Scream For me

Chapter 94


I check my watch for the fifth time, reaching into my pocket for my phone to check it as well. No missed texts or calls. Our flight leaves in less than thirty minutes.

Fuck! I shouldn’t have said what I said to her. I shouldn’t have kissed her, but I couldn’t deny myself any longer. I’m not surprised she isn’t coming; I probably scared her.

“Something bothering you, son?” My father doesn’t look up from his newspaper.

“No,” I lie.

“Your mother mentioned a young lady coming along to attend to Daisy?” This time he pulls the paper down, his eyes peering over the top of his reading glasses like he used to do when I was in trouble as a teenager.

“Possibly, yes. Daisy’s schoolteacher.”

“And what happened to the nanny?”

I don’t like his insinuating tone. My father and I get along, but that’s about it. I certainly don’t take any sort of fatherly or relationship advice from the man. I try to keep it strictly business.

“She quit. She wasn’t long-term anyway; she graduated college and moved out of state with her girlfriend.”

“You know, I dated a woman once who had a girlfriend.”

“Yes, Dad, I remember. She also was my nanny. And then you dated the one after as well. Unlike you, I don’t hire nannies as forms of entertainment or flavors of the month.”

His insidious smile falters. “You don’t have to be so vulgar, Weston. When will you stop throwing my past in my face? Your mother has forgiven me.” He flicks the paper back up with a harrumph.

Womanizer doesn’t hardly begin to describe my father. He has a long history of more than reprehensible behavior toward my mother, my nannies, his secretaries, flight attendants, and so on. It’s more than embarrassing and a reputation I made sure not to perpetuate. He thinks that since he’s managed to keep his dick in his pants for the last five years, he deserves to be absolved from everything.

“Darling, is she coming or not?” my mother asks in a hushed tone, making sure Daisy isn’t in earshot.

I look at my watch again-two minutes till the doors close. Technically, we could leave now since the crew and pilot are here but I’m too hopeful to leave early.

“I guess not.” Then I pause, tilting my head. “Did you hear something?” “No, dear,” my mother says.

I walk down the aisle, sticking my head out the door when I see Daphne, tumbling out of a car, struggling with her bags. “I’m here! I’m here!” she shouts and I can’t keep from laughing. I walk down the stairs, reaching for her bags to give to the cargo manager.

“Imagine that. You waiting till the last minute to catch a flight.”All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Doesn’t sound like me.” She places one hand on her hip, the other shielding her eyes from the morning sun as she looks up at me. She has a smirk on her face, one that’s making me want to pull her to me and kiss her feverishly.

“You came,” I say, stepping an inch closer to her.

“I came,” she says softly.

“Darling”-my mother pokes her head out of the doorway-“the pilot says we are ready to go. Oh, hello dear!” She waves at Daphne.

“Thank you.”

“Of course.” She smiles and it’s genuine.

“Well, let’s go surprise, Daisy.” I usher her toward the plane, trying not to stare directly at her plump ass that’s eye level in front of me, the thin material of her pants doing nothing to constrict the movement. I already gave myself a stern talking to about expectations and behavior on this vacation. This is not my chance to devour her, defile her, fuck her senselessly.

I will be on my best fucking behavior, I repeat to myself over and over.

“I’m so happy you made it, dear,” my mother greets Daphne with open arms, planting an air kiss on both of her cheeks. “Alec, darling, this is Daphne Flowers, Daisy’s teacher whom she’s told us so much about.”

I watch as my dad rakes his eyes over Daphne and I want to cover her with a blanket. Her loose top and linen pants do nothing to reveal her delectable figure, but that doesn’t matter to my father.

“Pleasure.” He smiles, reaching out his hand toward her.

“Pleasure to meet you as well.”

“Daisy is back there. She has her headphones on and is buried in her tablet.” I don’t even think twice; my hands instinctively go to her waist as I walk behind her down the aisle. It feels right. Daisy looks up from her tablet in shock, a huge smile lighting up her entire face. She yanks off her headphones, pushing off her seat to launch herself toward Daphne.

“Miss Flowers!” Daphne crouches down, almost knocked over by the impact of Daisy.

“Hi, sweetheart.” She smiles at Daisy. “Are you excited for your vacation?”

“Yes,” she gasps. “Are you coming with us? Daddy, please let her come, please?” She drags out the word, her eyes pleading with me as she jumps up and down in place.

“She’s coming with us, sweetie.”

“Yay! Oh my goodness, we are going to have so much fun. Let me show you the stuffed animals I brought with me. Have you ever played the My Little Pony game?” Daisy is already bombarding her with information, pulling toys and stuffed animals out of her backpack while simultaneously trying to show her the game on her tablet.

“Daisy,” I say softly, but Daphne looks over her shoulder at me, shaking her head.

“It’s okay.” She turns back to Daisy. “Wow, that is the prettiest unicorn I have ever seen!”

We all take our seats for takeoff moments later, Daisy talking Miss Flowers’ ear off the entire time. Part of me is a little bit jealous wondering if Daisy will prefer her company the entire trip and a bit jealous wondering if Daphne will even want to spend any time with me.

Not why you invited her. Best behavior, remember.

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