His Lost Lycan Luna (Kyson and Ivy)

Chapter 179

Chapter 179

Hook? Me Found Lycon Line Chapter 54

Azalea POV

Peter, a boy I trusted and despite what he had done, some part of me hung on to the hope he would tell me it was all a joke and it wasn’t him, that he hadn’t taken my child from me. He himself was a child and he killed mine and seeing him so broken only made it so much more obvious that he was a child too.

Peter looks up and I move to the bars and his head snaps up to look at me and hangs his head. His knees were pressed to his chest, he looked small and meek. Though looks could be deceiving, was all of it a lie? Everything? I liked Peter, I liked his energy, his carefree personality, his bubbliness but now | see a monster in a child’s body, yet monsters hurt too. That became abundantly clear when he looked up, tears in his eyes that etched down his face and dripped off his chin.

“I’m sorry, I… I didn’t mean… I panicked,” he sobbed and I looked at Liam who was glaring at him.

“Panicked, you drove a knife into her, that isn’t panicking that is calculated,” Trey snarls, hitting the bars and making him jump. The guards I noticed stepped away from Trey, backing away from him as his body shook violently. I place my hand on his arm and he calms some, glancing down at me.

Turning to the guard I asked for the keys, Liam quickly grabbed my hand to stop me and Trey pressed closer to me like he would toss me over his shoulder for even thinking of going near Peter. But he was detained, shackled with chains around his neck, ankles, and wrists; he wasn’t going anywhere.

“He can’t hurt me,” I told them.

“He already has,” Liam replies. I look at him and press my lips in a line. Yes, he has more than he will ever know.

“I want the keys, I am not talking to him through the bars,” I tell Liam who looks at Trey. They hold some secret conversation. And Trey growls but Liam lets my wrist go. Yet when the guard went to hand the keys over Trey took them.

“I’m coming in with you and you remain by my side and Liam by his,” Trey says. I don’t fight him on it, I knew he wouldn’t budge unless I ordered him and I didn’t have the fight in me to debate it. Conceding I nodded my head and he unlocked the door. Liam walked in first and stood near the wall beside Peter and Peter flinched at his closeness. Liam however just offered him a glare.

Trey refuses to step aside to let me in, and he grabs my arm when I try before pulling me to the opposite side; however, he didn’t close the door, probably in case something happened I could run out. I go to sit on the steel bed but apparently that is too close because Trey grabs my arm, steering me to the far wall. Liam leans over and tosses the pillow over from off the bed to him and he catches it dropping it at his feet.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“If you want to sit you can but not near him,” Trey says and I sigh but sit on the pillow and lean against the wall. Though Trey remains standing, his leg brushing against my arm and I look up at him.

“Can you at least sit, it feels awkward with you standing,” I tell him and he looks down at me before looking at Liam.

"He moves, I will break his neck," Liam says in more of a warning to Peter, but Trey sits beside me, though his entire body was tense.

Peter stares at the floor, he sniffles and wipes his nose with the back of his hand and for a few minutes I couldn't bring myself to speak. The air is thick with tension but eventually!

"Why?" I asked him and his head lifted and his eyes snapped to mine.

"I didn't mean to,1," he moved his hands and Liam had him by his throat instantly and my shriek made him pause.

"He can't hurt me, he won't, will you Peter?" I asked him. Peter chokes and sputters, his eyes bulging but shakes his head as best he could and Liam lets him go, he falls to the ground gasping.

Peter pushes further into the comer away from him but his eyes return to mine after a moment.

It was you that poisoned the fruit?" I tell him and he chews his lip and nods his head.

"You bleached my room?" he nods again,

"He also unbolted the stairs banister, that's why he was

cleaning them," Liam growls, and Peter flinches, cowering away.

"How did you get past the guards to get in the room," Trey asks him.

"1 offered to clean the roof's gutters, the window was cracked," Peter answers and I press my lips in a line.

"Was it you that morning in the room? The window was open," I tell him and he hangs his head and nods.

Trey snarls at him and he visibly makes himself smaller.

"I just wanted you to go back to Landeena, to leave the castle, I didn't mean to kill your..." he looks at my stomach and a tear rolls down his face and he glances away.

"Liam figured it out, and I knew they would remove me from the castle, I panicked and I went to take you hostage but then he lunged at me, so I stabbed you. I swear I didn't mean it, command me please, ask anything. I will answer whatever you like. It wasn't my intention to kill you but I freaked out."

"If you didn't intend to hurt her, why did you have a knife?" Liam asks.

"I always have it, it was my father's," Peter says.

"I thought you didn't know your father," I asked and he shrugs.

I've heard of him, apparently he wasn't worth knowing."

"So you know who he is?" I asked. Peter shakes his head.

"No, not even my grandparents know, just said he was a deadbeat," Peter answers.

"You don't believe that?" I asked, curiously. I don't know why was asking him,

I shouldn't care, for some reason I did.

"I don't know, but then you came along and the King made her leave, I just wanted to scare you, make you leave so she could come back, it was the only time I got to see her," Peter says.

“See who?” Trey asks. And Peter looks at the ground.

“She never comes to see me, she pretends I don’t exist,” Peter says before clearing his throat and wiping his face.

“At least here she had to speak to me, I would ask Clarice to let me help her, sometimes she let me help her,” Peter says, wiping his face and rubbing his bloodshot eyes.

“Then you ruined it, you made her leave. I just wanted her to stay,” Peter says.

“Who are you talking about?” I asked. I hadn’t made anyone leave that I was aware of.

*My mother,” Peter answers.

“Grandpa said one day she would come around, that she would see me and come get me but she didn’t, so I got a job here to be near her,” he says.

Liam and Trey looked at each other clearly confused and so was I.

“Peter, who is your mother?” I asked, trying to figure out who he was talking about.

“Ester, and you made her leave me again. I was going to make her see, see that I could be good, that I wasn’t like my father, that she could love me, and I wouldn’t leave her,” Peter says, but I was shocked by the thunderous growl that left Trey. I jumped at the sound, not expecting it.

His lost lycan Luna,(Book 2) Chapter 55

“Liar! You are not that w***e’s son!” Trey growled, and Peter flinched as Trey went to get up. I grabbed his arm and it rippled under my hand when Liam moved so quickly. He knocked the air out of my lungs when Trey shifted. Liam shoved me out the cell door, the guard grabbing me before I could fall, and Liam shifted, pinning Trey to the wall.

“Calm down!” Liam snarled while Trey’s eyes were on Peter, who whimpered in the corner, cowering away from him. I swallowed, petrified, and my heart raced as I watched Trey’s nostrils flare, his face savage, and a deep reverberating growl ripped from him, challenging Liam, who returned it with a deafening one. Their aura is both potent and deadly, the testosterone in the room making me dizzy and I had to fight the urge to run to my mate, not liking the charged energy after days of only being under Kyson’s calming calling.

“Choose wisely, Trey. I was coming around to not hating you. Challenge me, and you go back on my s**t list.” Liam warns, his tone ice cold and threatening.

“Trey?” I plead, and he looks at me. He puffs out his massive furry chest before shoving Liam who barely moves but Liam releases him and Trey storms out of the cell and down the corridor.

Liam shifts back, standing in his naked glory before glancing around at Peter

“What the f**k was that about?” Liam says while I stare at the roof.

“Liam! Pants!” I squeaked, not knowing where to avert my gaze without seeing that monstrosity between his legs.

“Oh! Sorry, my Queen, forgot you have only seen the King’s twinkie,” Liam says, clicking his fingers at the guard who chucks him a hessian bag. Liam holds it up and looks at it.

“F*****g pants, moron! What will I do with this? Have a potato sack race?” Liam asks. The guard rushed off, returning minutes later with shorts, while I stood awkwardly staring down the corridor. Once he had pants on, I turned to look at him. He was standing over Peter, who looked up at him.

“Now you’ll tell me why Trey just fled,” Liam says.

Peter looks at me before looking up at Liam. “…. I don’t know, I barely know him,” Peter stutters.

“You’re asking the wrong person. Let’s find Trey, but first, I want to go to town,” I say, and Liam turns to face me, but my eyes go to Peter.

“I want to speak to your grandparents,” I tell him.

“They didn’t do anything! I swear! They aren’t part of this,” Peter begs, his eyes widening as fear graced his face; I wasn’t sure if he was scared for them or of them.

"I just want to speak to them," I assured him, though he didn't deserve the reassurance, yet it was hard for me to comprehend Peter the bay in front of me, and the Peter that stabbed me as the same person.

"What? Why?" He says, looking at me petrified.

"Because if I am going to convince Kyson not to kill you, I need the information to back my reasoning."

"My Queen, Kyson won't let him live after what he did, and I wouldn't recommend telling him otherwise," Liam says. I chew my lip.

"Would you let him live?" He asks, and his aura slips out with his outrage.

"He is a child. I don't forgive what he did, and he will be punished, but I won't let Kyson kill him. That is for the moon goddess to decide. If I choose it," I tell him. Liam growls, clearly not agreeing, but I turn my gaze to Peter.

"Address, now," I tell Peter. He rattles it off, and I nod. I went to leave, only to pause and turn back to him.

"If you're lying to me, I will let Kyson decide your fate. I never made your mother leave. Kyson did. After he woke up to her trying to touch him in his sleep," I tell Peter. He gasps, clearly shocked. Obviously, not all news gets around the castle.

"Mum always had a thing for him," Peter admitted and I nodded, not knowing what to reply.

"She shouldn't have done that knowing you were his mate," he adds.

"No. She shouldn't have but this is your chance, Peter. If you are

lying, tell me now because if I leave here and find out you lied, I won't stop my mate from killing you," I tell him.

"I'm not lying. You can command me, though sometimes it doesn't work,"

Peter says, glancing nervously at Liam, and I look at Liam, who turns and looks at him.

"Pardon?" Liam asks.

"Your command, it hurts but doesn't affect me as badly as the King's," he shrugs.

"So you lied when I commanded you? Faked it?" Liam growls but Peter nods his head.

"I thought you would let me go, but you didn't," Peter says, yet Peter has not shifted yet, so how could he resist it?

"We will figure that out later. For now, we should go. I just felt Kyson wake up. and I want to go before he comes looking for me. Kyson won't ask for answers. He will demand blood," I tell Liam.

"And Trey?" Liam asks.

"When we get back," I tell Liam before turning on my heel and walking out. The mind link stirs as Kyson wakes, but I could feel he was pretty hungover.

"Azalea!" He says frantically through the mind link.

"I'm fine. I am with Liam," I assure him. I feel the tension leave him through the bond, relief flooding through me from him.

"Where are you? I will come to you," he tells me as Liam holds me steady as climb the stairs leading back into the kitchen. I stop just outside the pantry doors, waiting for Liam to lock the cellar door.

"I'm in the kitchen, but shower and wake up. Clarice will send up something for you to eat and get rid of the hangover," I told him while looking at Clarice, who nodded to me. She seemed surprised to see me but didn't comment on it, which! appreciated.

"That can wait. I'll be down soon," Kyson says.

"Kyson, I'm fine. I just want to go into town. Liam is with me. I promise I will come to see you when I get back," I tell him.

"Azalea," He said my name like an order daring me to challenge his word again and I sighed, knowing he was already on his way to me. I could feel him getting closer when he appeared in the doorway leading into the kitchen after a few minutes, there was no point running he would chase me down.

Yet as he appeared, the sigh that left him and how he rolled his shoulders told me he needed to see me to ensure I was alright. His smell overrode my senses and was more potent than the robe I was wearing, which had me moving to go to him. He met me halfway, pulling me into his arms, his hand going to my head while he wrapped his arm around my body, his lips in my hair.

"You shouldn't have left without telling me. I woke up and thought.." he doesn't finish, and I don't question, not wanting to know where his mind just took him.

He sniffs me before burying his nose in my hair and then pressing it to my neck. A low thrumming growl leaves him, making goosebumps rise on my arms and his grip tightens but not painfully more like he was trying to remove the scent on me and replace it with his

"Where were you?" I knew he knew, so there was no point lying.

I went to see Peter. Liam and Trey went with me because I asked, and there

were also two other guards down there," I tell him knowing Peter's scent was heavy down there, he growls, grabbing my face in his hands and turning my face up to look at him.

"Out!" He growls, watching me. The room was evacuated under his order within seconds. Yet he didn't let me go. Instead, he rested his forehead against mine and let out a breath. I waited for the wrath, his fury. I could feel it through the bond as he fought the urge to break something, or maybe me. I wasn't sure, so I didn't push him.

"Explain.... Please," he growls.

"You wouldn't have let me go," I told him. He pulls his forehead from mine, looks away, and nods because I am right.

"I may have," he breathes out.

"You don't seem so sure of that," I told him. I struggled to read him throughnthe bond yet I pressed my face to his chest. He purrs, a sound I relished, calming and relaxing me.


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