Strings of Fate

Chapter 87

87- Running and regret

“You can’t know that he didn’t care for her, or that he was with someone else.” He objects. I

raise an eyebrow.

“I take it you haven’t heard what my particular brand of magic is then? I can see the strings of fate. I know who people’s destined soulmates are before they do half the time. And I can tell you with complete certainty that Tristain had found his soulmate and it wasn’t Megan. Also Megan did spare Tristain at first. Then he tried to attack again and was killed by accident.” The Canine Alpha seems to be stunned into silence. It’s Alpha Kohen who speaks first from his spot in the recliner.

“Well, it looks like this meeting was for nothing. Alpha Kane has things well in hand. The complaints from that woman are just the denial of a woman who can’t admit her son isn’t perfect. Not that I can really blame her, no parent wants to believe their child was a bad person.” He pulls the lever on the side of the recliner and lays back, closing his eyes and relaxing. The Canine Alpha sputters for a moment before storming out of the office, slamming the door behind him. The Avian Alpha is the next to move, he walks a slow circle around me.

“Well, you are a curious one aren’t you? I suppose you’re here looking for Alpha Kane’s mate. Do hurry up and find her. Maybe when you’re done you can come help me, I have a few Shifters who have been searching for their mates for a long time now with no success.” I


“Uh, I’m not a matchmaker, and I strongly believe in letting events occur on their own.” I respond, awkwardly. He just shrugs it off.

“Very well, do let me know if you change your mind. And Alpha Kane, do hurry up and find your mate. Then maybe incidents like this won’t happen in the first place.” With that said, he also lets himself out of the office, but he closes the door gently behind himself. I work hard. not to wince at his mention of Bellamy’s mate. Alpha Koden lowers the footrest of the recliner and hoists his large form out of the chair.

“Well, I think that’s my cue. He is right though, you should sort things out with your mate as soon as you can. I have a baby due any day now and I don’t want to be constantly called to meetings where all we do is complain about your relationship status, particularly when it’s ant


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issue so easily remedied.” His tone is meaningful and he makes eye contact with Bellamy briefly before turning to me and giving a friendly wink.

“Nice to see you again.” I smile and nod in response.

“You too, good luck with your baby.” He heads off leaving Bellamy and I alone. Once the other Alphas are all gone my shoulders droop. Speaking to them is kind of nerve wracking. Also I now feel lower than dirt after their mentions of how Bellamy needs a mate. It’s one thing from the Avian Alpha. I find it difficult to care about the opinion of someone who so clearly has no interest in Bellamy’s actual wellbeing. But the Alpha Kohen… I actually like him. So it kinda hurt to hear him mention it. I feel so dreadful. Bellamy can’t even say anything, or rather he won’t. And that’s only because I asked him not to. I know that if it were up to him he would have told them what I am to him in a heartbeat. Hell he would tell anyone who would listen. For someone as honest as he is, keeping secrets does not come


I nearly leap out of my skin at Bellamy’s hand on my shoulder.

“Woah, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’ve been saying your name and you didn’t answer. What are you thinking about so deeply that has you looking so serious?” Bellamy asks, dropping his hand to his side and tilting his head curiously. I just shrug.

“It’s nothing, I was just distracted. Don’t worry about it.” I force a cheerful tone. He examines my face closely for a moment before nodding.

“If you say so. How was lunch? Was it as good as it looked?” he asks wistfully.

“I was mostly watching Darrien make moon eyes at Megan while she pretended not to notice. I was a definite third wheel. As for the food, it was pretty good. I brought yours back with me in a takeout container. It’s in the fridge when you’re ready. It seemed a shame to waste it, particularly since you already paid.” Bellamy’s face lights up.

“Really?” I nod.

“Yeah, I mean it might not be as nice reheated, but better than nothing at all right?” Bellamy heads towards the kitchen eagerly to reheat his meal. I can’t seem to think of anything but getting home. I still feel like an awful person and I just want to curl up in my bed. I send


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Darrien a message asking if he can come give me a ride home. He sends back a confirmation that he will be there in five minutes.

“Thanks for bringing my lunch. So, what do you want to do this afternoon?” He asks as he hits buttons on the microwave. Why do microwaves have to make such obnoxious beeping sounds anyway? Right

now it is grating on my nerves.

“Oh, I’m actually heading home. I have some stuff I ought to get done.” I answer awkwardly. Bellamy frowns.


“Oh, I thought you were free this afternoon. But okay, I’ll drive you home then. Do you hat time for me to finish eating first?” He asks. I shake my head.

“Don’t worry about it. Darrien already agreed to take me.” I wave towards the microwave.

“Don’t rush your meal.” Bellamy looks disappointed. Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

“Oh. I would have taken you. Are you sure you have to head off so soon? I was looking forward to spending time with you.” He says sweetly. It just makes me feel worse. He needs to stop being nice to me, I don’t deserve it.

“I told you, I have things to do.” I insist.

“What things? Maybe I could help?” He suggests.

“Just things, it doesn’t matter!” I hear Darrien pull up out front.

“Darrien is here. I need to go. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Give me a second, I’ll walk you out. I just need to-” I don’t wait for Bellamy. I grab my stuff and half run to the front door. I close it behind me and move straight past Darrien and hop into the car. He raises an eyebrow and watches me with a slightly judgemental expression but doesn’t comment. He just gets into the driver’s seat and starts towards my place. We sit in uncomfortable silence for a minute or two then I break it, forcing more false cheer into my


“So, things went well with Megan today, yeah?” I start. He glances sideways at me in a way


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that tells me he knows I’m avoiding some issue. I hold my breath as he considers a moment. before answering.

“Yes. It went about as well as I could have anticipated. I didn’t want to get my hopes up too much. Did she say anything about it?”

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