You Can Run But You Can't Hide My Contractual Wife

Chapter 183: She Is Mine

Chapter 183: She Is Mine

Bill's announcement was like a bomb that exploded to everyone. Bill was too private in their circle.

They were used him seeing different partners in their annual gathering so nobody thought he had a


Bill Sky's wife?

Who is she?


The hooker?

In the billionaires' club, only Bill and Eric were known as bachelors.

With a confused expression, she stayed rooted on her spot as her mind went blank.

"Mr. Sky, I never offended your wife." With bleeding and a broken nose, Mr. Clinton defended himself

as he felt mistakenly accused by Bill. "Couldn't be Lala?" Mr. Clinton's gaze switched to the woman on

Bill's side. "Hahaha! Come on, my friend, as noble as you are, I didn't know that your type is just a

hooker!" Mr. Clinton couldn't help to laugh while talking. Struggling to stand steadily while holding his

broken nose, "Since I already know your type, I can actually offer you many women a lot better with

Lala. Hahaha…How's that, my friend?" Mr. Clinton chuckled trying to negotiate things with Bill through


"Take him away." Instead of responding, Bill sternly ordered the policemen.

"Mr. Sky! You can't do this to me! All of you, you can't do this to me!" Mr. Clinton shouted while he was

dragged out by the policemen in his event.

Bill simply smirked at him then he calmly strode towards Arabella. All eyes suddenly landed on

Arabella. With a restless heartbeat, Arabella panicked seeing Bill striding closer to her.

What is he up to this time? She was always nervous about all his tricks.

She didn't know why she felt more uneasy tonight. Bill smirked at her then his gaze swept across Eric

Grant whose eyes were fixated on Arabella.

Bill smiled provokingly.

"What are you doing?" Arabella whispered feeling not stabilized with all the eyes scrutinizing her.

Instead of answering, Bill suddenly held her soft hand which appeased every speculation in the room

including Eric. Bill then leaned over and kissed her hand in a gentlemanly manner.

Arabella was stunned by his action. Blushing, she wanted to snatch her hand back but Bill strongly

gripped it not planning to let her go.

Eric was observing the scene. He never thought that the only girl who caught his interest was Bill's


'Is he playing a trick in front of everyone?'

Eric couldn't help to wonder as Bill was known for his no commitment reputation for women.

Annually, Bill attended the event with different partners. None of them were brought twice at the same


Eric was a bit disappointed knowing the relationship of the star of the night and Bill Sky but judging

from the girl's expression, she was uneasy about the situation. Eric got a bit of chance of hope in him.

He was not sure for a moment what was into him but he knew there’s something he wanted more.

From the first time he saw her, he felt something unusual inside him. He found it hard to resist her

charm. As a self-made billionaire and a handsome young man, he was used to being surrounded by

pretty women but the girl tonight was different. He could see her uneasy nervous and worried at the

same time but she tried her best to breathe and stood up steady. Eric's breathing was erratic as she

looked at the girl. For an unexplainable reason, he wanted to protect her.

“Gentlemen,” Still holding Arabella’s hand, Bill sounded calling everyone’s attention. “I formally

introduce to you my beloved wife, Arabella Sky,” Bill looked in Eric's direction. Eric was seriously

looking at them. Bill smirked and smiled provokingly.

On the other hand, Everyone was satisfied with Bill’s announcement. No one could slap the mighty Bill

Sky just like that. It seemed his wife could only do it.

Arabella was still rooted on her spot. She didn’t plan to move at all as she felt cold but her cheeks were

hot. She put up a fake smile to everyone as she didn’t want to make another scene. All she wanted to

do was to go back to Adam and hug her son.

“Congratulations!” Mr. Moore, the oldest billionaire in the group strode towards them and shook Bill’s


“Thank you,” Bill answered calmly.

Everyone congratulated them then after, they heard chimed of the glasses. Arabella’s smile froze. With

a handsomely teasing expression, Bill looked at her. Arabella’s eyes were stopping him as he leaned

forward to comply with what the crowd wanted.

A couple’s kiss.

Arabella scoffed at him wearing a pale smile. Bill’s face was getting closer and closer. Arabella wanted

to dodge but Bill’s grip on her hand was so domineering. Her lips shivered fading her smile away

realizing her lips were already invaded by his. He gently moved and bit her lower lip then leaned

forward to her ear.

“I want more of you,” Bill whispered with a teasing tone.

“Pervert!” Arabella couldn’t help to utter in the air.

Bill squeezed her hand. “I want you under me,” Bill whispered again amidst the loud applause and

cheering of the crowd. Arabella couldn’t look at them as she was destructed by the man beside her.

“I want to be inside you right now,” Bill whispered again. His voice was lustful and she could feel his

warm breath touching her neck. It made her goosebumps.

“Pervert!” With annoyance, she muttered.

“Don’t you miss me?” Bill asked whispering beside her while they were in front of the crowd.

“No. Never. In your dream, Mr. Sky.” She answered quickly with a mocking smile. How could this man

had always gotten to her nerves? He had fun with his Lala in his plane and different ladies in the room

and now he was telling these words to her? How many lips does he want to taste? How many ladies

does he want to be under him? How many women does he want to f*ck? Arabella heaved a deep sigh

calming herself or else she might not able to control herself and slapped him again.

“Are you sure?” At this time, Bill’s lips brushed her earlobe with a ticklish effect giving her so many

sensations. She instantly blushed.

“Congratulations!” Suddenly, someone sounded in front of them. Eric was giving his hand to Arabella

but Bill was quick to shake it.

“Thank you.” Bill quickly answered. Arabella looked at Eric. He was also handsome with a sexy tall

figure but unlike Bill, he had a light mysterious temperament. He was not intimidating and cold. His

eyes were mirroring his emotions.

Eric smiled but his eyes were with Arabella. “Mr. Grant, do you like my wife that much?” Bill couldn’t

help the annoyance that was surging up inside him.

“I didn’t know that you are a jealous man, Mr. Sky., and yeah! I… I like her.” Without hesitation, Eric

answered giving Arabella a serious look. With Eric’s answer, Arabella could feel an intense tension

between the two men. Her heart palpitated without any plan of resting.

“Hmmm…” Bill muttered. He strode forward to Eric then he leaned over to his ear. “Keep liking her but

she’s already mine. All of her.” Bill then tapped Eric’s shoulder then grabbed Arabella to go away.

While she was being dragged by Bill, Arabella looked back at Eric who was still staring at them. He

smiled and waved his hand to her. For some reason, she had felt some familiarity that she could not


Bill dragged her directly to his limousine then their driver drove away.

They were seated at the back. Bill rested his head and closed his eyes. Arabella couldn’t tell if he was

angry or not. She remained silent on the side when her memory flashed the kiss, they shared a

moment ago.

She felt something was awakened inside her but she suppressed the feeling thinking Lala and the

other women had him.

With a disgusted look, she moved at the edge of the seat. She didn’t want to be beside him if only she

could go back alone to Capital Z, she would not waste any single second on his side.

“Bill, I want to go back to Capital Z. Adam is waiting for us.” She muttered trying to convince the man

who was resting beside her.

“We will spend a night here. Tomorrow we will fly back.” Surprisingly, Bill answered with closed eyes.

“What about Adam?” Arabella was not convinced by his answer. Her mind was with her son. Did Kelly

treat Adam nicely? Is she not hurting Adam?

“What about him?” Bill opened his eyes and faced her frowning.

“Look. Your mother…” She had something bad to say but she held it as no matter what Kelly was Bill’s

mother and Adam’s grandmother.

“You are thinking too much,” Bill answered then closed his eyes again. He seemed confident that his

mother would not hurt Adam. Arabella had no choice but to heave a deep sigh releasing her worries.

“Here’s the box.” Snapping back to her senses, she realized that she was still holding the billion-dollar


“Keep it.” Bill just answered.

“What?” She almost screamed inside the car in disbelief.

Bill opened his eyes again. His expression was unhappy and it seemed because of her noise disturbing

his rest.

“What?” He asked with irritation in his voice.

“I don’t want to keep this. I don’t want to be blamed if this goes missing again.” She explained

desperately trying to convince him to take the box.

“It’s yours.” Bill just simply announced which made her freeze on her spot.

“No.” She refuted in her shock as she didn’t want to be indebted to him.

“What?” With a confused expression, Bill sounded. For the first time in his life, she was the only woman

who was unhappy receiving an expensive gift. She was not appreciative, unlike his other women who

were ready to do everything to please him. Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I don’t want this, Bill. I just want to live in peace with Adam. That’s all I wanted.” Arabella uttered with

full of sincerity and toughness in her voice. Because Bill didn’t get the box, she put it on the table

beside him but before she could go back to her seat Bill quickly grabbed her and she was shoved

directly to his firmed muscled chest.

Arabella was shocked and she could hear her heartbeat thumping loud.

"I don't know what to do with you," Bill muttered.

He fixed some strands of her hair behind her ear. He was biting his lower lip while his serious eyes

were fixated on her.

Arabella wanted to fix herself and go back to her seat but Bill’s grip tightened. She was sitting on his

lap while her head was leaning on his broad chest. His arms were enveloping her inside.

“You don’t need to do anything. You know what I want. Bill, I don’t need anything. I don’t need your

money and I don’t need you. I just only need Adam.” A strong will was reflected in Arabella’s voice. Her

eyes were begging him. She was hoping that he could grant her wish when they got back to Capital Z.

She had no time on Kelly’s wrath and Trishia’s mischievous scheme. She had no time to play Bill’s

game. She didn’t belong to his world full of tricks. She still had a mother and a son to take care of and

that was her only priority.

“I can’t give you what you wanted.” Looking at Arabella’s eyes he uttered like he was talking to her

soul. “Arabella Jones, Jane Foster, you can’t escape from me.” He added with a deep serious voice.

Feeling annoyed, she struggled to escape from his overbearing embrace but Bill was overly strong than

her and glued her on her spot.

“I told you. You can’t escape from me.” He then whispered.

“Why are you doing this to me?” She asked angrily.

“Hmmm…” Bill muttered. “Because you’re mine,” Bill added calmly.

“We are already divorced, Bill! Are you insane?” With fury, she shouted not minding Bill.

“Yeah! I am!” Bill's voice got louder. “F*ck!” He cursed in the air like he was out of control and his calm

had nowhere to be found. “You make me insane.” His eyes were sharp and pierced to hers. “You make

me lose my control.” He added with a deep serious voice while his sharp stare was not leaving her.

“And I hate you for that.” He then lifted her chin to face him. His eyes wandered on her beautiful face.

Arabella felt shy by his stare. She instantly blushed. “I don’t…” She wanted to say something but Bill

kissed her gently. His lips were soft and she could feel his desire through the possessive movement of

his lips.

“No!” Arabella broke the kiss. She had to or else she could not resist him anymore. She felt hot

everywhere in her body.

Instead of getting angry, Bill rested his forehead on her.

“I want you,” Bill muttered with heavy breathing. Obviously, he was controlling himself. His voice was

sincere but Arabella didn’t want to believe his trick anymore.

“You want me? you want Lala, you want all women, Bill. Huh!” She scoffed mockingly.

“Getting jealous?” Bill asked teasingly still resting his forehead.

“No!” She quickly answered.

Suddenly, the car stopped.

“Where are we now?” Still, in Bill’s arms, she asked puzzled.

Bill smirked a smile. Then the driver opened the door for him.

“To our second marriage,” Bill answered while carrying her in a bridal style.

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