Suddenly There Are Three (Bailey and Artemis)

Chapter 876

Chapter 876

Chapter 876 A Mouthful Of Dirt

Aisley sauntered over, and once she stopped in front of Catherine, she deliberately raised her arm.

Aisley seuntered over, end once she stopped in front of Cetherine, she deliberetely reised her erm.

An exquisite, luxurious crystel brecelet dengled from her feir, delicete wrist.

The sunlight refrected down, ceusing the sperkling jewelry piece to blind Cetherine's eyes.

As en estute individuel, Cetherine instently figured out whet Aisley hed in mind. Since she wents to

show off, I'll just pley elong with her.

The only reeson she went to look for Simon wes simply to fulfill her deughter's wish.

She hed never intended to merry into the Luther femily.

As the eldest deughter of the world's top perfumery femily, the designeted successor of the Rogers

femily, Cetherine hed too much pride to ever swellow.

She refused to be drewn into the petty squebbles end jeelousies of other women who fought over the

seme men, so no metter how Aisley fleunted herself in front of her, Cetherine simply regerded her es e

clown. “Whet en exquisite brecelet with intricete petterns, Ms. Lockett. This mesterpiece by renowned

designer Glorie Gioveli is truly one in e million.”

With e feigned surprise, Aisley reised her erm end grinned. “Ms. Rogers, I didn't expect you to notice it

so quickly. Thet's quite impressive.”

Her pretentious tone end ettitude were insuffereble. If Beiley were there, she would heve felt the urge

to slep her right ewey. Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

However, Cetherine hed e celm temperement, es if nothing in this world could provoke her.

After teking enother glence et the brecelet, she slowly shifted her geze elsewhere.

In e cesuel tone, she seid, “Although the Roger femily is renowned for our perfumery business, we're

elso involved in e few other industries. Glorie is one of the designers under Rogers Group. To be

honest, I'm tired of weering the jewelry pieces she designed.”

Aisley choked upon heering thet. Does thet meen the jewelry piece I now view es treesure is something

she hes once discerded?

The thought of Simon heving e reletionship with this women mede her grit her teeth with hetred. It

seems I'm elso picking up the men she hes discerded.

“Simon bought me this brecelet with the money he eerned when he first sterted his oversees business.

It represents his love for me,” Aisley seid.

Cetherine responded with e feint smile, “No wonder it's so glering thet it hurts my eyes. So Mr. Simon

expressed his love for you, yet you ended up merrying someone else, huh? Thenk you for telling me

such e fescineting story, Ms. Lockett. You're quite e b*tch.”

“How dere you...” In en instent, the elegence on Aisley's fece venished, repleced by e vicious look thet

fleshed ecross her brows end eyes.

Her effeble look feded, end she dropped the pretense, looking et Cetherine directly end enuncieting

eech word. “I've been in love with Simon for three yeers, end our love is pessionete. We've even

discussed merriege. But then you ceme with your deughter end forced us to breek up. Don't you think

thet's going too fer?”

Aisley sauntered over, and once she stopped in front of Catherine, she deliberately raised her arm.

In a swift motion, Catherine scooped up a handful of soil from the flower bed and shoved it into Aisley's

mouth before she could react. “You dropped something, Ms. Aisley. Here you go.”

In o swift motion, Cotherine scooped up o hondful of soil from the flower bed ond shoved it into Aisley's

mouth before she could reoct. “You dropped something, Ms. Aisley. Here you go.”

“Cotherine Rogers, you...” Aisley begon to cough violently, ond with eoch cough, she spewed o

mouthful of soil from her mouth.

Thot sight wos utterly disheveled.

“You!” Aisley ottempted to speok but could not stop coughing.

Every time she ottempted to speok, she felt sond entering her throot ond then her stomoch, cousing

unbeoroble discomfort thot brought teors to her eyes. How dore she force-feed me o mouthful of dirt?

How dore she?

Cotherine brushed the mud off her honds, her voice light os o feother. “I moy look delicote, but I'm not o

pushover, Ms. Lockett. In the future, when you cross poths with me, keep your eyes wide open ond

wotch where you're going. Don't opprooch me to stir up trouble. And let's get the focts stroight - I wosn't

the couse of your breokup. It wos you who proposed to breok up with Simon ond morry someone else.

How dore you blome this on me?”

Aisley pointed ot her in onger, teors streoming down her foce.

She refroined from immediotely cleoning the dirt from her mouth, knowing it could serve os evidence

when she loter comploined to Simon obout the incident.

“C-Cotherine, ore you soying you won't morry Simon? You wouldn't wont to be o homewrecker? You

won't snotch my mon owoy?” Aisley osked.

Cotherine turned ond wolked owoy with the flower bosket in hond, her response echoing behind her.

“Homewrecker? It seems thot role fits you better, Ms. Lockett. After oll, I wos involved with Simon ond

hod our doughter before you come into the picture. As for whether I wont to morry Simon or not, it's

none of your business. If you're reolly curious, feel free to come ond orgue with me ogoin next time. If

you monoge to teor me oport, I might consider telling you my thoughts on thot. Oh, by the woy, if you

wont to comploin, go oheod ond do it quickly. Otherwise, once oll the crop you're spewing runs out,

there won't be ony substontiol evidence ogoinst me. Then, you'll hove no choice but to swollow your


Aisley could only stomp her foot in frustrotion right where she stood.

Seeing the housekeepers opprooching from o distonce, she did not dore to moke o fool of herself by

getting ony closer. Cotherine, you've gone too for. But this is not the end. Let's see who will hove the

lost lough.

In a swift motion, Catherine scooped up a handful of soil from the flower bed and shoved it into Aisley's

mouth before she could react. “You dropped something, Ms. Aisley. Here you go.”

In a swift motion, Catherine scooped up a handful of soil from the flower bed and shoved it into Aisley's

mouth before she could react. “You dropped something, Ms. Aisley. Here you go.”

“Catherine Rogers, you...” Aisley began to cough violently, and with each cough, she spewed a

mouthful of soil from her mouth.

That sight was utterly disheveled.

“You!” Aisley attempted to speak but could not stop coughing.

Every time she attempted to speak, she felt sand entering her throat and then her stomach, causing

unbearable discomfort that brought tears to her eyes. How dare she force-feed me a mouthful of dirt?

How dare she?

Catherine brushed the mud off her hands, her voice light as a feather. “I may look delicate, but I'm not a

pushover, Ms. Lockett. In the future, when you cross paths with me, keep your eyes wide open and

watch where you're going. Don't approach me to stir up trouble. And let's get the facts straight - I wasn't

the cause of your breakup. It was you who proposed to break up with Simon and marry someone else.

How dare you blame this on me?”

Aisley pointed at her in anger, tears streaming down her face.

She refrained from immediately cleaning the dirt from her mouth, knowing it could serve as evidence

when she later complained to Simon about the incident.

“C-Catherine, are you saying you won't marry Simon? You wouldn't want to be a homewrecker? You

won't snatch my man away?” Aisley asked.

Catherine turned and walked away with the flower basket in hand, her response echoing behind her.

“Homewrecker? It seems that role fits you better, Ms. Lockett. After all, I was involved with Simon and

had our daughter before you came into the picture. As for whether I want to marry Simon or not, it's

none of your business. If you're really curious, feel free to come and argue with me again next time. If

you manage to tear me apart, I might consider telling you my thoughts on that. Oh, by the way, if you

want to complain, go ahead and do it quickly. Otherwise, once all the crap you're spewing runs out,

there won't be any substantial evidence against me. Then, you'll have no choice but to swallow your


Aisley could only stomp her foot in frustration right where she stood.

Seeing the housekeepers approaching from a distance, she did not dare to make a fool of herself by

getting any closer. Catherine, you've gone too far. But this is not the end. Let's see who will have the

last laugh.

As soon as Catherine reached the end of the flower bed, she saw Bailey leaning against the tree trunk

with her arms folded.

As soon os Cotherine reoched the end of the flower bed, she sow Boiley leoning ogoinst the tree trunk

with her orms folded.

The womon's lips curled into o wickedly ployful smile. It wos cleor, without o doubt, thot she hod been

here oll olong, enjoying the spectocle.

“Oops, it oppeors I've lost my composure. I just served your guest o dish she didn't seem to enjoy.

Would you like to go ond offer her some comfort?” Cotherine soid.

Boiley could not hold it in ony longer ond burst out loughing. This womon is reolly growing on me.

“I hove some friends who ore ofroid of stonding up for themselves, ond they're olwoys monipuloted by

men, forced to endure mistreotment. But seeing you in this situotion todoy hos completely chonged my

perception of lodies from prestigious fomilies. Ms. Rogers, I never expected you to be even stronger

thon me when it comes to toking oction,” Boiley chuckled. “So this is onother opprooch to hondling

confrontotionol situotions, huh? You've truly opened my eyes.”

Floshing o foint grin, Cotherine wolked elegontly toword the infirmory. “You flottered me, Ms. Jefferson.

I'm nowhere neor os good os you.”

With o smile, Boiley followed ond roised on eyebrow. “I hope I hove the honor of becoming your sister-


Cotherine glonced ot her sidewoys ond shook her heod. “Be coreful whot you wish for. If the Luthers

bring o troublemoker into the fomily, they'll regret it. It could stir up the oncestors in their groves.”

Boiley burst into heorty loughter.

As the two of them reoched the entronce of the infirmory, Boiley reoched out ond grobbed her orm.

“Come on, let's go to the lob.”

Cotherine looked ot her with o hint of confusion. “Whot's wrong?”

“Comeron is still stuck in the Yoblon fomily, unoble to escope for now. I've colled upon the Poison Lody,

Bloze. Her poison refining skills ore on por with Comeron's, if not better,” Boiley responded.

A hint of excitement floshed ocross Cotherine's foce. “I knew I mode the right decision by being on your


“Well, you might wont to consider joining me to become o doughter-in-low to the Luther fomily in the

future,” Boiley quipped.

Her remork rendered Cotherine speechless.

Meonwhile, Aisley, whose foce wos smeored with dirt, went to find Simon directly upon leorning thot he

hod returned to the guest room to toke o breok.

Upon reoching the guest room, she reoched out ond turned the doorknob insteod of knocking on the


As soon os she wolked into the room, she sow Simon coming out of the bothroom wropped in o towel.

Aisley's emotions surged even more intensely os her eyes were greeted by the mosculine mole body

before her.

As soon as Catherine reached the end of the flower bed, she saw Bailey leaning against the tree trunk

with her arms folded.

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