You Can Run But You Can't Hide My Contractual Wife

Chapter 253 : Best Plan

Chapter 253 : Best Plan

At the beach, Arabella sat on the beach chair.

She saw how happy Eric, Ivan, and Rosy were playing.

Arabella was also happy for them.

She could see how Rosy stared at Eric lovingly and Arabella was satisfied with it.

She knew her brother Eric and Ivan would have someone if ever she would leave them in the future.

Ivan needed a mom and there’s no doubt that Rosy could be one due to her strong affection for Eric.

For sure, her brother would also be happy with Rosy.

As for now, he could not see it but in the future, Arabella had no doubt that the three would make a

happy family.

“Watch out!” Eric roared catching the ball.

“Oh, sorry. I’m very sorry.” Rosy cried out rushing in Arabella's and Eric’s direction.

“Let’s stop this nonsense game now.” With controlled anger, Eric ordered.

If he would be too late to catch the ball something terrible would surely happen to Arabella.

“Come on! I’m fine!” Arabella quickly stood up and raised her hands in the air assuring everyone that

she was okay but Eric got no interest to finish the game anymore.

He held Arabella’s hand and put her on the safest chair in front of the dining table.

He got the fruit cocktail and a watermelon cold shake for her then he put it on the table in front of


“You have to eat now.” Eric sweetly muttered feeding her with the mango sliced on his fork.

Arabella looked at everyone who was also looking at them then she felt awkward. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

“Brother, too sweet. People here are looking at us.” She tilted her head towards Eric and whispered.

“So? Do you want me to make them all go away?” His tone was serious but Arabella could not help but


So, just to give a face to Eric, she ate the sliced mango on his fork.

“Good girl.” Eric stroked her smooth long hair. He seemed to like it a lot but when Arabella saw Rosy

looking at them attentively, she felt she had to distance herself from Eric.

“Ouch!” Suddenly, Rosy’s voice was heard. Her voice was in pain.

Ivan pitched the ball towards Rosy but since she was not paying attention, the ball directly hit on her


“Oopsie! Sorry.” Ivan muttered raising his two hands in the air.

“Ivan?” Seeing Rosy hurt, Eric quickly stormed towards her. “Are you okay?” Eric asked Rosy worriedly.

Rosy nodded but her expression was showing the opposite.

“I’m sorry Ivan is sometimes so naughty. Kids…” Eric had to explain while she dragged Rosy to sit

beside Arabella.

“Does it hurt?” Seeing Rosy was touching a part of her head, Eric instantly blew it to give relief to her


Eric’s action was seen by everyone.

Arabella just smiled.

Rosy was so contented with the care he had given her in front of everyone, especially in front of his


“You want me to put some ice on it?” Eric muttered.

“No. No need.” Rosy refuted. She just wanted him to continue blowing her head. It gave her the most

relief she needed lately.

‘Oh, brother, you just don’t know how much Rosy loves you and you love Rosy too.’ Arabella thought


When Eric saw Arabella with a teasing smile on her face, he quickly transferred to her side.

Obviously, he didn’t want to give Arabella something to think of.

Rosy looked at the sweet couple.

She had so many opportunities to get rid of Arabella in their life but she had a different plan.

She had so many opportunities that she could push Arabella up the stair or poison her with her cooking

but she had the best plan.

When it was already going night, everyone gathered around the bone fire. Ivan was making his

marshmallows grilled on fire.

Arabella missed Adam seeing Ivan having fun with his marshmallows.

“Mommy, here.” Ivan offered her a stack of marshmallows.

Arabella got it and smiled at Ivan sweetly.

The little boy seemed to sense her loneliness towards Adam.

“Mommy, don’t worry, brother Adam would return soon,” Ivan muttered trying to appease her.

Hearing the little boy, Arabella could not help to hug Ivan.

“I love you, Ivan,” Arabella sweetly muttered hugging the boy who was also contented and happy with

her sweet action.

“But what about me? Where's my marshmallows?” Rosy butted in.

She was looking at Ivan and Arabella for a long time.

She didn’t like what she saw. Ivan was not the type of boy who let someone enter his life, especially

after his parents died.

Rosy even had a very hard time getting close to him.

Even now, he was still aloof to her even if she showed all her concern to him.

Ivan looked at Rosy. He seemed not to hear her.

“Ivan, Aunt Rosy is asking for marshmallows. Can you be kind enough to give her too?” Arabella saw

Ivan’s aloofness towards Rosy.

Arabella winked ant Rosy.

“Here.” Ivan quickly gave Rosy a stick of marshmallows with a smirk.

“Thank you, buddy.” Rosy was very happy when Ivan complied but she knew if it was not because of

Arabella, he would just snob her presence.

“I’m not your buddy.” Ivan blurted in the air rotating his eyes cutely then went back to what he was


Arabella pitied Rosy as her eyes had gloominess with Ivan’s treatment of her.

“How did you get Ivan’s heart?” Rosy asked Arabella. Her expression was very curious to know.

Arabella smiled. “Just show him that you really care about him,” Arabella answered. “Show him your

true self. The boy is loving and sweet. Just give him time to know you more and surely, he would come

to you and call you mommy too.” Arabella felt she had to give the advice to help Rosy.

She had to get Ivan first before Eric would realize that Rosy would complete their life.

Eric came and joined them.

He was holding a guitar.

Eric was very handsome and charismatic.

The night was calm with his cool vibe.

With his guitar, he sat beside Arabella.

His eyes were pierced to hers then he hugged his guitar.

“This is for you.” He winked at Arabella and then he started playing his guitar. Then his good singing

voice was heard along with the guitar's melody.

Rosy looked at Eric remembering how they were before.

Aside from being a good businessman, he was also a musician. He had a good voice.

He sang on every special occasion.

He sang when he was sad. He also sang when she was down.

He sang when he was happy and at every performance, she was there to listen.

She was the listener and his number one fan.

It was just so sad that tonight, he was singing for someone. He was singing for Arabella Jones.

Holding back her tears, Rosy put on a fake happy smile.

Eric was with someone.

He had already someone special in his heart now and she was still no one.

Only a best friend. Only the best business partner.

Eric’s good voice complemented the sweetness of the night.

Arabella felt her heart was calm.

She couldn’t believe that Eric wasn’t just an outstanding musician but also a very good singer.

Then she remembered him playing the piano in the lobby of the hotel.

They were strangers back then but she never felt uneasy or doubtful towards him because maybe he

was a very charming person.

Not only does he have a good-looking face but also the way he talks and how he treated people around

him. He was kind and knew how to handle people.

In the lobby, Eric’s piece quickly captured her heart.

After that, she had a chance to play with him on the stage. Arabella smiled remembering how they met


Eric saved her from the old pervert billionaires at the charity auction.

Not only that, Eric helped her a lot. They were like soulmates even without knowing each other back


After Eric finished his song, they all gave him a big round of applause.

“Arabella, can we talk alone?” Eric tilted his head towards her and whispered.

Arabella sneaked at Rosy first who is now looking at the bonfire. Then she nodded to Eric as he was

already holding her hand.

The couple’s intimacy didn’t miss Rosy’s sight.

Eric and Arabella left the bonfire and walked on the sand holding hands.

The scene was tearing her heart piece by piece.

Her eyes got moist as she could not bear to continue seeing them.

Her breathing was badly affected too.

Eric and Arabella went away from the others.

Eric wanted to kidnap Arabella and be alone with her.

Alone time with each other and also, he wanted something from her.

“Hmmm…” Eric was very eager to know her answer to his confession but for the first time in his life, he

didn’t know how to start.

He heaved a deep sigh. Arabella was so silent and he didn’t want her to put pressure but he couldn’t

just wait anymore. His emotion was surging up every day.

“Arabella?” Eric called her name. Then he interlocked his fingers with her.

“Brother?” Arabella answered. Her voice was plain but questioning.

“Hmmm…” Eric heaved a deep sigh and he stopped walking. Arabella stopped walking too.

“Can you not call me brother anymore?” He chuckled along with his nervousness.

Arabella chuckled too. “Okay, brother,” She answered with a soft laugh. How could she stop calling him

brother? She was already used to calling him, brother. It was already part of her system but he was

right. It was awkward to call him brother when he was already courting her.

“Please be serious.” He said with still a smile.

“Okay. No more brother.” She swore.

“Then maybe you can call me honey?” Eric asked jokingly at first. Then his voice became serious. “May

I already know your answer?” He had given him so much time. The intention was not to put her under

pressure and awkwardness but tonight, Eric felt he had to make a follow-up.

Maybe just maybe Arabella had decided to give him a chance.

“Brother… Hmmm… Eric,” She uttered and corrected herself. “How do you feel about Rosy?” Arabella

asked seriously.

“Rosy? As I told you, she was just my business partner and my best buddy.” Eric explained worriedly.

“Wait, are you jealous of her? Please tell me. I will ask her to go back to her home.” Eric added with a

more worried expression.

Admittedly, he didn’t consider Arabella’s feelings when he asked Rosy to live with them.

Maybe women didn’t like another woman’s presence in one house. He was not sure but that was the

only reason he could think of.

“No, no. I am not jealous. It’s not what you are thinking.” Arabella quickly refuted. She was telling


“Then why, please tell me. Do you feel disappointed with her because of what happened earlier? I want

to say sorry on her behalf. Please forgive her. I know it was not her intention…” Eric defended Rosy but

Arabella cut him.

“Eric, Rosy loves you,” Arabella said directly. “She loves you very much.” She added trying to make

Eric understand the real situation between them.

“I know she loves me. As a friend, Arabella. Just like that. I love her too but as my friend please don’t

think of anything about us.” Trying hard to clear her thoughts, Eric explained sincerely.

“I am a woman and I can see she loves you not just as a friend but as a man she loves. Please don’t

be blinded brother. You and Rosy, I think you guys love each other very much. You don’t need me

brother, please see the love of Rosy before it was too late.” Arabella squeezed Eric’s hand.

For her, Eric was forever her brother and she would be very happy if he would find someone who could

love him wholeheartedly.

“Please stop. Arabella, listen to me. I don’t love Rosy as a woman I wanted to live for the rest of my life.

I love you. Only you…” His eyes were sincere talking to her soul.

The air seemed to freeze.

“Why, bro... Eric?” She met his sincere eyes. She was seeking something and wanted to understand

Eric’s feelings for her.

“Because you are the missing piece of the puzzle in my life. Without you, my life would not be

complete.” Eric answered looking at her.

In Eric’s eyes, she saw that thing she was seeking.

His soul who was loving her very much.

Her heart jolted with his sincere words.

Slowly, Eric’s head moved closer to her. Arabella stayed rooted on her spot as she closed her eyes.

After a while, Eric’s lips landed on hers.

After the beach getaway, they went back to Eric’s mansion.

Then, the doorbell rang.

“What is it?” On the screen, Mr. Cain asked the man outside.

“I am the manager of Baby’s Needs Unlimited. We are here to deliver all the orders made yesterday to

this address.”

Mr. Cain froze seeing three huge trucks behind the man. Who ordered when they were all on the beach


“Who is the sender?” Mr. Cain asked puzzled.

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