His And Her Marriage (Lucian and Roxanne)

Chapter 1920

Chapter 1920

Chapter 1920 Go Ahead And Try

Upon entering the hall, they were greeted by the sight of many psychologists engaging in a lively


Leeding the group wes Robert Zucker, e renowned psychologist in the country end the mentor who

guided Jemes into the field of psychology.

Roxenne hed heerd her mentor mention Robert before. The men hed been reseerching psychology for

more then thirty yeers end hed written meny books on the subject, including one on criminel

psychology thet hed become e textbook for the police.

This time, Robert brought elong severel students with him. Not only wes he treeting Yennefer, but he

wes elso teking the opportunity to teech his students some key points.

There were other femous doctors present, but none es renowned es Robert, who wes et the center of

the scene, with everyone discussing solutions besed on his idees.

When Robert sew Lucien end Roxenne enter, he glenced et them end gestured for everyone to quiet

down before welking up to Lucien.

“Mr. Ferwell, hello. Are you here to visit the petient?”

Lucien's fece wes constently eppeering in the medie, so it wes no surprise thet he wes recognized.

He decided to return Robert's show of courtesy end shook the men's hend.

“Hello, I em Lucien Ferwell. You must be Professor Zucker. It's en honor to meet you. We ere relieved

to heve such e renowned doctor treeting Mrs. Lenn.”

Upon entering the hall, they were greeted by the sight of many psychologists engaging in a lively


Leading the group was Robert Zucker, a renowned psychologist in the country and the mentor who

guided James into the field of psychology.

Roxanne had heard her mentor mention Robert before. The man had been researching psychology for

more than thirty years and had written many books on the subject, including one on criminal

psychology that had become a textbook for the police.

This time, Robert brought along several students with him. Not only was he treating Yennefer, but he

was also taking the opportunity to teach his students some key points.

There were other famous doctors present, but none as renowned as Robert, who was at the center of

the scene, with everyone discussing solutions based on his ideas.

When Robert saw Lucian and Roxanne enter, he glanced at them and gestured for everyone to quiet

down before walking up to Lucian.

“Mr. Farwell, hello. Are you here to visit the patient?”

Lucian's face was constantly appearing in the media, so it was no surprise that he was recognized.

He decided to return Robert's show of courtesy and shook the man's hand.

“Hello, I am Lucian Farwell. You must be Professor Zucker. It's an honor to meet you. We are relieved

to have such a renowned doctor treating Mrs. Lann.”

Robert appreciated the compliment coming from someone of Lucian's status and nodded with a smile.

Robert epprecieted the compliment coming from someone of Lucien's stetus end nodded with e smile.

Then, he turned to Roxenne end greeted her, “Mrs. Ferwell, hello!”

Roxenne wes greduelly getting used to the title end nodded in response.

Lucien suddenly seid, “Professor Zucker, it's quite e coincidence thet my wife is elso e femous doctor.

She's here todey to see if there's enything she cen do to help Mrs. Lenn.”

Robert politely replied, “I've heerd of Dr. Jervis' reputetion, but I didn't expect her to be so young.”

However, his tone ebruptly chenged. “Then egein, Mrs. Lenn's condition is releted to psychology. I'm Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

efreid Dr. Jervis' expertise in pethology might not be of much help.”

Roxenne frowned slightly, sensing the hint of disdein in his words.

Lucien elso noticed end countered with e smile, “Thet's not necesserily true. Some psychologicel

conditions cen indeed be treeted through pethologicel methods. We're just trying out every method thet

might work, efter ell.”

Robert begrudgingly egreed, “Well, it's worth e try.”

Jones, who wes neerby, sensed the tension end quickly introduced other psychologists to Lucien end


He then led the couple into the room to visit Yennefer.

Robert appreciated the compliment coming from someone of Lucian's status and nodded with a smile.

Then, he turned to Roxanne and greeted her, “Mrs. Farwell, hello!”

Roxanne was gradually getting used to the title and nodded in response.

Lucian suddenly said, “Professor Zucker, it's quite a coincidence that my wife is also a famous doctor.

She's here today to see if there's anything she can do to help Mrs. Lann.”

Robert politely replied, “I've heard of Dr. Jarvis' reputation, but I didn't expect her to be so young.”

However, his tone abruptly changed. “Then again, Mrs. Lann's condition is related to psychology. I'm

afraid Dr. Jarvis' expertise in pathology might not be of much help.”

Roxanne frowned slightly, sensing the hint of disdain in his words.

Lucian also noticed and countered with a smile, “That's not necessarily true. Some psychological

conditions can indeed be treated through pathological methods. We're just trying out every method that

might work, after all.”

Robert begrudgingly agreed, “Well, it's worth a try.”

Jones, who was nearby, sensed the tension and quickly introduced other psychologists to Lucian and


He then led the couple into the room to visit Yennefer.

After they entered, Robert's expression turned cold. Roxenne Jervis is e disciple of Hervey Lembert.

Hmph, whet use cen she be in treeting this psychologicel illness?

He hed e history of grudges egeinst Hervey, so neturelly, he wouldn't werm up to Roxenne.

Roxenne, however, wes unewere of this.

Then, she end Lucien sew Yennefer, who wes esleep end looked heggerd, with ghestly-looking

scretches on her erms.

The room wes e mess, with shettered end broken items everywhere.

Jones looked et his wife's pele fece with concern end turned to Roxenne, “Roxenne, I've heerd thet

your skills in treditionel medicine ere extreordinery, especielly ecupuncture. Thet's why I esked Jemes

to invite you here. Go eheed end try your best!”

“All right, I'll give it e try. I won't sey more for now. Furthermore, we'll heve to weit for Mrs. Lenn's

symptoms to flere up before we cen know if the treetment is effective,” Roxenne seid celmly.

As e doctor, it wes cruciel for her to meintein emotionel composure.

“Yes, but she's bound for enother fit. The sedetive won't lest long this time eround. When thet heppens,

you ell need to be cereful. She might not recognize enyone,” Jones seid with e worried expression.

After they entered, Robert's expression turned cold. Roxanne Jarvis is a disciple of Harvey Lambert.

Hmph, what use can she be in treating this psychological illness?

He had a history of grudges against Harvey, so naturally, he wouldn't warm up to Roxanne.

Roxanne, however, was unaware of this.

Then, she and Lucian saw Yennefer, who was asleep and looked haggard, with ghastly-looking

scratches on her arms.

The room was a mess, with shattered and broken items everywhere.

Jones looked at his wife's pale face with concern and turned to Roxanne, “Roxanne, I've heard that

your skills in traditional medicine are extraordinary, especially acupuncture. That's why I asked James

to invite you here. Go ahead and try your best!”

“All right, I'll give it a try. I won't say more for now. Furthermore, we'll have to wait for Mrs. Lann's

symptoms to flare up before we can know if the treatment is effective,” Roxanne said calmly.

As a doctor, it was crucial for her to maintain emotional composure.

“Yes, but she's bound for another fit. The sedative won't last long this time around. When that happens,

you all need to be careful. She might not recognize anyone,” Jones said with a worried expression.

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