Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 351

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 351

Chapter 10 A Night in the Prince’s Bedroom

No one answered.

I stuck my head in and noticed it was dark inside. He wasn’t there?

It should’ve been reason enough for me to close the door and prepare for bed, but once again, curiosity got the better of me, and I found myself creeping into his room.

A chill went down my back and through my arms at the temperature of the room. It was much colder than my own room had been, colder than any other part of the castle.

The prince’s bed was empty, the dark blue bedspread still tucked up into place. My eyes wandered across the rest of the room when a rustling sound behind me made me almost jump.

I snapped around and spotted Prince Theo sitting on the couch in the dark. My heart nearly leaped out of my chest.

My immediate reaction was to get down on my knee and announce myself, but then I heard the faint sound of even breathing.

I looked up and realized that he wasn’t awake. His head was tipping to the side and only a thin stream of moonlight illuminating his slumbering form!

My feet were light on the carpet as I approached, wondering what a man like him must dream about. In his mind’s eye,

right now, was he slaughtering other wolves, or was he envisioning himself in a peaceful meadow with a beautiful young lady? Not me, obviously.

In the moonlight, without the scowl on his face, I could see him more clearly than I had before. His dark eyes were closed, so I could focus on his other features-the perfect slant of his nose, the way his jaw was set so squarely, almost perfectly.

I also noticed how masculine the bit of shadow that covered his chin looked with his dark hair. If he always looked this peaceful, perhaps he wouldn’t be quite so terrifying.

Standing in his room staring at him was probably not part of my new duties, but it was chilly in the room, so I decided the least I could do was toss a blanket over him. His demeanor might be cold, but his body didn’t need to be.

I moved to grab a quilt off of the back of a chair and noted he wasn’t wearing the gloves he usually had on. His fingers were long and slender, glowing pale in the moonlight.

I knew the strength of those hands as I had seen him crush bone and rip out tendons with them only a few days ago, but they looked innocent enough now that they were exposed.

Gently, I tossed the blanket over him and turned to go, but then I noticed his gloves were on the floor next to the coffee table. I wasn’t sure if they’d always been there or if I’d inadvertently knocked them off when I moved the cover, so | bent down to pick them up. The material was different than I

expected it to be. Thicker. Heavier.

I was just about to set them back on the table when I heard a rough voice demanding, “What are you doing here?”

I turned to look at him and saw the hint of anger in his eyes. “|—”

“Who said you could come into my chambers without my permission?” No longer peacefully slumbering, Prince Theo looked like he wanted to kill me again.

I quickly put his gloves on the coffee table and turned to face him.

“Forgive me, Your Highness,” I said, my voice vibrating with each word. “Since I have been assigned as your personal attendant, I thought I should come and check on you.”

“Does coming to check on me involve touching my personal belongings?”

Pushing the blanket I had covered him with away, he dragged his hands over his face, and I just stood there, not able to answer his question.

No, of course, it didn’t, but I thought his gloves shouldn’t be on the floor where they could be trampled.

However, I didn’t think my words were something he needed to hear though. I waited, wondering if I should just go or if he would call the guards in to drag me out.

With a sigh, he asked, “Who are you, anyway, woman? And why are you always there every goddessdamn time I turn around?”

His question was muttered under his breath, so I wasn’t sure if I should answer him or just keep quiet, but when he looked at me, I thought I should say something.

“I’m… just… a girl,” I said, simplifying my answer.

Immediately, he paused, his eyes seemed to open slightly wider. “What did you say?”

Startled, I jumped back a few steps. He must not have liked that response. “I’m-Ciana Black,” I told him. “From-”

“I don’t care where you’re from.” He interrupted me, stood up and stepped closer. Somehow, I managed to hold my ground and keep from retreating.

“I don’t care who you are or why you’re here, but from now on, if you’re to be my personal attendant, you don’t do a damn thing without my express consent. I don’t want you anywhere near me unless I call for you. Understand?”

His eyes penetrated right through me as he waited for me to regain the ability to speak. I managed to say, “Yes, Your Highness.” And he backed away a step or two.

In my mind, I couldn’t help the anger that was beginning to replace my fear. Just who did he think he was, assuming everyone wanted to be near him all the time, so much so that we’d risk everything to be in his presence? The nerve this man had. I hadn’t chosen to win that stupid contest or be named as his assistant!

I lowered my gaze and kept my eyes trained on the intricately woven rug beneath the coffee table where we were standing, not allowing myself to show my fury. I needed to be careful, for my own sake, and for my pack’s. I needed to get out of here alive….

His mood was still dark as he said, slowly, “You must learn not This content belongs to Nô/velDra/ma.Org .

to do anything without my orders.”

Clearing my throat, I replied, “Yes, Sir,” and waited, not even sure I should breathe without his consent.

For a few seconds, it was awkwardly quiet in the room, so I peeked up slightly, and saw he was staring at the spot where his gloves rested on the table, as if he wanted them. However, I didn’t move to get them for him for fear he’d only lose his cool again. I wanted him to dismiss me so I could run back to my room and pound the pillows with my fists.

“Get out. Now.”

My first instinct was to obey him immediately, and I took a few hurried steps toward the door. But then, I realized, knowing what I did about the prince, he wasn’t likely to seek me out to give me a list of assignments.

So… mustering all of my bravery, I asked, “Your Highness,” His threw me a look as if he regretted that he didn’t silence me forever just now, but before he could make a sound, I quickly blurted out, “-might I know what my duties for tomorrow will be?”

I figured… with all of the trouble King Sebastian and Beta Xavier had gone to in order to bestow this position upon me, the prince wasn’t likely to strike me down for asking such a simple, purposeful question.

He turned to look at me, his hands fisted on his muscular hips. I kept my eyes down, not willing to look at his body like many of the other girls often did.

“What are your duties?” he repeated.

I said nothing, only waited. Maybe some people would be content to lounge around and spend their time doing nothing, but I wanted something to do to keep me busy.

“You seem to have a lot of energy,” he said, which might’ve been a compliment coming from anyone else, but I doubted that was what he meant. “Since you like to work so much, tomorrow you can begin cleaning the entire wing, top to bottom. I want everything shiny and bright like it was the day the castle was built.”

I had noticed there were no servants on this side of the castle. The guards who greeted me earlier seemed to be there only temporarily. It was as if Prince Theo hated everyone so much, he didn’t want to be near anyone, not even servants, so I had no doubt everything here would be a mess.

The way he made it sound, this would be an enormous undertaking, so I didn’t let him see that it actually made me happy to have such a job.

Not only would it keep me busy for a while and not be bothered by anyone, it would also help me better understand the layout and function of the entire wing.

“Yes, Your Highness,” I said, keeping my tone and expression flat so he couldn’t see I was pleased.

He waved his hand at me, which I took as my dismissal, and without another word, I went back through the door I’d used to access his room in the first place. This time, I shut it fully. I didn’t see the harm in ensuring he knew I intended to leave him be.

With a heavy sigh, I made my way across the room to the bed

and tossed myself down, staring up at the wood panels on the ceiling. Prince Theo was a jackass if I’d ever met one. It was as if he hated everyone who’d ever existed.

I felt sorry for him, in a way. It must be miserable to be like that, without any friends, not even caring for your family. He would likely die all alone, his wife and children not wanting to have anything to do with him.

I decided not to waste another moment thinking about him. It wasn’t worth my time or effort.

Instead, I quickly unpacked my luggage and put on a pair of comfy pajamas. This room wasn’t as chilly as Prince Theo’s bedroom, but it was colder than I was used to in the other part of the castle, so I knew I’d be happy to snuggle beneath the plush blankets.

But before I climbed into bed, I pulled a small memento out of the pocket of my dress. It was a bit wilted, but for the most part, the pedals were alive and vibrant.

Placing the flower Prince Warren had given me onto the pillow next to my head, I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and prayed to the Moon Goddess for happy dreams.

With any luck, I’d be back in the forest with my “secret boyfriend.”

Only this time, it would end pleasantly, not in a pool of blood, but hopefully, with Prince Warren’s smile.

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