her vision was blurred already but she knew the voice was that of the guard last night.

She struggled but it appeared that she was just moving a bit.

Her weak trembling body was nothing compared to the strength of a man.

The guard was shocked by Arabella’s high temperature.

He felt her skin burning when he touched her.

He felt like he burnt his hands.

When he successfully dragged Arabella to the side, the black luxurious car passed in front of them.

“No!Please!” She was screaming but there was no sound.

She struggled so hard but she could not escape from the man’s tight grip.

“No! Please! That’s my son! Bill is going to take my son!” Her tears were also screaming but no one

heard her.

Her voice had already given up last night.

Even her body but still she refused to give up her only chance to stop Bill from taking Adam away from


The guard saw Arabella’s pitiful situation.

He suddenly felt sympathy on her part as she was good for him ever since she arrived in the mansion

but he could not afford to offend his boss.

Somehow, he gave her a chance.

Without any word, he released Arabella.

Arabella quickly ran as fast as she can chasing the car.

“Bill! Adam! Adam! My son… do not leave mom! Adam!” Her trembling body was non-stopped but she

continued running to chase the car until it slowly faded from her sight.

She was shoved to the ground with instant bruises on her knees.

Blood gushing but she could not feel the pain from it not even her weak trembling body.

The only pain she felt was in her heart.

It shattered into pieces.

The most pain she didn’t want to feel ever again.

Then her breathing became hard until she lay on the wet hard ground.

She could still the blue sky blended with the white clouds.

Though her vision was blurred she was sure all up was clear.

Her life was miserable.

Very miserable unlike the clear sky.

How she wished her life was as clear as the sky but that was very impossible.

Slowly her eyes closed and her breathing stopped.

Inside the car, Bill got a report from his driver. “Sir, Ms. Arabella Jones, collapsed.”

Bill was silent at the back of the car.

The driver was waiting for his orders.

He continued driving as he didn’t order him to stop until he realized that his boss had no plan to check

on Ms. Jones.

Arabella slowly opened her eyes.

At first, she could only see light but it made her feel dizzy.

It seemed there was something in her head that triggered pain because of her blurry vision until it

slowly got cleared.

The white wall greeted her eyes.

With a heavy head, she tried to remember why she was there.

Then the night she was soaked with rain suddenly flashed across her mind.

The last thing she remembered was she could not breathe on the ground until she lost all her senses.

She remembered that part clearly… then… she was back to why she was there outside the gate.

The answer immediately followed as she quickly sat up moving her frail body. “Adam!” She muttered in

the air worriedly.

She needed to go back to Bill’s mansion.

She should not be out there at the gate.

Her memory was chaotic.

She knew a car passed in front of her before she collapsed.

Her heart was shaking terribly.

She felt very nervous. She was in a hurry as she pulled out all the needles on her body.

Her vision was spinning around.

She clenched her fists to stabilize herself but it didn’t work.

She refused that her body would hinder her to see Adam.

She moved grasping everything inside the room.

She walked in a zigzag as she hit the wall.

Tracing the door with her blurry vision.

She could feel the cold ground on her barefoot.

The hard wall on her back but the heaviness in her head was so unbearable.

Everything was spinning and her body was cold and trembling until she suddenly lost her

consciousness again.

Her weak body was shoved to the floor.

“Who is she? Why does she want to escape so badly? With her condition now, that’s impossible.”

Arabella could hear the voices around her but her body wasn’t cooperating. She could not move even

an inch. She was fragile.

“I don’t know. Someone just dropped her in the hospital. I think it was 5 days ago already.” She heard

another voice.

5 days ago…

Hearing this, she panicked.

So, she was sleeping in the hospital for 5 days.

“Adam.” She muttered silently.

Her heart was clenched so hard. Why she could not move? She wanted to move. She had to move.

Why can’t she?

Tears were coming out from the corner of her eyes.

“Shhh… I think she heard us. Let’s go.” The other voice said.

“What a poor girl. Since day 5 no one visited this room. Let’s go.” The other voice replied back.

Then she heard the door was closed.

Arabella could still feel her heart was so broken.

She wished that her heart would not also feel anything like her body.

She wanted to give up already as the pain in her heart was just too overwhelming.

The future was unknown but Arabella seemed not to find any future anymore.

Without Adam, she had no purpose to live with all the pain in the world.

Without Adam, fighting was not worth it for her anymore.

"Boss, it is confirmed. I found Arabella Jones. She was unconscious in H hospital. I'm here now

watching her." Arabella could hear another voice of a man.

"What do you want me to do to her?" He added. If she was not mistaken, this man was alone in her

room and she was talking to someone over the phone.

She wondered who this man was talking to.

Is he talking to Bill Sky?

Somehow, she didn't know what to feel.

She wanted to ask this guy where was Bill but she could not move nor open her eyes.

Her body was numb all over.

"Yes. Copy... Consider it done Senator." The man's last word made her panic.

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