Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 345

Sold As The Alpha King’s Breeder Chapter 345

Chapter 4: Blade of the Dark Prince

Oh, crap!

What was going on? What did I do? Why did he look at me like that?

Immediately, I lowered my head to look at the floor and murmured in my head, “Do not look up. Avoid eye contact. Goddess, please, just let me go unnoticed…”

I really, really wanted nothing to do with him.

Unfortunately, no matter how much I wished the oppo site, I heard footsteps approaching. It only took a few seconds for a pair of high-end leather shoes to appear in front of me, and I could sense that I was enveloped in the prince’s shadow. This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

My heart was racing as I held my breath.

And then I heard him ask, “Dyan Emstream of the Zabra


I blinked. Huh?

He didn’t come for me, but the girl I was next to.


I quietly let out a long breath of relief and almost laughed at myself. It was silly of me to scare myself to death like that.

“Ye... yes, Your Highness?” Dyan answered. She was beau tiful, with straight black hair and beautiful amber eyes.

“Your pack name sounds familiar.”

Now that I wasn’t the center of attention, I was able to sneak a peek at the prince up close. Lifting my head and gaze slightly, I got a glimpse of the profile of the legendary yet dreadful Prince Theo.

He was probably a couple of inches taller than Prince Warren, and while it was obvious they were related, Theo was more striking.

His eyes were darker with little flecks of gold in them. Along his strong jaw, I could see a bit of stubble the same col or as his hair. His nose was perfectly shaped for his handsome face.

He was absolutely gorgeous even with that icy cold ex pression he wore. But I knew his reputation, and it was too bad it was a demon who lived under such an appealing exteri


In a lot of ways, he reminded me of the painting in the room where we’d met Beta Xavier. His presence gave me an ominous feeling, and even though he was well-built, with muscular shoulders, a flat stomach, and strong legs, I was able to stop myself from swooning over him, thanks to his aloof demeanor.

Dyan replied, “Of course, it sounds familiar…”

Her voice trembled, but something didn’t feel right. It was as if she wasn’t nervous. Instead, it was- hatred.

“Because it was almost wiped out by you a year ago!” the amher-oved airl velled

Before I could process what was happening, she lunged forward in a flash, a sharp knife in her hand, and thrust it to ward Theo with all of her might.

“Kill Theo, and we can take out Sebastian!”

He stood and grabbed her arm, snapping it in half as he snidely replied, “How ambitious.”

I expected to hear Dyan’s shrieks of agony, but she con tinued to attack as if she didn’t even feel the pain.

A hint of surprise flashed through Prince Theo’s dark eyes. Just then, the other women in my group shifted, their dresses falling away in shreds as vicious wolves leaped at their enemies. Half of them were aiming for the prince while the other three went after his Beta.

Their size and speed were not what I’d ever seen in she wolves, and that was when I realized those were not ordinary girls, but well-trained assassins!

The prince and his Beta, both still in their human forms, made short work of the agitated wolves, slicing through them with the knives they had snatched from their attackers.

Prince Theo slammed the bloody blade into a large gray wolf before gutting another smaller, brown one. In just a few moments, the wolves had fallen, lying or bleeding on the car pet, draped across his desk, or in a pile at Beta Jake’s feet.

Theo crouched down next to the girl who had started it all. “Who exactly are you?”

She didn’t answer, but let out frantic laughs instead. “You … monster!” she gritted through her teeth. Her voice was

filled with hatred that it almost didn’t sound like a young girl any more. “We curse you… to be forever… fated to a dark life of loneliness and pain!” With that, her mouth stopped moving and her amber eyes


“Loneliness and pain?” Prince Theo causally wiped the blood off his hands. “Don’t bother. I’m used to it.”

I froze in place.

The girls’ blood had splashed on me, and I could still feel the warmth.

Just a moment ago, they were still talking, walking, just like the rest of us, but now…. My hands covered my mouth, and I dared not make any sound.

The prince’s dark gaze landed on me. I could tell that he wasn’t looking at me out of concern. It was then that I realized that I was trembling in terror.

“You.” He stepped over the heap of fallen women. “What of you?”

My hands were shaking as I pointed at my chest. Immedi ately, I began to shake my head. “I… I don’t know them.”

Beta Jake’s eyes didn’t leave me. He was waiting for in structions from Prince Theo. I had no doubt that as soon as his Alpha gave him the signal to take my life, he would exe cute it without hesitation.

Prince Theo continued to look at me for a long moment before he tore his eyes away. “I think that’s enough for one day.”

“Yes, Alpha,” Beta Jake answered respectfully.

“Get someone to clean this up.” Prince Theo motioned at the bleeding bodies and then went out another door.

As soon as he was gone, I locked eyes with the Beta, and he gave me a softer look as he came over, handing me his own handkerchief. “You have a bit of blood on your cheek.”

I took it from him, wiping at my face and hastily thanking him.

With a nod, he took it back, shoved it in his pocket, and gestured for me to open the doors.

The women standing outside knew something had hap pened, but they couldn’t have seen much inside the room be cause I was in the way. “Ladies, the prince will meet the rest of you at a later time,” he declared.

Some of the girls moaned, but the doors were closed be hind the Beta, and he did not give them a chance to look in side.

I dutifully walked away with the others, but my legs were shaking, which slowed me down. I fell to the back of the crowd, alone.

Ahead of me, I heard guesses about what might have happened. I thought it best to keep it to myself. All of it was so horrific-I doubted anyone would believe me anyway.

“Where are the other girls?” someone asked.

“Maybe he formed a harem with them,” another joked.

Other girls were comparing Theo to Warren. I trudged

along, just wanting to lay down and get my thoughts back to gether.

No one asked me, and I was glad about it.

Finally, we arrived back in our rooms, and the whispering and chattering were so loud that it was giving me a headache. The girls who got to see Theo were talking about how hand some he was, while those

that hadn’t were wishing they’d been luckier.

I had been fairly unlucky in all of this so far, but at least | wasn’t dead.

Sitting down on the end of my bed in a room shared with a few of the other girls, I tried to push the visions of what I’d just seen away.

Brook bounced in and sat down next to me. “Well, I guess Prince Theo must like you. He kept you in his office alone for a bit.”

I looked over at her, seeing her silly grin, and immediately admonished her. “Don’t even joke about that!”

The smile slid off of her face. “I’m sorry,” she said. “Are you all right?”

Taking a deep breath, I realized I’d been rude. “Yes, I’m fine,” I told her. “I didn’t mean to snap at you. It’s just… I don’t think about the prince that way.”

“I’m sorry,” Brook seemed to feel bad.

“It’s okay.” I forced a smile to assure her. “I shouldn’t have overreacted.”

We sat in silence for a few moments before she asked, “So, what does he look like?”

Upon hearing her question, visions of Prince Theo scowl ing as he cut those wolves down filled my mind, and I just couldn’t bring myself to even try to recall what his face looked like. I muttered, “I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?” she asked with a chuckle. “You have a sweetheart back home and you can’t tell me what he looks like?”

I blinked a couple of times before I realized that she wasn’ t asking about Prince Theo, but my alleged boyfriend. She was trying to cheer me up by switching the topic.

I looked at her gratefully. However, as much as I wanted to answer her question, the truth was, I had no idea what the teenager I’d met years ago looked like.

“Well, if you’re not willing to share that,” Brook raised a brow, “how about this question instead? What do you like about him?”

I thought for a moment, and I couldn’t help but smile. “He once brought me a beautiful flower.”

“A flower?” She laughed. “You’re so silly, Ciana.”

I managed a smile, but my heart wasn’t in it. More than ever, I wanted to go back to my own house, to my family, but I couldn’t.

I was a prisoner here. Until this was over in three years.

Or until I died.

Whichever came first.

I took a breath and made up my mind. “Brook,” I told her firmly, “I need to get out of here!”

Brook nodded in understanding and squeezed my arm. “Then you need to get your energy back. You look exhausted, and we’ll have another long day tomorrow. Get some rest.”

She quoted a book I’d read once before and said, “Sleep perchance to dream.”

just wished I could fall asleep and forget about the blood and agony. I wished that when I woke up, I would be at home… away from this nightmare.

But had I known what I would dream about that night, would’ve done everything I could to stay awake.

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