Strings of Fate

Chapter 177

Strings of Fate

177- Independent and insecure

Huh. I don’t know what exactly I was expecting, but this isn’t it. I guess I didn’t expect this girl’s problem to actually be so relatable. I mean, I totally appreciate Bellamy keeping me safe, but it is a little chafing. I can’t imagine what it would be like being eighteen and not being able to go out alone anywhere. I mean, I didn’t exactly go out a lot and socialise until I met Megan and Bellamy, but I have always been very independent. Sure, that might not have been by choice. I never exactly had the chance to depend on anyone. But I can’t imagine having no chance to stand on your own two feet is ideal either. If this girl feels ready to step out on her own, even just a little, she should be able to do that. It’s sweet that she wants to be considerate of her father. I mean, I’m sure there are lots of teenagers who would just scream, throw a tantrum and walk out, probably ruining whatever relationship they have. Oky, so I definitely want to help her, I just don’t really know how.

“Hey Bellamy?” I ask tentatively.

“Yes love?” He asks, turning away from the computer screen and giving me his full attention, an action that I seriously appreciate. Honestly, it’s just so nice knowing that someone is really, properly listening to what I have to say.


“I got a message from a Shifter girl asking for help.” I tell him. He studies my face, obviously trying to work out if I feel okay about it. It’s sweet that he’s so worried about it, particularly since I’ve already agreed to do it. Belongs © to NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m fine. I want to help. I just wanted to ask your opinion about it.”

“Okay, Sure? He agrees easily.

“Basically, this girl is having issues with her dad. He’s being very overprotective. She’s eighteen and he won’t let her go anywhere alone. Not just now while we’re on high alert because of the psychos, but in general.” I explain. Bellamy looks confused.

“I don’t really see the issue. It’s a good thing that her father protects her. This sounds like a teenager complaining that her dad won’t let her go out and recklessly party.” He says seriously. I shake my head in disagreement.

“No, it’s not like that. Her dad is completely overdoing it. She wants to start university and she won’t be able to because he won’t let her go to classes without an escort that he can’t provide.” I point out.

“Well… I can’t say I don’t see his point. It’s dangerous out there, I doubt that I would be happy with Megan going to classes if I didn’t have Darrien looking out for her.” he considers. I sigh, he isn’t getting it.

“This isn’t about how you would feel Bels, think about how Megan would feel if you stopped her. Do you really think she would take it lying down. If you REALLY stopped her from doing what she wants to do. Would your relationship with her survive? You’re the Alpha, consider this as her brother instead. If you stifled her too much, she could just leave. She’s still a person. That’s what this girl is looking at doing if the issue can’t be resolved. Leaving her dad behind and cutting off contact. She doesn’t want to because he is important to her, but she knows that if things continue how they are, she is going to lose all chances to make something of herself in the future or to develop any real relationships.” Bellamy looks thoughtful, like he’s considering my words. I continue making my paint.

“Think about this. Say I had a father who kept me home all the time and chaperoned me all the time. You and I would probably have never met, or if we did, we definitely wouldn’t have had chances to get to know each other.” I remind him. Bellamy looks appalled. Like he actually looks like he might be sick.


177- Independent and insecure

“You think it’s that bad? Being protected and guarded all the time?” He asks quietly. I realise he’s misinterpreting this as being about how he is protecting Megan and I.

“Bels, I didn’t mean for you to think this was about you. I was only using Megan and I as examples that you might find relatable. I admit you occasionally take things a little too far, but it’s not overprotective if the threat is real. Megan and I both get that. Believe me, if we thought you were abusing us by keeping us locked away like a damsel in distress there is no way we would have put up with it silently for this long. This girl understands the need for safety too and how it’s the natural instinct of a male Shifter to be protective of his family. All she wants is help explaining to her dad that he’s overdoing it, maybe some solutions or ways to compromise so that she can have her independence without completely ruining her relationship with him.” I explain. Bellamy looks a little mollified by my reassurance but I can tell he still feels uncomfortable. I think the idea of overdoing it and driving away myself and his sister really got to him. I feel a little bad for upsetting him, but I’m glad he is understanding the point.

“So we’re looking for ideas on what this Shifter girl can do? Or is she asking us to talk to her father for her?” Bellamy clarifies.

“I’m not sure. Some combination of the two. She wants a compromise with him, but he doesn’t understand that there is a problem in the first place which makes it kind of hard to discuss it further and come to an agreement.” I figure. Bellamy nods slowly.

“Well, an extreme response would be that she is always able to just leave home and move in here at the compound. She could still visit her father but he wouldn’t have as much control over her life.” Bellamy starts. I scrunch up my face in distaste.

“It would work, but I think she wants to do something less extreme. She knows leaving would hurt her relationship with him and she doesn’t want to do that.” I point out.

“That’s fair. Okay, so she wants to be able to go out, specifically to university, but I assume there are other freedoms she wants too. We could definitely have a discussion with her father. Remind him that while it is very good of him to protect her, it is not acceptable to limit a person’s freedom in the name of protecting them. Except maybe in life or death situations. At which point I would expect him to come to me for assistance anyway.” He thinks out loud.

“That would probably help her get freedom, but it wouldn’t make him feel better about it. Is there anything we can do to make sure she is safe?” I wonder. Bellamy contemplates the issue in silence for a moment. I try to think of solutions too, but mostly I’m watching Bellamy think. Is he aware of how pretty he is? I am fairly sure that he isn’t. I’m dragged from my thoughts by Bellamy talking.

“What if we set up an emergency line? Like an emergency line for police, but one that calls our security. They could be called for protection if she needs to come home after dark or if she is uncomfortable, or in emergencies in general. There are plenty of other Shifters who are in university. If we provide it to all of them and keep at least one guard on campus whenever possible it would allow for some more… indirect protection?” Bellamy suggests. I beam a huge smile

at him.

“That sounds perfect. If you can arrange that, I can arrange for the girl and her dad to come in for a meeting. Maybe next week sometime?” I suggest. Bellamy agrees and I send Sara a text that basically invites her and her father to a meeting next week and I tell her that there will be a new security program set up for young Shifters, particularly ones in university. That we will explain it properly to her and her father at the meeting and remind him that she is an adult. Sara responds IMMEDIATELY.

Unknown: Maybe Sara- THANK YOU SO MUCH! I can’t believe you would do this for me! I am so glad I messaged you


177–Independent and Insecure

for help. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

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