Strings of Fate

Chapter 101

101- Doctor and distributor

“Well, if you Miss Gale can write out a list of anyone you think could have something against you or might dislike you I can look into it further. Alpha Kane I already have your watch list but if you have any further names to add I can look into them as well. I will also arrange to interview Miss Gale’s neighbours in case anyone has seen anyone suspicious loitering around. We will talk to your coworkers too, just in case. Although Aaron hasn’t noticed anyone unusual at your workplace, it is hard to be sure since it is a public place and the type of place to have regular customers. It wouldn’t be hard for someone to be there regularly without standing out as unusual.” He explains. Bellamy frowns.

“You need to stop going to work.” He comments and my eyebrows fly up to my hairline.

“Excuse me?” I demand. He looks at me like I’m missing something obvious.

“We can discuss it later.” He adds, glancing at the other people present. I nod slowly, crossing my arms across my chest. He’s getting bossy and demanding again. I make eye contact with Aaron who tilts his head and shoulder in a half shrug. We spend the next hour making a list of anyone I could have ever offended. People who I said a little too much about their fates, coworkers and old bosses that disliked me..

“Your lack of dating history makes this a pretty short list.” Shaun comments.

“Huh?” I ask, eloquently.

“Most of the time these lists are full of people’s exes or people they’ve had big falling outs with. Yours is mostly acquaintances. We can look into them but it’s not likely any of these people know you well enough to really hate you. Alpha Kane is right that the people on his list are far more likely to do something this extreme.” he admits.

“Could it be something to do with your magic?” Darrien asks. I shrug.

“I mean it’s possible. But aside from what I naturally pick up and know, I don’t really actively do much with my magic. So it’s not likely.” I confess.

“What can you do with your magic? Other than learning about people’s fates, that is….



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you manipulate them or change them in some way?” Alex asks.

“Uh… I don’t think I can? I mean I haven’t really tried. But I’m fairly sure fate is set. Besides,

why would I want to change it?” I point out. Alex shrugs.

“I don’t know. If you knew someone was fated to be with someone terrible, or to become enemies with someone and you thought you could stop it.” He suggests. I shake my head.

“No, because maybe their relationship is what that terrible person needs to become a better person and step up. Or maybe becoming enemies with someone causes them to become competitive and work harder or invent something new. I don’t want to screw things up. So I leave it alone. I don’t even know if I CAN do anything with the strings. I’ve always been too scared to try. It’s too risky, particularly since I don’t even know what my magic really is or what it’s meant to be for.” I sigh sadly. It’s frustrating. Sure, lots of people have magic, but usually it has a pretty clear use or purpose. What’s the point in knowing about people’s fated friends and partners? It doesn’t change anything, it might help me prepare a little but even

then, if things are fated to happen either way then what does it matter?

“We should still investigate your magic further, maybe we can figure out what you are.” Bellamy suggests. I find I’m excited by the idea.

“The investigation into the threats takes priority, but look into Ryann’s magic further too.” he instructs the guys. They all give confirmation and Alex uses his phone to take pictures of the mark on my arm so that they have something to work with.

With nothing further to discuss, the guys all head out to get to work. Darrien lingers a little, stopping for a drink in the kitchen and his procrastination is rewarded by Megan coming downstairs, still barefoot and walking oddly trying to keep her toes away from the floor. Hel greets her and they fall into a conversation as Darrien updates Megan on the investigation. I’m a little shocked when there’s a knock at the door. Who else are we expecting? Bellamy darts to the door and answers it himself. It’s an older woman. She has dark hair with just a little bit of grey in it. She’s average height and maybe a little round. The mark on her arm as well as the way she greets Bellamy indicates that she is a Shifter, although she looks far less. athletic than most of the Shifters I’ve met. Bellamy hurries me back into the office with the woman following behind.

“Ryann, this is Doctor Dac. She is here to check your arm.” He gestures for me to sit and


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allow the doctor to examine me. She is carrying a large black bag that I assume is full of her medical supplies and stuff. The woman is gruff but seems kind when I greet her. She gives the smallest acknowledgement of my greeting and instead demands to see my injury.

“Well, let’s see it then.” Her tone is harsh but her hands are gentle as she unwinds my bandage and she doesn’t even hesitate when I flinch in pain as the bandage comes away and Bellamy growls at her. I get the feeling that there isn’t much that will phase this woman.

“Hmph.” Is all she says when she looks at it. She is pointedly ignoring Bellamy who is hovering over us. She pulls open her bag and I look inside curiously. It has all the typical first aid supplies that you would expect but also a collection of little potion vials.

“You use potions?” I ask. It’s a surprise, most Witches don’t like to sell their potions, they prefer to administer them themselves. I had to jump through hoops to get the dreamless sleep potion for Megan. Carrying around this many vials… Doctor Dae must be very well trusted by a Witch somewhere.

“Yes.” Is all she answers. I try to converse again.


“You carry a lot of them. You must have a very good supplier.” She meets my eyes for a second then drops them before it becomes a contest.

“I’m not ratting out my supplier. So don’t ask.” she says bluntly and pull away a little in shock. I suppose her supplier probably isn’t licensed. It would be hard to get a licence to sell that many potions to someone else since you remain responsible for any potions you create, no matter who uses them. Does she think I’m trying to get her in trouble? I notice her glancing at Bellamy suspiciously.

“I… I didn’t mean anything by it. I was just thinking how nice it is that someone trusts you enough to give you all those potions. You must be a good doctor, and a trustworthy person.” I explain. Doctor Dae just shrugs but I notice a slight flush on her cheeks.

“If you are worried about getting someone in trouble you might want to keep your potions in a zipped up pocket of the bag or something. Somewhere they won’t be immediately visible to everyone.” I suggest. The doctor sits back and for the first time I feel like she’s actively looking at ME, not just my injury. She gives a satisfied nod then returns to my arm. She cleans it and puts a white cream, some kind of antibiotic, on the injury. She then re–bandages.


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1. it. She hands me the tube and tells me to apply it once a day and rebandage afterwards.

“I will return in a week to check it.” She then holds out her hand.

“Give me your phone.” Without hesitation, I hand it over. She types something in it before. handing it back. She has added her phone number under the name ‘Doctor.”

“You may call me. Only for emergencies mind you, I’m busy enough as it is. Text if it’s not urgent and I will consider answering when I’m available.” Bellamy clears his throat from beside me. Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Ryann can call whenever she needs to.” He says pointedly and I roll my eyes.

“Thankyou Doctor Dae. I won’t abuse your number or take up more of your time than is necessary. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.” I say politely. She pats me on the cheek in an affectionate way then heads off.

“Alpha Kane.” She says with a wave over her shoulder, not even looking back at him.

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