Strings of Fate

Chapter 95

95- Hair and hands

“As much as I would like to make sure you never meet or speak to another male ever a

again, I know that isn’t a realistic option. Besides, I trust the guards you have. Plus, in your case, I prefer that your security detail IS obvious. People will think twice about attacking you when you obviously have a bodyguard following you around.” He seems weirdly smug about that.

“Yeah… right. You’re just happy that I’m putting up with the guard stuff. Although after what happened tonight I suppose I can see your point of view a little better.” I admit. Bellamy’s expression darkens again and I curse in my head. Oops. I was trying to keep his mind off of the whole situation and I had to go and bring it up again. Stupid. Ugh. I frantically try to change the topic again.

“I need to wash my hair.” I blurt out without thinking. Bellamy blinks, startled at my abrupt


“Okay… just try and be careful of your bandages. I doubt the cut has completely stopped bleeding and the soap would probably sting a lot.” He reminds me. I nod in agreement and grab the bottle of what I guess is Megan’s shampoo from the little table he has placed next to the bath. Then freeze, staring at it with a frown. How the hell am I going to do this without submerging my upper arm, or at very least getting it soaked? This seems impossible. I groan in frustration. This really isn’t my night.

“What’s wrong?” Bellamy demands. He shifts his weight and looks like he is moments away from launching to hit feet to take care of whatever threat or pain I’m currently pacing.

“Sorry, it’s no big deal. I just don’t think I can actually wash my hair without getting my injury wet. It’s too awkward. It’s annoying because I feel gross. I think I probably got blood in my hair.” I admit with a mournful sigh. Bellamy looks thoughtful for a minute and hesitates

before speaking. Clearly nervous.

“I… I could help. If you want.” He offers. I stare at him speechless for a minute. He wants to… help me wash my hair? Bellamy continues speaking before I can formulate a response.

“I only want to help you feel better and take care of you. I’m not trying to do anything else, I promise. I just thought… Well. I don’t know exactly. I mean there are the bubbles. You could try and cover up or something if you want. It was probably a stupid idea…” He trails off


95- Hair and hands

awkwardly. How is it that I’m the one who is naked and he seems uncomfortable? Then again. he doesn’t seem to have a problem with being naked himself. Guess that nudity happens occasionally when you turn into a big cat and back. Your clothes don’t exactly come with you… Still, he looks almost… humiliated at his own suggestion. I can’t stand it. We are literally fated to be together and I’m so awkward that I’ve made him embarrassed to even suggest a fairly innocent form of intimacy. Before I can overthink this any further than I already have, I answer him.

“Yes.” I half whisper. His head whips up from where he was staring at the floor and looks at

1. me.

“What?” he asks, shock on his face. I’m sure I’m red as a tomato, but I speak up.

“Yes, please help me with my hair.” I say clearly, forcing myself to hold his gaze so he knows I mean it. A huge smile breaks out across his face. Why is he so happy?

“You trust me.” He answers my unspoken question. I guess my confusion was obvious.

He gets to his feet, slowly and a little stiffly. Probably from the cold floor. He then approaches me slowly, keeping his eyes on my face. I feel like an animal that he is trying not to frighten off. He reaches the edge of the tub and I hand him the shampoo, trying to ignore the slight andety running through me. After a moments pause, Bellamy grabs an empty container that was by the sink. A cup used for water I suppose? He dips it in the tub and fills it, then carefully keeping it away from my eyes and arm, he tips it slowly over my head to dampen my hair. Then continues to add shampoo and begins lathering it in, slowly massaging my scalp as he does. He is being insanely gentle and oh wow does that feel amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever had anyone massage my head before. Then again, I don’t think I’ve ever really had anyone massage anything. I’ve never been a particularly touchy–feely person, not to mention I’ve never really had anyone to be touchy–feely with. I can’t help but let my eyes fall shut.

“Is this okay?” Bellamy confirms. I can barely bring myself to answer. This might actually be bliss. I am definitely going to have to work on being less awkward if this is what Bellamy touching me feels like, and he’s only actually touching my head.

“Mmhmm. I’m great.” I murmur.

“Good.” He answers shortly, satisfaction and pride filling his tone. I let out a

a groan of


95- Hair and hands

contentment as he hits a spot that somehow makes the tension in my head begin to fade away. Bellamy’s hands freeze for a brief second at the sound, then he continues. Eventually he stops, rinses the shampoo out and runs some conditioner through the ends of my hair. Seriously, now I get why people like having their hair played with. It’s so relaxing. He rinses the conditioner and continues

detangling my hair with his fingers until I let out another sound of contentment. Then all of a sudden he lets go and backs off.

“I think I had best now. Before I get carried away.” I open my eyes and look up at him.


He’s actually blushing for once. It’s kind of adorable. I look away and since he’s standing, I find my eyes level with his hips. Now it’s my turn to blush. Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oh.” I have no idea what to say. Bellamy shrugs self depreciating.

“Yes, oh. Don’t worry about it.” I find myself looking at the corner of the door, really at anything other than Bellamy.

“I think I might be done with this bath.” I tell him, suddenly feeling very exposed again.

“Are you sure? There’s no need to rush.” He assures me. I shrug.

“It’s late. We both need sleep.” I respond awkwardly. He nods.

“Alright, I’ll grab you a towel then.” He fetches the towel he got out earlier and stands by the tub, holding it open for me then closes his eyes tightly. I slowly stand up, being careful not to slip. I use his arm to stabilise myself as I climb out onto the wet tiles. I guess water ended up on the floor while Bellamy was washing my hair. I didn’t even notice. I step into the towel, pulling it around myself. Bellamy releases it and stands still, keeping his eyes shut. Once I’m properly covered I let him know so that he can open his eyes.

“I didn’t bring a change of clothes in here.” He nods and gestures for me to head towards the door, he escorts me along with an arm by my back, not touching me, but close enough that if I stopped moving

suddenly it probably would.

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