You Can Run But You Can't Hide My Contractual Wife

Chapter 340 : Confession And Relationship

Chapter 340 : Confession And Relationship

When she thought that she would get hurt so badly, it didn’t happen.

Arabella landed on a hard-muscled chest.

Bill had caught her just right on time.

When she slowly opened her eyes, she was already inside Bill’s embrace.

She was stunned for a while.

Their eyes met then she quickly recovered her senses realizing the main purpose of why they had to

go down into a pit.

Adam… her son…

Arabella quickly jumped out from Bill and strode to Adam who was still in the same position.

His face was facing the ground while his back was heaving heavily up and down repeatedly.

Obviously, Adam didn’t want anyone to see him cry.

Seeing her son’s sorrowful situation, Arabella felt her heart shattered into pieces as she slowly walked

toward the little boy, and then she knelt.

With her delicate fingers, she touched Adam’s hair gently.

“Baby, honey, mommy is here.” She whispered as her eyes were becoming moist and any time soon

her tears would flood.

Adam didn’t move but she knew he heard her clearly.

Bill was just standing behind them seeing Arabella and Adam.

He seemed to let Arabella handle the thing for now and he seemed to know that his temper was not

suitable to handle his son for the moment.

“Baby, Adam… Can we go home now? Are you hurt? Please tell me something.” Arabella’s tone was

very worried.

At this time, she didn’t know what to do.

She didn’t know how to pacify her son as she felt guilty for what happened to him.

She would never imagine that this would happen to Adam as her boy was always a jolly one.

When it comes to serious matters, he was always a mature thinker.

He thought like an adult.

Now, her boy was very down.

He seemed very disappointed to them.

How could she explain everything to Adam?

How could she explain without hurting him?

All she wanted to do was to take all Adam’s worries away but it seemed easier to be said than done.

“Mommy, I’m hurt so bad.” Finally, Adam muttered which made her snap back to her senses.

“Where, baby? Can you stand up, please?” Hearing Adam, Arabella panicked.

This time, Adam moved slowly.

He sat on the ground.

Seeing her little boy clearly, Arabella’s eyes widened.

The boy’s knees were bleeding.

Adam’s chubby cheeks were crimson while his eyes were full of tears.

She wanted to pick up her son and hugged him so badly but Adam’s expression was so distant.

He looked like his father.

His eyes were cold.

He was angry.

Undoubtedly, he was angry with them. He was angry with his parents.

"Here, mommy. It hurt so much." Tears dripped down Adam's eyes while he pointed to his left chest.

He was pointing his hurt so innocently.

“Baby… I’m sorry. You are hurt because of mommy.” Arabella could not help but cry.

For her, Adam should not experience this kind of pain at a very young age.

She felt like an uncompetitive mom.

She blamed herself for agreeing with Bill’s scheme.

She should have protested what he said that night.

How could she let him trick her son? And she was involved in the crime.

“Adam, whatever you feel right now, let’s talk about it at home.” Bill came in and sounded strict.

Arabella got so annoyed by his tone.

She looked at Bill with her killer eyes.

What could she expect from the mighty Bill Sky?

He was always domineering but somehow, she hoped that he would consider his son’s feelings at the


Adam obviously wanted someone to sympathize with him not someone who would nag or scold him.

Arabella started to feel devastated about the father and son’s relationship and how Bill handled Adam’s


“Baby, can you stand up?” Arabella lovingly said.

She wanted to touch Adam but Adam raised his hand to stop her. “I can manage, mom.” Adam

sounded cold.

Arabella felt hurt by Adam’s action but she managed to understand.

She knew she had to be tough and should not break down.

Adam needed her.

With her instinct, she quickly hugged her son even if he didn't want to.

When Adam felt his mom, he cried loudly.

Moms have truly had magic.

It was the very first time she saw and heard her son's crying.

Her heart was clenched very hard as she stroked his back and tapped his shoulder gently.

“Mommy is here baby. Whatever you feel right now, this will all pass.” With a very loving tone, Arabella

whispered sincerely while lovingly kissing Adam’s forehead.

Adam hugged her tightly. “I’m sorry, mom. I made you worried again.” Adam’s voice was sincere and


“Shhh… I understand. I understand your pain. I understand your disappointment.” She caressed

Adam’s back gently.

“There you all!” Then suddenly, a man above the ground sounded.

“Bill, Arabella, Adam, are you all okay?” Next, Ginger’s voice was heard.

“Yes… we are.” Arabella had to answer them because Bill seemed to have no plan to answer.

The torches were lit around.

The men on the farm gathered around to help them get out of the pit.

Victor put down a rope knotted by portions to the ground. He anchored it on a humongous tree.

Adam was first and he got out successfully.

Arabella and Bill were left.

When Arabella was about to climb in the ladder, Bill suddenly grabbed her and pushed her to the side.

She panicked a lot.

Her mind was getting into mess.

Is Bill planning to leave her in the pit?

Rolling her eyes, she went back to climb but Bill quickly cut the rope.

She didn’t even notice how Bill got a big gardener scissor.

Maybe it was all along inside the horse’s side bag.

“Bill what are you doing? Are you insane?” Arabella shouted angrily.

She could not help to stay calm with her companion’s crazy mind.

“Hey! What happened there? Are you guys okay there? ” Victor's voice echoed.

They were all shocked when the rope was cut.

“Bill? Are you okay?” Ginger asked worriedly.

“You can all go home,” Bill ordered which made everyone dumbfounded.

“Bi…” Ginger wanted to say something.

She wanted to confirm if they heard it right but she didn’t finish her sentence.

“We have a very important to discuss. Leave us… Leave me and my wife.” Bill ordered strictly.

Hearing Bill’s last word, Victor, Ginger, and the other men were surprised.

They were stunned for a while but then, “Okay, you heard it all. Let’s come back now.” Victor was the

one who first recovered his senses.

As a man, what he heard coming from a man should be honored.

At first, he already knew that Bill and Arabella had something.

That was why he teased Bill upon hearing from Ginger that Arabella was just his servant.

A man could indeed read another man who had affection for any girl.

Bill was not an exception.

Victor could sense Bill’s stare at Arabella during their dinner and how he was willing to risk his life just

to save Arabella in the forest.

It was just... Bill didn’t realize how much he loved Arabella.

“No… No! I want to come up! Please help me!” Arabella shouted for help but it was too late.

They all left and it seemed they heard her but they opted not to come back.

“What’s wrong with you!” She roared like she wanted to hurt him so badly.

This man was so irresponsible and pathetic.

All the worst she could think of was the great definition of this man.

Why he had cut the rope?

What if suddenly snakes would come out from everywhere?

How could he put their lives in danger?

What about Adam?

He would instantly become a parentless kid.

All she wanted was to hug Adam the whole night to pacify his son but Bill Sky was too inconsiderate

and self-centered brat to make themselves trapped inside the pit.


What are they going to discuss now that is not a scam?

Clenching her fists, she was ready to fight him.

She was pissed off. Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

Really pissed that he wanted to punch him in the face.

Bill got the only lamp they had.

He put it in the center.

“Sit!” He ordered strictly.

He sounded very impatient like it was a threat to her and was very dangerous when delayed.

“No! You have to tell me now why you have to cut the rope. I don’t want to be with you! My son needed

me now! Don’t you understand that?” She bombarded him with her annoyance. “Oh! Sorry, I forgot.

Why I am even asking this to you?” She smirked mockingly before she continued,” I forgot… you don’t

have a heart! That’s why you can’t feel the situation. You can’t feel Adam…you can’t feel your son.”

She was mocking him and she didn’t care for him at all. She was just telling the truth.

Bill strode forward to her.

Getting closer… and closer…

Then he got the rope on the ground.

His handsome face was deadly.

His expression was dangerous.

Arabella sobered as she trembled in fright.

She gritted her teeth to gather her courage and not break down.

“Trust me, what’s good for you now is to follow me or else…” Bill rolled the rope on his palm

deliberately showing her what he was doing.

His eyes were sharp and pierced into hers.

In the night, inside a deep pit with a psycho companion, she felt a creep.

The tiny hair on her skin began to raise.

She could feel her knees had softened.

It was a disaster if she would just stumble and fall.

“Oh, okay… I’m going to sit now!” She exclaimed then quickly sat on the rock protesting.

Bill sat on the opposite side.

His eyes were intimidating and she avoided hard to not meet his eyes.

“We need to talk.” Bill sounded very serious.

Arabella looked at Bill Sky.

Her eyes were furious.

The gentle Arabella wasn’t there.

“What about?” As for her, they made a lot of talking earlier but nothing had changed.

Bill was her oppressor and she was always left with no choice.

It just seemed not right.

There was never been a switch to their position like she was the oppressor of him.

So, for her, what was the purpose of talking when everything was going to be all his advantage?

“What happened to Adam was because of us.” Bill sounded but suddenly cut.

“I know. And it’s all because of you.” Arabella could not help herself but blame him.

It was he who trick his son.

Her mistake was that she agreed to it.

“You! Listen to me first. That’s always been your problem. You don’t know how to listen!” Bill scolded

her. “Another one word and I will leave you here.” He added threatening her.

She panicked.

Even though she was tough, she could not imagine what she was going to do if Bill would leave her.

How could she climb up?

Indeed, Bill could do it as he was always heartless.

Pacifying her mind, she tried her best to gather her composure.

She put herself muted not to provoke Bill.

A moment of silence passed.

“I already made a confession to you. What’s your decision?” Bill asked seriously. The sharpest of his

eyes lessened a bit.

“I have no time to wait for you. As you can see, Adam is greatly affected by our relationship. You have

to grow up Arabella. You can go around, anywhere but not with my son. He is the future of Sky

Corporation. You should remember that.” Bill was talking like he was in a meeting.

Very formal and his voice was no room for negotiation.

“May I know our relationship, Mr. Sky?” Arabella was asking but more on mocking him.

It was just so funny for her to hear such a word.

Curiously, she didn’t even know what was Bill talking about.


Definitely not a friend!

Not a lover!

Not a wife!

Not even relatives or siblings.

Then what are they?

An oppressor and a servant.

A king and an enslaved person.

A torturer and a woman who was bullied.

“Let’s not make it hard. We are going to get married again. You are going to be my woman whether you

like it or not if you want to stay with Adam. Your marriage with me would give your son an official family.

With that, he would not feel deprived of having one.” Bill was a straight thinker. That was his view about

Adam’s situation earlier and he already had an ironed solution.

It’s for Arabella to decide.

To stay or not to leave.

“Bill, that was so unfair! We got married before but we ended up tragic. And what the heck are you

telling me that Adam is the future of your company when you wanted him aborted in the first place?”

Though she wanted to keep her mouth shut, she could not just stay that way with this pathetic man.

“What did you say? I didn’t ask you to abort him.” Bill answered deeply frowning.

“Huh! You didn’t? Then who texted me to abort Adam?” She hissed irritatingly. “Who just watch us

being beaten on the dance floor? I pleaded for you to help me but you didn’t care. You are there having

a good time with your Trishia Meyer, right?”

This time, her tone was disheartened.

Who could not forget him and Trishia’s kissing scene that night in the bar where Winston kicked her on

the ground repeatedly?

The pain she felt that night suddenly flashed in her mind.

She was dying at that time but she refused for her son to be saved.

She knelt on the ground but more people laughed at her and made her the clown of the rich people

around her.

The pain was still very fresh in her even though it happened a long time ago.

She felt her tears were going to flood sooner but she held herself not to cry in front of him.

For her, he didn’t deserve her tears anymore.

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