My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 35

35 One Down

Sabrina POV

I pick up my glass to take a drink of iced tea when Lindsay stops me. “Please don’t drink that, Luna.” “What’s the matter Lindsay?” Archer growls “what is in the drink?” “Calm down Archer let her talk.” “Belinda tried to convince me to give the Luna something that would get her to leave the pack this morning.” “When I refused and broke the vial, she threatened to kill me.” “Then she came to me saying she changed her mind and wanted to help me bring you your food.” “I had planned on speaking to you after the guests left.” “I noticed she gave the Luna her drink first and it didn’t sit right with me.” I stand and come to stand in front of her pulling her into a hug. “Thank you, for telling us Lindsay.” “I’m sorry I didn’t come right after it happened this morning, but I had hoped I destroyed all she had.” “I’ve known Belinda since we were children and I had hoped she had a momentary lapse in judgement.” “The important thing is you told us before anything happened.” I pull back and Archer is on his feet heading for the door. “Archer stop” I say, and he turns toward me. I can see Brutus is at the surface.

I walk up to him, and he buries his head in my neck to calm himself. “She is dead after what she has done.” “Working with my father and trying to take you from me.” “In our world those are serious crimes that have serious punishments.” “I have an idea to catch her in the act of what’s she has done.” I turn to Lindsay “can you take the empty glasses and plates down.” “Make sure she knows that I drank the tea.” “Yes Luna” she says before dumping the glasses in the ensuite bathroom. She gathers everything we are done with and leaves the room. “What is the plan here love?” “I want her to think I drank the potion and let’s see what she tries to do.” “I’m going to go get Gabby and you watch from a distance.” He pulls me in one more time and kisses my forehead before he lets me go. “If she even moves the wrong way toward you or our daughter, I will rip her apart.”

Belinda POV

I’m in the kitchen when Lindsay comes back down. “What did you need to ask the Alpha about Jonathon?” “I was hoping I had heard wrong about him being rejected by the visiting Alpha’s sister but unfortunately that really happened.” “That’s terrible” I say and look down at the tray she is starting to empty. “Looks like they enjoyed the food and drinks.” “They did, the Luna said it was the best iced tea she ever had.” “I’m glad I made it fresh for them.” “I’m glad she enjoyed it.” “She is going to pick up her pup from daycare.” “I need to get these dishes done before dinner if you want to help me.” “I would Lindsay, but I promised the girls I would help them with their chores.” “An omega’s work is never done.” “You are absolutely right.” “I’ll see you for the dinner meal.” I nod before I head outside and down the path.

I watch from a distance as the human picks up her pup from Kate. I will wait here out of sight, so Kate doesn’t see me. I can’t have anyone suspecting I have something to do with her leaving if I am to console Archer when she is gone. He cares nothing about titles as he took a human for a Luna. He won’t care that I’m an omega. I will take very good care of all of his needs. She starts up the path toward where I’m standing, and I come out to greet her. “Luna it’s good to see you again.” “You as well, it’s Belinda, right?” “That’s very good, yes Belinda.” “Is this your daughter?” “Yes, this is mine and Archer’s daughter.” I lean into whisper so the pup can’t hear “this pup is nothing to Archer and soon you will be nothing to him too.” “Now follow me Luna” I say sarcastically. She does as I say, and I lead her up the path toward the pack house. I notice Fern coming out the back door and heading toward us. Sh*t what the hell does that b**ch want.

Fern POV

I watch my girls coming up the path with that b**ch Belinda through the window of the pack house kitchen. I don’t want her anywhere near my family. I never told my son that she was one of his father’s regular girls. I wanted to let the past go and honestly, I could care less that she f**ked him. I head out the door and straight for them. “Sabrina love where are you headed with my beautiful grand pup.”

“We’re busy right now Fern she can talk to you later” Belinda says but Sabrina never answers me. “Busy doing what exactly omega?” I would never wield that word like an insult to any of the other omegas but I want her to take it that way. She steps into my space “your husband seemed to enjoy the company of this omega on many occasions.” I slap her across the face knocking her to the ground.

Archer, Willow, and some gentleman I don’t know rush outside followed by other pack members. “Mother what happened” Archer asks. “I think I can field this one love” Sabrina finally speaks and I look at her confused. “Lindsay, can you take Gabby inside please.” “Of course, Luna” she says taking Gabby and rushing off.

Sabrina POV This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Stay quiet Luna” Belinda whispers. Archer growls and steps toward her but I step between them. “Listen first love and then you can do what you need to.” I turn to the b**ch on the ground. “Not only didn’t I drink your special tea but I just heard everything you said to my mother-in-law you b**ch.” “Archer she most certainly put the potion in my drink to make me leave the pack.” I tell him exactly what she said to me on the path. “She also has been helping your father betray his bond with your mother.” “Mother why didn’t you tell me” Archer asks. “She was just one of many and honestly I could care less about her but knowing what she tried to do to our family changes everything.”

I watch Fern pick her up off the ground by the neck. “You tried to take my son’s family away from him.” “For crimes against your Alpha and Luna the penalty is death.” I turn burying my head in Archer’s chest. I know that it’s what she deserves but I can’t bring myself to watch. I hear bones break and Archer leads me inside away from the crowd. Willow and Harris follow behind us. Lindsay is in the living room playing with Gabby who rushes over when she sees Archer and he scoops her up. “Daddy” she squeals before she puts her hand over her little mouth at her slip. I reach up pulling her hand down. “I’m sorry I meant Archer.” “Gabby, do you want to call Archer, daddy?” “You can have two daddies little one.” She nods her head “he does all the things daddies do.” We all laugh and my daughter’s sweetheart has melted away the last horrible moments. A few minutes later Fern walks in

heading right for me. She wraps me in a hug “I’m sorry sweetheart I was so angry I didn’t even think about what you would see.” “You don’t need to apologize Fern I know werewolf law is different and she deserved the punishment she got.” “I just need to get used to the way things are done in a pack.” She pulls back and brushes my hair back around my ear. “I hope that won’t be something you will see to often but know we will all protect you and Gabby with our lives.” I hug her one more time before we all take a seat in the living room.

Willow POV

I can’t believe what the hell just happened. We were just coming down the stairs when I saw my mother rushing outside. I can’t believe that b**ch used the potion my father had gotten from Harris. I sit on the couch and Harris sits next to me. Archer looks like he is on cloud nine after Gabby called him daddy. He looks in my direction and smiles. “It seems that we have another member of the pack mother.” Oh no he did not just say that to my mother before I got a chance to tell her. Sabrina slaps his arm. “What I’m happy I was just spreading the love.” “What am I missing” my mother asks as she looks between myself and Harris. “Mom, this is Harris my mate.” She screams coming over to wrap us both in a hug.

“Mother before Archer can tell you anything else we would like to talk to you alone.” I take Harris’s hand and lead him and my mother into one of the offices. Once we are inside, I can tell that Harris is nervous. I squeeze his hand before I begin to speak. “Mom, I know you realize that Harris is a vampire.” “I do but that doesn’t matter, the goddess chose him for you.” I smile at how different my mother is now. She always cared about our happiness, but she listened to our father too much. “Mother, Harris was not always a good man and has done somethings he is not proud of but he has vowed to change all that.” I explain why he came here and what my father has done. My mother walks over until she is standing in front of Harris. “Thank you for helping my family but know this if you ever hurt my daughter what I did to that girl out there will be nothing compared to what I will do to you.” “I promise you that I will never hurt Willow.” She pulls him into a hug and then me. “You have my blessing

though you don’t need it.” “Thank you, mom I love that you gave it whether we needed it or not.” We head back out to join the others.

Archer POV

I sit on the floor playing with Gabby while Sabrina is on the couch smiling at us. Levi and Tracey come in and join us. “So, we heard about that crazy b**ch Belinda” Levi says. “My mother dealt with her a** before I could do a thing.” “Go Fern” Tracey says doing a fist pump. I look over to see my mother, Harris, and Willow smiling as they walk toward us. I get a link “Alpha we have a situation with a witch at the gate.” “I’m on my way, she is a guest don’t hurt her.” “I don’t think it’s her you have to worry about being hurt.” He cuts the link and I turn to Willow and Harris. “It seems there is an issue with your guest at the gate.” Harris and Willow look at me confused. “She is threatening my men.” “I’ll be right back Sabrina.” She nods, and we rush outside and toward the gate. What the hell could be happening for her to hurt my men?

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