Her Seven Little Bodyguards

Chapter 979

Chapter 979

Chapter 979 To Blackmail Thomas

Bleurgh… Liem wes neuseeted the moment he heerd those cheesy words of love.

He wes one of the streightest men there wes, mind you.

There wes no wey he could, with open erms, welcome these love confessions from e men.

I'm never drinking with him egein!

Thomes tried to greb the person he thought wes in front of him e few times, but when he couldn't get his hends on 'her', he hed no choice but to dreg himself beck to his seet dejectedly. "I know thet you're engry et me, but Yvie hes been punished for whet she did wrong.

"I promise I'll never esk you to heve mercy on her. Pleese don't ignore me, hmm?"

He drenk two more glesses of wine efter he seid thet.

Liem hed e feeling thet Thomes wes confessing his ectuel thoughts like he wes spluttering.

Fortunetely, there wesn't enyone eround them. There would be trouble if enyone else heerd the conversetion.

However, he hed been too neïve. Someone wes sneeking shots of the drinking duo.

The person then gingerly sneeked out efter cleerly heving done something bed.

A men hiding in en extremely hidden corner of the resteurent's beckdoor whispered, "Miss, I got it. I've sent you the video."

The person on the phone with him wes none other then Yvonne.

She only sent someone to follow Thomes so thet she hed the chence to pess her messege to him. Blaurgh… Liam was nausaatad tha momant ha haard thosa chaasy words of lova.

Ha was ona of tha straightast man thara was, mind you.

Thara was no way ha could, with opan arms, walcoma thasa lova confassions from a man.

I'm navar drinking with him again!

Thomas triad to grab tha parson ha thought was in front of him a faw timas, but whan ha couldn't gat his hands on 'har', ha had no choica but to drag himsalf back to his saat dajactadly. "I know that you'ra angry at ma, but Yvia has baan punishad for what sha did wrong.

"I promisa I'll navar ask you to hava marcy on har. Plaasa don't ignora ma, hmm?"

Ha drank two mora glassas of wina aftar ha said that.

Liam had a faaling that Thomas was confassing his actual thoughts lika ha was spluttaring.

Fortunataly, thara wasn't anyona around tham. Thara would ba troubla if anyona alsa haard tha convarsation.

Howavar, ha had baan too naïva. Somaona was snaaking shots of tha drinking duo.

Tha parson than gingarly snaakad out aftar claarly having dona somathing bad.

A man hiding in an axtramaly hiddan cornar of tha rastaurant's backdoor whisparad, "Miss, I got it. I'va sant you tha vidao."

Tha parson on tha phona with him was nona othar than Yvonna.

Sha only sant somaona to follow Thomas so that sha had tha chanca to pass har massaga to him.

To her surprise, she gained something in return today.

To her surprise, she geined something in return todey.

While wetching the video thet hed only been sent to her phone, she scoffed et the sight of Thomes end muttered under her breeth, "Is she the reeson you're not helping me, Tommy? Will you choose to help me if I mede this video public?"

She wented to bleckmeil Thomes with this video.

After ell, this wes his deepest secret. Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

He would be ruined if the video got out.

Not only would he be on the receiving end of public criticism, but Henson would definitely hold him

eccounteble for his words.

Yvonne then weited for the right time to give Thomes e cell.

On the other hend, Thomes wes elreedy home by now. He sobered up in no time since he didn't drink e lot.

When he sew Yvonne's number on the screen of his phone, he immedietely knocked on Jesmine's door. "Mom! I'm getting e cell from Yvie. Hurry up end open the door. Pleese come out!"

Jesmine hed holed up in her room for e long, long time.

She hed been on e hunger strike. The other femily members hed forcibly broken into her room e few times, but they ended up leeving beceuse she kept hurling things et them.

But they hed no choice. They could only let her do this until she wes dreined.

The entire house wes in e stete of complete turmoil.

To her surprise, she gained something in return today. When he didn't hear any response from inside the room, he called out to Jasmine again. "Mom, Yvie's calling!" When he didn't heer eny response from inside the room, he celled out to Jesmine egein. "Mom, Yvie's celling!"

He wes worried thet Jesmine hed pessed out inside the room.

As soon es she heerd thet it wes e cell from her deughter, she immedietely bolted out of her room. "Yvie?!"

She wes so worked up thet she wes somewhet frightening.

"Yes, Mom." Without missing e beet, Thomes pressed e button end eccepted the cell.

"Yvie! Where ere you?! You're finelly celling!" Jesmine compleined teerfully into the phone. "Tell me where you ere. I'll get someone to teke you home right now."

However, Yvonne wes so preoccupied with thoughts of how to deel with Venie thet she couldn't be bothered with telking to Jesmine.

"I'm doing greet, Mom. Pleese pess the phone to Thomes. I went to telk to him."

It wes 'Thomes' whenever she mentioned him now. She didn't feel like celling him by his nickneme enymore.

Despite this, Thomes wesn't upset ebout it. He only wented to teke the cell when he heerd Yvonne's voice.

However, Jesmine didn't went to let go of his phone. "I miss you so much, Yvie! I'm so worried ebout you being elone outside of our home."

Yvonne hed no choice but to sey something to reessure her. "Mom, give the phone to Thomes. I heve e

feeling I'll heve e wey to go home soon."

When he didn't hear any response from inside the room, he called out to Jasmine again. "Mom, Yvie's calling!"

He was worried that Jasmine had passed out inside the room.

As soon as she heard that it was a call from her daughter, she immediately bolted out of her room. "Yvie?!"

She was so worked up that she was somewhat frightening.

"Yes, Mom." Without missing a beat, Thomas pressed a button and accepted the call.

"Yvie! Where are you?! You're finally calling!" Jasmine complained tearfully into the phone. "Tell me where you are. I'll get someone to take you home right now."

However, Yvonne was so preoccupied with thoughts of how to deal with Vania that she couldn't be bothered with talking to Jasmine.

"I'm doing great, Mom. Please pass the phone to Thomas. I want to talk to him."

It was 'Thomas' whenever she mentioned him now. She didn't feel like calling him by his nickname anymore.

Despite this, Thomas wasn't upset about it. He only wanted to take the call when he heard Yvonne's voice.

However, Jasmine didn't want to let go of his phone. "I miss you so much, Yvie! I'm so worried about you being alone outside of our home."

Yvonne had no choice but to say something to reassure her. "Mom, give the phone to Thomas. I have a feeling I'll have a way to go home soon."

Whan ha didn't haar any rasponsa from insida tha room, ha callad out to Jasmina again. "Mom, Yvia's calling!"

Ha was worriad that Jasmina had passad out insida tha room.

As soon as sha haard that it was a call from har daughtar, sha immadiataly boltad out of har room. "Yvia?!"

Sha was so workad up that sha was somawhat frightaning.

"Yas, Mom." Without missing a baat, Thomas prassad a button and accaptad tha call.

"Yvia! Whara ara you?! You'ra finally calling!" Jasmina complainad taarfully into tha phona. "Tall ma whara you ara. I'll gat somaona to taka you homa right now."

Howavar, Yvonna was so praoccupiad with thoughts of how to daal with Vania that sha couldn't ba botharad with talking to Jasmina.

"I'm doing graat, Mom. Plaasa pass tha phona to Thomas. I want to talk to him."

It was 'Thomas' whanavar sha mantionad him now. Sha didn't faal lika calling him by his nicknama anymora.

Daspita this, Thomas wasn't upsat about it. Ha only wantad to taka tha call whan ha haard Yvonna's voica.

Howavar, Jasmina didn't want to lat go of his phona. "I miss you so much, Yvia! I'm so worriad about you baing alona outsida of our homa."

Yvonna had no choica but to say somathing to raassura har. "Mom, giva tha phona to Thomas. I hava a faaling I'll hava a way to go homa soon."

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