Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 354

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 354

Chapter 13 He Kissed Me!

The sweet juices burst with flavor as I chewed, saturating my tongue with a tangy flavor that made me want to cry out with pleasure. It tasted so good, but I kept my moans to myself, wondering how the fruits on other plants would taste when thi s one was so good.

But I didn’t get the chance to try another one.

The sounds of footsteps met my ear right before I heard Beta Jake’s horrified voice, “Miss Black… what are you doing here?!”

Seriously, what kind of luck did I have?

I turned to look at him, no, them, wondering if my teeth were stained purple with the juice. I doubted I c ould say anything to hide the fact of what I was doing, and I’d probably be in worse trouble if I lied. “Good evening, Your Highness, Beta


They both looked at me in disbelief, and finally, I heard Prince Theo yell, “Just what the fuck are you doing now?!”

All right, I’d done it.

This was the first time I’d ever heard him raise his voice and curse. Needless to say, he was beyond fur ious. I didn’t even have the courage to imagine what the consequence could be that was waiting for me .

Why must fate hate me?

Dipping my head, I apologized. “I’m… I’m sorry, Your Highness,” hoping with miracle, my good attitude would lessen my punishment.

“You need to do it now before it’s too late, Alpha,” said Jake, ignoring me as he made his suggestion in an urgent tone.

What did he mean? To do what?

Before I could react at all, Prince Theo had already moved toward me. Within a split second, he was on me and moving me backward in a hasty retreat until I hit the wall.

He had a look on his face I couldn’t quite place, and a thrill pulsed through me as my very life flashed b efore my eyes. It was as if he wanted to kill me and eat me at the same time, but there was no way for me to run.

Prince Theo leaned in, his dark eyes locked on mine, and I immediately felt like an animal, caught in th e gaze of a predator.

This was the first time I was able to see eyes so closely. As frightened as I was, I had to admit that he had a pair of enchanting orbs. They were dark, deep, but at the same time, clear. My own reflection was in t hem and I didn’t want to look


My heart started beating loudly and uncontrollably, and then the next moment, his warm lips were pressed against mine.

Shock, disbelief, confusion and mortification… waves of emotions overwhelmed me. My natural instinct to resist him and to try to escape quickly melted away as he continued to

kiss me. Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

Chapter 13

My mind began to grow fuzzy, and an ache formed deep within me. I couldn’t quite understand what wa s happening. My knees were so weak that I felt I couldn’t keep myself standing, but then one of his arm s moved to my waist, holding me up and stopping me from getting away from him.

Unlike his cold demeanor, his body was very warm, and the heat radiating from his body through his clothes felt as if it would light me on fire. We were so close that I could even feel his heart beating powerfully in his chest.

His masculine scent, which reminded me of the forest after a fresh rain, filled my lungs, making it difficu lt to hold onto logical thought.

Even when the kiss deepened and his tongue began to tangle with mine, I allowed it, because my mind was in a mess.

Just as I began to drift away into the overpowering sensation, a sharp pain radiated through my tongue, and the metallic taste of blood filled my mouth.

My eyes shot open. Had he bitten me? On purpose?

Prince Theo didn’t pull away from me. Instead, he continued to kiss me, hard, as the taste of blood continued to coat my mouth. I didn’t know what to think– every emotion washed over me, everything from confusion, to shame, to anger, to…


Something about this wasn’t right… but there was nothing I could do but stand there and let him get wh atever he wanted from me.

I nearly lost my ability to breathe. His gloved hands stayed

firmly planted on my waist, though. He didn’t try to touch me anywhere else, only kept them planted firmly so that I was steady against him.

I couldn’t get away from him now–even if I tried.

Eventually, the prince pulled away from me, leaving me gasping for breath as I wiped my mouth off on t he back of my hand. Smears of blood streaked my hand, and when I looked at the prince, I could see h e had a bit of blood next to the corner of his lips as well, making him look… sexy and tempting in a way I couldn’t describe.

His dark eyes continued to stare at me, but there were gleams in them that I couldn’t fathom what emotions they carried.

As air flowed back to my lung, so did my ability to comprehend the situation.

Prince Theo… he just took my first kiss!

How could he? How dare he!

The more I thought about the situation, the more I could feel fury build up inside me. If it had been anyo ne else, I likely would have lifted my knee straight into his crotch by now.

But this was the prince; this was his pavilion, and it was me who stole his berry…

“I guess it’s too late,” Jake mumbled under his breath.

Prince Theo turned and looked at him, nodding, but he didn’t

say anything.

“She must’ve already absorbed everything the dreamberry

had to offer. Sorry, Alpha.” Jake looked down at the ground and shook his head. Then they both walked away from me and shifted their focus on the plant in front of them.

I was already pressed against the wall, but as the two of them approached the plant, I did my best to fade away from them so that they would have their conversation without thinking I was eavesdropping.

Not that I wasn’t doing my best to hear every single word of what they had to say….

Prince Theo lifted up the vine from which I had taken the berry and his expression was dark. I Immediately felt guilty.

“I’m sorry, Alpha. I shouldn’t have done a better job guarding it.”

“Not your fault.” Theo lifted his hand to stop Beta Jake’s apology. He was way more forgiving to his Beta than to me. That was for sure.

Jake sighed. “Now what shall we do to help restrain your…” He was shaking his head, clearly distraught, but Theo threw his Beta a glare, and I got the impression he didn’t want me to know what they were speaking about.

Jake immediately lowered his head again without making another sound. He clearly understood that he should not have said what he had said.

“What’s done is done.” Prince Theo regained his usual, cold and distant tone. It was as if some of the e motions he showed just a few minutes ago were just my imagination.

Then, he turned toward me again.

I wanted to explain to him how it was his own snake that had brought me here, but I said nothing, still not wanting to insert myself into the conversation.

“When is the next blood moon?” I knew Prince Theo was asking Jake, not me.

“Not for a while,” Jake replied. “I’m not sure of the exact date, but at least a few months.”

His eyebrows raised for a moment as he contemplated the answer. “Well, keep this one safe until then. We’ll need her blood when the time is right.” Theo was looking at me when he said those words, and I felt my blood run cold.

What in the world would they need my blood for? When he said they’d need my blood– did he mean… all of it?

Jake seemed to realize they’d alarmed me, and a small chuckle came out of his mouth as he said, “Mis s Black, do not worry. Just a bit from the tip of your tongue. To help with the fertilization.”

“Fertilization?” I repeated, but Theo was clearing his throat. He really didn’t seem to want me to know much about this.

The prince’s dark eyes landed on me, and he finally fully turned to face me, taking a few steps closer. I t

“I’m very sorry I took your fruit without permission,” I told him.

“I had no idea it was special. I was just… hungry.”

“Hungry?” he repeated.

I had learned my lesson that when I was with this cranky prince, the less I said, the better, especially sin

“But how?” Jake was curious. “Do you and the other ladies not get enough to eat from the royal chefs?”

Theo scoffed. “Or she just enjoys going around at night looking for other food to devour.”

My eyes widened as anger began to take over me. He was the one who gave that ridiculous order to starve me and Brook, yet, here he was, acting like he had nothing to do with it!

I couldn’t hold back what I wanted to say. “I have no idea what the other young ladies have gotten from t managed to keep my voice even, but just barely. The urge to yell at him was


“What? Order for you not to eat?” he frowned. “What are you talking about?”

“Yes, that’s right. The day that I was told I was no longer your personal attendant, Brook and I were told we could no longer eat until you said so. I’ve been able to manage, but she… Well, Brook’s a petite, delicate, waif of a girl. She could

Perceval led me here.” I looked down at the snake, who was still slithering near my feet.

The prince looked at his snake as well, almost like he was trying to figure out whose side the pet was on

When he returned his heavy gaze to me, he asked, “Do you really think I’m bored enough to make orde that nature?”

I opened my mouth to tell him I did think so, since the order had been given to me, but then I stopped.

“Sophia!” I mumbled under my breath. I should’ve known this was all her doing and the prince hadn’t rea

Shaking my head, I folded my arms and thought about all of the mean things I’d like to do to that girl for messing with me, but more importantly, for messing with B

“Who is this Brook?” Theo asked me. “A friend of yours?”

“Oh, yes. She is. She’s lovely.” I was about to tell him more about how kind and polite she was, but then I realized the e

Why would he want to hear anything about one of the girls that was there to see if she was a good match for him to bec

“So…” Jake said, moving to stand next to his Alpha. “Regarding Miss Black…”

Theo switched his attention to his Beta, and I saw a hint of

annoyance growing in him. Slowly, he shook his head. “There

has to be another way, doesn’t there?“

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