The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1942

Chapter 1942

All summer long, Cicely was practically a fixture at the Diaz residence.

Her presence in Seth's room was as constant as the daylight. Every corner bore her mark: her pillow nestled on the bed, the plushie she clutched in her sleep, a stash of her clothes tucked away in the closet, and even her go-to shampoo and body wash claimed a spot in the bathroom. Fresh flowers, handpicked daily, adorned the desk alongside an assortment of knick-knacks, while her study books leaned against his favored novels.

Usually, the invasion went unnoticed, but the silence that filled the room after she left spoke volumes. Seth would look around, and everywhere he turned, there was Cicely.

Even in moments of solitude, as he tried to immerse himself in a book, the soft clattering of desk ornaments disrupted the quiet, refusing to let him settle.

Cicely's absence was as loud as her presence.

Seth eventually pushed his book aside, slumped into his chair, and gazed at the little trinkets scattered across his table. His dark eyes betrayed no emotion.d2


Girls of a similar age often became fast friends, but Cicely and Danielle's relationship was far from that, despite living under the same roof. Their interactions were limited, reserved for only the most necessary of exchanges.

With an extra child in the mix, Creighton naturally kept a close eye on Danielle, ensuring she got her fair share of everything Cicely had. Even more, on multiple occasions, Creighton had taken Cicely aside to encourage her to look after Danielle, to give way when needed, reminding her that Danielle was new to all this, that being peers, they should naturally gravitate towards each other.

Perhaps it was Cicely's innate rebellious streak, her dislike for her father's attention towards any girl but her, or maybe it was the jealousy of Danielle's longer history with Seth. Whatever the reason, or reasons, she nodded to her dad’s words, but her actions remained unchanged.

Danielle was aware of Cicely's visits to the Diaz's to see Seth. She found out the day Cicely returned from there for the first time. She hadn't asked; it was during dinner when Cicely, absent- mindedly playing with her food, suddenly threw out a question, "You think Seth's a bit weird? His room has chairs but no desk. What's up with that?"

Danielle didn't know why she asked, but she genuinely didn't have a clue. "Maybe he hasn't found the right desk yet?"

Cicely flashed a rare smile, "Really?"

At that moment, Danielle remembered something and looked up, "You went into his room?"

Cicely mumbled a vague affirmation, "He was tutoring me."

Danielle’s grip tightened around her fork. Seth never liked people invading his room. It was the same abroad. Danielle remembered being turned away at his doorstep, his face stern and unwelcoming. She later learned about his peculiar habits from his mother and never stepped foot in his room again.

Over the years, Danielle had come to respect his boundaries, but she never imagined Cicely would shatter them so effortlessly.

Not just once, but all summer long.

Cicely would leave the house carrying things and return empty-handed. Danielle didn't have to guess where those things ended up.

Pillows, throw cushions, stuffed animals, clothes, shampoos, body washes...

Danielle thought bitterly that Cicely might as well move in with him, and no one would bat an eye.

Was he that indulgent with Cicely?

Everyone adored Cicely, and cherished her.

Danielle had thought Cicely was the beloved princess of the Ellis family, pretty and sweet, winning favor of family with her charm, but it seemed everyone loved her, Seth included.


School was starting in two days, and after dinner one night, a call came from grandfather, who had been convalescing at home for over two months after a tragic loss of his dear son.

Creighton hung up and informed Cicely and Danielle that Grandfather Ellis would join them for lunch the next day.

That meant no visit to Seth's place. Cicely felt a pang of disappointment.

Danielle's face turned pale, her hands nervously twisting together, her eyes filled with panic. Creighton stepped forward and gently patted her shoulder, causing her to jump slightly. "Don't worry, you're the Ellis family’s granddaughter, just like Cicely. You're a good girl. He will love you."

Danielle wasn't sure if Grandpa would like her. She only knew that he didn't care for her mother, had never acknowledged her as a daughter in-law, even after her mother passed away. Auntie Patty had been angry when she spoke of it, and Danielle still didn't quite understand why.

Cicely plucked two strawberries from the fruit bowl and headed upstairs. Once in her room, she pulled out her phone from beneath her pillow and dialed Seth's number. The phone rang for ages,

and Cicely could almost picture it, ringing out in his room, him unmoved as he finished the page he was on before picking up. Sometimes she wondered if she was the only one who ever called him, and that was why he was so lackadaisical about answering.

Finally, the call connected. Seth's crisp voice came through, "What's up?"

Cicely flopped onto her bed, fiddling with her plushie's ear, a touch sullen. "I can't make it over tomorrow. Do not bother to make my favorite dishes."

There was a subtle shift in Seth's brow, though his tone remained flat. "Alright."

Cicely frowned, "Aren't you gonna ask why?"

After a brief pause, his voice remained even, "Why?"

Cicely's irritation flared at the dismissive tone, but she still replied, "Grandpa's coming over."

Seth hesitated for a moment before responding nonchalantly.

Taking a deep breath, Cicely hung up, squeezing the plushie's ear in frustration. "Like kicking at the air and expecting a reaction." she muttered, exasperated.

Seth tossed his phone onto the bed and stood in silence for a few seconds before turning and heading downstairs with a glass of water in hand.

The maid was deep in discussion with the other housekeepers about the next day's menu, while Patty was engrossed in the news on the living room TV. She made a point of being present at the company every day. Even though Creighton had appointed a managing director she could trust, she felt the need to stay in the loop.

In reality, she was more of a figurehead. The financial reports made her head spin, and she ended up tossing the month-end summaries to the managing director, who then forwarded the data to Creighton for confirmation.

It would be more accurate to say that the company was an extension of the Ellis family.

But Patty's attitude toward the whole situation was weird. She wasn't fond of the Ellis family, yet she trusted Creighton implicitly.

When she saw Seth coming down, she barely gave him a glance.

Seth walked straight into the dining room and offhandedly said, "Keep lunch simple tomorrow. Cicely won’t be able to make it."

The maid acknowledged with a nod.

As Seth walked out of the dining room, Patty suddenly called after him. "I heard that girl is skipping a grade at school?"

Seth paused, responding with a noncommittal "Hmm."

After a brief silence, Patty probed further, "She's not coming tomorrow. Why?"

Seth glanced at her coolly, "It’s not my place to know every little detail of her life."

Patty leaned back on the couch with crossed arms, her face expressionless. "The company has always been under the Ellis family's wing. They all dote on their little princess. It's best to stay in her good graces. That girl has a will of her own, and few can handle her. It's rare that she likes you."

"I think I'm ready to get involved with the company now."

"That doesn't conflict with keeping her happy."

Seth said nothing more and headed upstairs.

Patty's voice echoed after him, "Seth, Danielle’s new to the Ellis family, and she's feeling sensitive. Don't neglect her too much; she's always listened to you."

Seth's expression tightened, but he didn't respond to Patty.


The Ellis family patriarch arrived promptly at nine the next morning.

Danielle, wearing a dress that Creighton had arranged for her, stood nervously behind him.

Erik's face bore no trace of a smile, his lips pressed in a tight line and his brows furrowed—an aura of inherent authority surrounding him.

Danielle had spent the whole night pondering how to face this so-called grandfather. He was her flesh and blood, yet he disliked her mother. She felt compelled to despise him, but respect was due, and yet, respecting him felt like betraying her mistreated mother. Unable to find a balance, she was at a loss on how to confront this "grandfather."

Now, as she faced his formidable presence, she found herself more anxious and frightened than resentful.

Creighton led her to Erik, "Dad, this is Danielle, Henry’s daughter. Danielle, call him Grandpa."

Thirteen-year-old Danielle, overwhelmed and uncertain, barely whispered, "Grandpa." Her voice was tiny, filled with trepidation and alienation.

Erik observed her for a moment before shifting his gaze to Creighton. "Where's Cicely?"

Danielle pursed her lips.

Creighton sighed softly, his frustration unclear if it was due to his father’s coldness toward Danielle or the way Cicely could exasperate him. "That girl, I told her to get up early."

Erik glared at Creighton, "Why bother? Do you want her coming down with bed hair and giving me attitude? You're spoiling her!"

Despite his stern words, there was a hint of indulgence in his tone.

Once seated in the living room, Erik turned his attention back to Danielle. "Come here."

Danielle looked at Creighton, who gave her a reassuring pat on the head.

She approached cautiously, and Erik scrutinized her up close. After a long sigh, he said sternly, "You needn't be nervous or restrained. The Ellis family is your home. Just like Cicely, you are an Ellis daughter. The shares your father holds will be yours someday. If you want something, just say it. No one will dare slight you. Understand?" Erik's commands were as cold as his face.

Danielle could only nod.

Cicely descended the stairs, overhearing the exchange. "Grandpa, I'm jealous," she pouted.

Danielle watched as the old man’s stern face broke into a childlike grin at the sound of Cicely's voice. "Did you sleep well?"

Cicely shook her head and nestled beside her grandfather, wrapping his arm in a hug. "I was so excited about your visit I couldn't sleep. You should come unannounced next time, Grandpa. That way, I can get my beauty sleep, and it'll be a lovely surprise to wake up to you."

"Cicely!" Creighton was exasperated. She really had no sense of restraint.

Yet, Erik chuckled, "Alright, next time I'll sneak in for a visit."

Creighton shook his head, lips pressed tight. He wondered how much of Cicely's personality came from the other family members.


Erik was especially kind to Danielle. It was no surprise to the Ellis family, only to Danielle herself.

Oh, perhaps she wasn’t the only one.

Erik spent the morning inquiring about Danielle's past, and she answered each question as best she could. In summary, she had lived with Patty and Seth for as long as she could remember, and Patty had always treated her well.

After lunch, the old man suggested, "You should move into the family estate and live with me from now on."

Danielle was taken aback, instinctively glancing at Creighton.

Creighton intervened, "Dad, let Danielle stay here. She and Cicely are close in age, and with school, it's easier for pick-up and drop-off. There's no need to uproot her."

Erik let out a deep sigh. "That being said, don't you think it might be time to consider moving back to the family estate with Cicely?"

Creighton's expression darkened ever so slightly.

In the end, Danielle chose to stay.

That afternoon, as everyone had seen Erik off, they encountered Seth at the entrance of the estate. He stood there, in a simple shirt and black trousers, immaculately poised as dappled sunlight filtered through the dense sycamore leaves above, casting mottled shadows upon him.

A figure of solitary grace, his good looks were striking.

Cicely was surprised to see him and ran over, looking up, "What brings you here?"

Seth greeted Erik and Creighton with due respect. His gaze lingered on Danielle, who stood by Creighton's side, before indifferently shifting away.

Erik's eyes studied Seth for a long moment, something flickering in his gaze. "And who might this be?"

Creighton replied, "He's the son of Tod."

Erik pondered for a moment, "From the Diaz clan?"


Nodding towards Seth, Erik said, "Not bad."

Without further ado, his gaze drifted to Cicely standing beside Seth, a thoughtful smirk curving his lips.

Cicely, slightly irritated, tugged at a button on Seth's shirt. "I asked you why you're here out of the blue?"

Seth gave her a glance as his driver stepped out of the car and handed him a tote bag. Taking it, Seth passed it to Cicely, "Here."

Her confusion lasted only a moment before joy took over. "You came all this way just to give me... what is this?!" Expecting something delightful, her pretty face crumpled in disappointment upon seeing the contents.

A barely perceptible smile touched Seth's lips as he replied in a tone cool and steady, "Your homework for today."

"You came all this way just to drop off homework? Aren't you the model teacher, Mr. Seth." Cicely was tempted to throw the bag down and stomp on it.

"What else were you expecting?"

Hugging her books, Cicely snorted.

Danielle watched them, her heart tight with tension. Was this the Seth she knew? The remote, indifferent Seth used to be remote and indifferent, keeping everyone at arm's length and having no time for pointless chit-chat. Yet, here he was, allowing Cicely into his room, tutoring her personally, and now teasing her?

Cicely... Everyone treated her differently.

Erik said she was like Cicely, a diamond of the Ellis family, but it was crystal clear, the affection he had for Cicely.

"Why are we just standing here? Aren't we going inside?" Cicely asked.

Seth slid his hands into his pockets, "No, I should be heading back."

Cicely's brows drew together, "You've come all this way."

Seth ignored her protest and walked toward his car.

She knew his stubborn ways. Just as she was about to storm off, Danielle called out. "Seth."

Cicely paused, turning to look. Danielle had chased down Seth.

Cicely brows furrowed, but Creighton blocked her view, patting her head gently, "Let's go, shall we? Aren't we headed back?"

Cicely saw Seth stop and turn, his gaze falling onto Danielle. "What's up?"

Creighton took Cicely's hand.

Danielle stood silent for a long while, then looked up at him cautiously, "I haven't seen you in a while. You seemed busy all summer."

Seth stared at her, silent for a time, then, glancing at the retreating figure of Cicely being led away by Creighton, he said slowly, "The Ellis family has been good to you, I presume."

Danielle bit her lip, "Yes." Just, compared to Cicely, she felt like an outsider in the Ellis family.

"That's good to hear." With those words, Seth turned to leave, but his shirt was abruptly tugged. He frowned, looking down at the hand clinging to his shirt, which looked like it had mustered great courage not to retreat under his icy stare. "Something else?"

Danielle bit her lip harder, wanting to ask why he tutored Cicely, why he let her into his room, and why she was different to him.

But she couldn’t. She knew him, so she knew Seth disliked being questioned.

"Did you come today just to deliver Cicely's homework in person?"

After a few seconds of silence, Seth's voice came cold and detached. "Let go."


Cicely glanced back and saw Danielle gripping Seth's shirt. Her already sour expression grew darker.

She stopped, wanting to turn back, but Creighton held her tighter. "Cicely, don't make a scene."

Cicely looked up sharply at Creighton, "A scene? Who allowed Danielle to touch him?"

Creighton sighed, "Cicely, they've grown up together. If we're talking about affection, you can't compare to their history. Why do you think he came here today?"

Cicely's brows knotted fiercely. She stepped back, looking up at Creighton with clear, forceful words. "To deliver my homework, of course."

With lips pressed tight, Creighton said, "Let's head back."

Cicely shook off his hand and stared at Seth and Danielle. After a long moment, she approached them with a stony expression, the tote bag still in her arms. She looked very calm to Creighton.


Approaching them, Cicely saw Seth and Danielle standing in silence as if they hadn't been talking.

Seth looked at her, stepped back, and closed the car door. Danielle's hand fell away, empty.

"What is it?" asked Seth, his tone even.

Cicely looked up at him and took a deep breath, her lips curving into a faint smile. "Did you really come here today just to give me homework?"

Seth's gaze narrowed as he quietly watched her almost-smiling face. The breeze, warm with the scent of summer, caught her light skirt and played with her hair, which she had casually twisted into a messy bun atop her head. Her features were delicate and precise, her skin perfect and smooth. Dappled sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting a pattern upon her that swayed with the gentle

wind, her presence tranquil and seemingly weightless, as if she could be carried away at any moment.

Seth remained silent, his eyes tracking the increasingly evident smile on Cicely's face while the wind played with the loose strands of hair framing her cheeks.

"What's the problem? It's a simple yes or no question. Is it that hard to answer?"

"I was in the neighbourhood."

Cicely still wore a smile, but a chill underlaid her gaze. She was silent for a long moment, eyeing the man whose expression remained unaltered, then arched an eyebrow. "So, what's the real reason you're here today?"

Seth gave her a cursory glance, then turned to open his car door again.

With a loud "bang," Cicely's backpack struck the car door, and in turn, Seth's hand. It was filled with heavy textbooks and notebooks, the thud testifying to their weight. Now, the bag lay on the ground, its contents scattered.

Danielle stepped back in shock. Snapping out of it, she quickly reached for Seth's injured hand. "Seth, are you alright?"

Cicely's face stiffened for a moment, and seeing Danielle's gesture, it darkened further. She stepped forward, yanking Danielle away while raising her other hand. But her wrist was caught mid-air with a force that sent a sharp pain through her entire body, the ache so intense it made her scalp tingle. Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

She turned to look at Seth, her face paling.

Seth's expression was dark, and for the first time, his eyes held a chilling sharpness. "What are you trying to do?"

Cicely felt a sudden sting in her heart. Ever since Seth entered her life, she had been introduced to a host of strange emotions.

The happiness was because of him, the consuming thoughts were about him, and that recent feeling was also for him. She didn't want to categorize that feeling just now as grief or sadness.

Cicely had always been coddled and cherished. If she were to feel sorrow, where would that leave the adoration of her grandfather, her father, the love everyone showered upon her?

All the efforts people made to please her, to make her happy, what had Seth done to so easily render their contributions worthless?

"What exactly are you trying to stop me from doing?" She moved her hand, the pain sharpening, her complexion growing paler.

"Let go of me." Even her words came out in a stifled breath.

Seth's frown deepened at the sight of her pallor, and he released her wrist.

Cicely covered her wrist with her other hand, a fine sweat breaking out on her forehead. She glanced at Danielle, who had taken a few steps back, eyeing her warily.

"Danielle, if you've forgotten what I told you on your first day at the Ellis mansion, let me remind you now. Seth is my man, now and in the future. Don't play dumb or innocent with me. Even kids know what dating, marriage, and being 'the other woman' means. You two may have lived together in the past, but now, I, Cicely, have staked a claim on his future. So you better understand your place, have some dignity, and stay away from someone else's man. This is a warning. Next time, I won't be so gentle."

Danielle stared at her in disbelief.

Cicely held her chin high, declaring her territory with blatant arrogance.

Seth watched Cicely's slender silhouette. Those words, so few could utter them. Only Cicely of the Ellis family, spoiled to the point of lawlessness, could be so brazen.

"Who said I'm yours? What gives you the right to plan my life?"

Cicely turned around, her eyes meeting his, void of her usual smile. "Seth, I'm very upset right now, and I advise you not to provoke me further."

Her tone was even, her composure seemingly intact, but it was a calculated coolness, a testament to her status as the Ellis family's princess, each word dripping with superiority.

Seth's response was a sardonic smile. "And what would be the consequence?"

Cicely extended the hand he had just been holding, "You hurt me just now, and you've made me angry. I'm not happy, and I'm giving you a chance to make it right."

He looked at her impassively. "Hitting someone makes you happy?"

Her eyes blinked rapidly, and she drew back her arm. "So are you defending her against me now?"

"If that slap had landed, maybe that would have been the end of it."

Danielle's legs suddenly gave way, and she leaned against the car for support. Seth's words sounded cold and unemotional, but why did she sense a deep fondness in his voice?

That the slap might have ended it—was he denying that he was seeking justice for her? Or perhaps, his initial intervention was not to prevent the slap because he didn't want their relationship to become even more strained?

Maybe she had misunderstood. Anyone would think that Seth was protecting her.

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