Strings of Fate

Chapter 167

Strings of Fate

167- Risks and requirements

Bellamy and 1 head to the bar, just the two of us. Megan did complain about being left behind. until I reminded her that we’re meeting Dr Dae’s unknown contact and we don’t want her to refuse to speak to us because we brought extra people along, although if the contact IS Cam like I’m hoping, then I doubt that will be a problem. Megan wasn’t thrilled but agreed that it wasn’t worth the risk. We arrive at Witches Booze about five minutes before eight and settle in on a couple of barstools, Bellamy moves his over a little so he can sit shoulder to shoulder to me, not comfortable with me being anything more than an arms length away.

“Ryann right?” Cam approaches me and drops two drinks off in front of Bellamy and I, ones that we didn’t actually order. Mine is a blueish colour with swirling glittery patterns in it. I hold it up to the light and watch it swirl.

“Yeah, and this is Bellamy. Are you who I’m here to see?” I ask. Cam nods firmly, her blonde waves bouncing around her head.

“Yep. I am a little confused though. Ella told me that she was sending the two feline Alphas to meet me. Him I get.” She nods her head at Bellamy.

“But you’re not even a Shifter, are you?” She raises an eyebrow and I shrug.

“It doesn’t seem to matter. APPARENTLY being a Shifter isn’t actually a requirement for the position.” I roll my eyes so she can see my opinion of it all and she grins at me.

“Are you gonna try that?” She gestures to my drink. I peer into it before shrugging. I don’t think she would try to hurt me. Harry likes her, and I trust his judgement, as skewed as it is sometimes. I pick up

my drink, and without hesitation, take a sip. Bellamy seems more wary but follows my example and samples his drink. His eyebrows raise in surprise and he immediately takes another sip. His drink is different to mine. A kind of goldish colour. I’m surprised to find that my drink doesn’t really taste like alcohol at all. It’s nice, kind of fresh. It makes me think of mint ice cream but without the ice part.

“Well, that answers that, you’re either very brave or very naive to drink something with no idea what it is.” Cam says seriously. I laugh and her serious expression breaks.


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“Or I’ve just decided to trust you. This is nice, what is it?” I ask curiously. I might want to order it somewhere else sometime.

“It doesn’t have a name, I just made it up. I’d tell you what’s in it, but then you wouldn’t have a reason to come back here and that’s no way to get more business.” She jokes and I laugh again. Cam is really funny. I’m looking forward to spending more time with her. Bellamy seems weirdly relaxed. He’s leaning into me and has slung an arm around my waist. He is practically nuzzling my hair.

“Uh, Bellamy? What’s going on?” I try to pull away a little to see his face but he clings on.

“Is he drunk? What was in his drink?” I ask Cam and she grimaces.

“Sorry, I’ve been working on drinks to chill out specific magics. This was one for feline Shifters. I must have overdone it with the magic infused catnip.” She shrugs awkwardly.

“Give me a minute and I’ll make him something to sober him up. He’s not drunk exactly. His reflexes and mental state are unaffected, it just makes him feel more… mellow. But I think I overdid it. I just thought he was a little strung out.” Cam dashes off and starts mixing together random items from

behind the bar. I have no idea what is in most of the bottles but whatever, I trust her not to poison us. In the meantime, Bellamy shuffles in closer behind me

and k*sses my n*ck.

“Bellamy!” I object and I can feel him chuckle against my n*ck.

“Sorry, sorry. I just can’t bring myself to worry about anything right now.” He sighs into my hair. Wow, did that drink pack a punch. I get the impression that Cam would be a very. dangerous person to piss off. Harry really is fearless to constantly antagonise her and then drink whatever she hands over. Bellamy just apologised without a thought, I know she said the drink wouldn’t affect his mental state, but Bellamy this relaxed is almost creepy. It would be sweet if it happened naturally, or maybe if he took the drink knowing it would happen. But as it is, it’s just weird. Cam returns with a drink in a shot glass that is totally clear. I’m not sure how that happened because I swear she was pouring in something red a minute ago. I

decide not to question it.

“Well here you go, hot stuff. Down your shot.” She hands it to Bellamy and after a glance at me and my nod, he downs it all in one go. He wrinkles up his face but within moments of


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finishing it he straightens his shoulders and returns to sitting on his bar stool rather than hanging off of me.

“That was… interesting. I would prefer you didn’t do that again. Although I suppose it might have recreational uses. Or medicinal for Shiters with anxiety issues.” he contemplates out loud. I don’t think

he’s really annoyed that it happened. Actually I think he rather enjoyed it.

“Yeah, as I said, sorry about that. I’ll adjust the recipe. Maybe half strength next time. Or do it as a small shot glass rather than a full drink. Thanks for being a good sport. It’s hard to find people to test drinks on, particularly spelled ones.” She explains. Bellamy frowns.

“Do you often spell people’s drinks?” he asks. Cam shrugs.

“Only the ones I give away for free. I’m not licensed to sell spells or potions. But there aren’t any rules against giving them away. I only do that for people I think need them. Promise it’s not as creepy and date–rape–y as it sounds.” She holds up a hand in a gesture to show she means no harm.

“If you need Shifters to try potions like that, just let us know and we can arrange something. While I don’t appreciate being drugged without my knowledge, I can see its potential uses.” Bellamy offers. Cam grins happily.

“Awesome, I will totally take you up on that. Ella gives me enough information to work on the theory, but she refuses to test them.” She pouts.

“Ella?” I ask.

“Dr Dae.” Bellamy confirms. I know that she has a first name, but I can’t imagine ever using

1. it.

“Ah, right. So is that how you know her? Researching potions together?” I ask. Cam flushes red and stares at her shoes.

“Not exactly. Ella got called out to assist a Human guy who wouldn’t stop vomiting, she realised that he had been… dosed… with something. She tracked it back to me. She was all ready to report me, but

she gave me a chance to explain. I caught the guy dosing a girl’s drink so I figured I’d make sure he was too incapacitated to hurt her while giving him a taste of his


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own medicine. I promised it would wear off in twenty–four hours and showed her the potion I made to counteract the drug the girl was given. She decided not to report me and we got to talking about some of my more… unusual potions and their potential uses. The rest is history I guess. I make her potions and she helps me research how potions will potentially work on. different types of Shifters. I don’t experiment on them though, promise. Well… not unless they cause trouble in the bar.” Her tone is protective. Yeah, I wouldn’t want to mess with Cam’s bar. I’m about to start asking the questions I actually came here for, but I’m distracted by a flash of bright red hair that I recognise.

“Amber?” She bounces over and drops into the seat beside me. Belongs to (N)ôvel/Drama.Org.

“Excellent, I’m not late.”

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