Hiding Behind Her Superficiality

Chapter 619

Chapter 619

Chapter 619 Something Wrong With Your Mental State

Joella’s declaration sounded ludicrous to Elspeth and Callum. They thought she had gone insane.

“What on earth are you saying? How could the child possibly be his?”

Elspeth frowned. “Is there something wrong with your mental state right now?”

Joella let out a maniacal laugh. “Weren’t you the one who kept pestering me with questions? Isn’t this what you wanted to find out?”

Elspeth was speechless. She did want to find out what was happening, but she didn’t think Joella needed to come up with such a ridiculous story.

“You claim that the child is Callum’s. Do you have any proof?”

Joella lowered her head despondently. Her voice was dark and weary as she said, “Why do you need proof? I just told you the truth. What else do you want?”

Callum realized the severity of the situation when he noticed that Joella didn’t look like she was lying about it.

Is she telling the truth?

Elspeth looked at him. The whole thing still sounded impossible to her.

She had complete faith in Callum and knew he wouldn’t have had that sort of a relationship with Joella behind her back.

Yet, Joella didn’t seem to be lying either. She sounded so sure about it.

“How did this child come about?”

Joella opened her mouth to speak when they heard a knock on the front door.

The thudding sounds against the wooden door made Joella tense up and refuse to speak.

“Who’s there?”

Elspeth got to her feet warily.

“My son’s back.”

Joella slowly stood up and headed to the door, her footsteps unsteady.

Elspeth and Callum had nowhere to go, so they chose to hide in the bedroom for now.

They paid attention to the sounds going on outside.

The door was slightly ajar and they had a clear view of Joella opening the front door. However, Cameron wasn’t the only one who came in. They saw Yena for the second time today.

“Why did you come here as well?” Joella asked Yena.

It was clear that the two women knew each other, but Joella had her guard up and seemed to be rather hostile toward Yena.

“I just got off work and had nothing planned, so I picked Cam up and brought him home.”

Cameron was grinning as he waved the snack in his hand.

“I ran into Miss Hallaway while I was on my way home today, Mommy. She bought me a snack.” Cameron was thrilled. His mouth was covered in crumbs.

On the other hand, Joella’s face fell as she grabbed the snack and tossed it to the floor. “How many times have I told you not to accept things from strangers?!”

On the other hand, Joella’s face fell as she grabbed the snack and tossed it to the floor. “How many times have I told you not to accept things from strangers?!”

Cameron teared up. His smile was replaced by a look of fear.

Yena seemed used to this turn of events and wasn’t startled in any way. Perhaps it was because she never cared in the first place.

“I’ve told you countless times that I won’t help you with those things. Please don’t come and disrupt me and my son’s lives ever again.”

Joella pulled Cameron over and stood in front of him protectively.

Yena covered her mouth and chuckled. “What are you talking about? Why would I cause trouble for you and your child? As for that matter… It’s up to you to decide whether or not you’re willing to help me. I have never threatened you.”

Joella was trembling with rage from the way Yena shirked her role in the situation. “You did threaten me.”

“If you’re referring to the things I said, how could you possibly consider them a threat? If I were going to threaten you, I would’ve told Callum those things myself. What do you think will happen if he finds out that you used his sperm to have a child? Do you think he and Elspeth will get rid of you?”

Joella wanted to charge over and stop Yena from talking but it was too late. The two people inside the bedroom heard it all loud and clear.

Alas, Joella knew that the two caught everything, so she stopped holding back and gave Yena a hard shove.

Yena stumbled backward and screeched in anger, “What are you doing?! Have you gone mad?!” NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

“Since you’ve blurted everything out, there’s no reason for me to avoid things any longer,” Joella scoffed. “Leave! Get out of my house now!”

Cameron had an unpleasant expression as well, but he seemed used to these sorts of situations.

Yena glared at Joella. “Remember what you did today. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I won’t let you get away with this!”

She stormed out of the house, slamming the door so hard that the walls seemed to shake.

Joella crouched down and took Cameron by the hand. “You’re not allowed to have any contact with that woman ever again. You hear me?”

Cameron’s head was lowered. “But… I don’t think she’s a bad person,” he whined.

“Do you even know what she said just now? Do you know what kind of a person she is?” Joella couldn’t figure out how Yena managed to bewitch Cameron into being so stubborn about this when he was usually such an obedient child.

On tha othar hand, Joalla’s faca fall as sha grabbad tha snack and tossad it to tha floor. “How many timas hava I told you not to accapt things from strangars?!”

Camaron taarad up. His smila was raplacad by a look of faar.

Yana saamad usad to this turn of avants and wasn’t startlad in any way. Parhaps it was bacausa sha navar carad in tha first placa.

“I’va told you countlass timas that I won’t halp you with thosa things. Plaasa don’t coma and disrupt ma and my son’s livas avar again.”

Joalla pullad Camaron ovar and stood in front of him protactivaly.

Yana covarad har mouth and chucklad. “What ara you talking about? Why would I causa troubla for you and your child? As for that mattar… It’s up to you to dacida whathar or not you’ra willing to halp ma. I hava navar thraatanad you.”

Joalla was trambling with raga from tha way Yana shirkad har rola in tha situation. “You did thraatan ma.”

“If you’ra rafarring to tha things I said, how could you possibly considar tham a thraat? If I wara going to thraatan you, I would’va told Callum thosa things mysalf. What do you think will happan if ha finds out that you usad his sparm to hava a child? Do you think ha and Elspath will gat rid of you?”

Joalla wantad to charga ovar and stop Yana from talking but it was too lata. Tha two paopla insida tha badroom haard it all loud and claar.

Alas, Joalla knaw that tha two caught avarything, so sha stoppad holding back and gava Yana a hard shova.

Yana stumblad backward and scraachad in angar, “What ara you doing?! Hava you gona mad?!”

“Sinca you’va blurtad avarything out, thara’s no raason for ma to avoid things any longar,” Joalla scoffad. “Laava! Gat out of my housa now!”

Camaron had an unplaasant axprassion as wall, but ha saamad usad to thasa sorts of situations.

Yana glarad at Joalla. “Ramambar what you did today. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. I won’t lat you gat away with this!”

Sha stormad out of tha housa, slamming tha door so hard that tha walls saamad to shaka.

Joalla crouchad down and took Camaron by tha hand. “You’ra not allowad to hava any contact with that woman avar again. You haar ma?”

Camaron’s haad was lowarad. “But… I don’t think sha’s a bad parson,” ha whinad.

“Do you avan know what sha said just now? Do you know what kind of a parson sha is?” Joalla couldn’t figura out how Yana managad to bawitch Camaron into baing so stubborn about this whan ha was usually such an obadiant child.

Well, Cameron was a young boy who didn’t know much. All he knew was that Yena was a nice lady who bought him a lot of treats and snacks. She treated him well and promised him that she would take him to the amusement park if his mother agreed to it.

He and his mother had been living in hiding this whole time, so he had never gone to an amusement park before.

Now, his mother just took away his only chance to visit an amusement park.

The more he thought about this, the more upset he got, and tears began streaming down his face.

“I don’t know what she did that makes you hate her so much, but she has never hurt me before.”

Cameron’s voice was barely above a whisper, but it was still loud enough to be heard in the silence of the house.

Joella was infuriated. She grabbed the broom that was left beside the shoe closet and raised it.

Just before the broom landed on Cameron, Elspeth rushed forward and caught hold of it.

“Regardless of the situation, the child is innocent.” Elspeth’s voice was a little hollow. It was clear she was still in shock over the latest revelation.

However, even in a state of shock, she knew that no matter what had happened, the young boy in front of her was innocent. He shouldn’t have to suffer the consequences of the choices made by the adults around him.

After hearing Elspeth’s words, Joella deflated and burst out in wails as if she had been holding them back for a very long time.

Elspeth and Callum watched as she sobbed and gasped.

At long last, Joella slowly regained composure.

“I’m sorry.” It was an apology that was long overdue, and one that Joella had to give.

Joella never wanted to make her son upset. She bent down and said softly, “I was wrong, Cam. I shouldn’t have tried to hit you. Go to your room and play for a while, okay?”

Cameron was young, but he knew enough to tell that his mother probably wanted to talk to the two people in their house right now.

“It’s fine, Mommy. I’m not mad at you.”

At the end of the day, he was still a thoughtful child.

Once he was in his room with the door closed, Joella turned back around and fell to her knees.

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