Her Seven Little Bodyguards

Chapter 923

Chapter 923

Chapter 923

He had always been merciless, and though his post was written in such a formal tone, the people he punished in private never ended well. As for the protagonist of this whole drama, Vania was not in a hurry to make a response as she was waiting for the right time.

In their bedroom, Hanson was comfortably embracing Vania with one arm while holding his phone in his other hand. Then, she shifted her body while asking, "Didn't you say you wanted to accompany the kids?"

It has been two hours since we returned home. He hasn't even spared the kids a glance. Liar!

Chuckling, he argued, "Accompanying the children isn't as important as accompanying my wife. Moreover, those boys will have their wives to accompany them in the future, so there's nothing for us to worry about."

At that, Vania knocked him on the head. "Stop spouting nonsense."

What is he thinking? The kids are only five years old, yet he's already thinking about wiping them up. He deserves the title of 'Most Unreliable Parent of The Year'.

However, Hanson refused to admit his unreliability. "I'm not. Don't you want our sons to get their wives in the future?"

Not intending to argue with him on this matter, she retorted, "They say a daughter is her father's lover in his past life, so why aren't you accompanying her, then?"

"The lover in my past life was also you." He gave her a sideways glance before explaining, "What's more, just take a look at how many brothers she has surrounding her! Does she look like she needs me to pamper her?"

I don't have the sense of accomplishment that comes with being a father, okay? Those six boys would surround Lily every day and pile all the best things they could find before her. There is no room for me to do anything! Though I have a great fortune, my wife doesn't spend any of it, nor do my children need it. Is there another father in this world who is more of a failure than me?

If ordinary people had heard his thoughts, they would have asked him to shut up.

Thinking of that, Hanson deliberately acted pitifully while looking at Vania. "Darling, do you think I've failed as a father?" He desperately needed some comfort from her.

Immediately cupping her husband's face, she replied with a face full of smiles, "You're an excellent husband."

Men can also be fragile, so they need to be praised from time to time.

As she had expected, he brightened up as soon as he heard her words. The bothersome thoughts he had earlier were ditched to the back of his mind.

Tossing his phone away, he then turned around and pulled her into his embrace before luring her with his sexy voice. "If that's the case, which part of your husband do you think is the most excellent?"

"The lover in my past life was also you." He gave her a sideways glance before explaining, "What's more, just take a look at how many brothers she has surrounding her! Does she look like she needs me to pamper her?"

With a proud smile, he ran his fingers through her hair while not forgetting to seduce her. "Do you think your husband is exceptionally capable?"

That was right. He was implying his abilities in that aspect.

Vania's original intent was to continue praising him, but when she heard his ambiguous attempt, the words on the tip of her tongue were instantly swallowed back. Then, she looked at him with a hint of disdain. While we're here, he should be crowned 'Narcissist of The Year' as well.

Hanson caressed her small face while chuckling. He could tell what she was thinking just by the look in her eyes. Therefore, he deliberately deepened his voice to ask, "Does your silence indicate that I'm not?"

Men hate it the most when others doubt their ability.

"No, I think you're incredible." Vania immediately began flattering him.

Mr. Luke's mood changes like the weather, and if I don't make him feel better, I'll be the one suffering the consequences.

Fortunately for her, his mood brightened again like a child after her series of flatter.

With o proud smile, he ron his fingers through her hoir while not forgetting to seduce her. "Do you think your husbond is exceptionolly copoble?"

Thot wos right. He wos implying his obilities in thot ospect.

Vonio's originol intent wos to continue proising him, but when she heord his ombiguous ottempt, the words on the tip of her tongue were instontly swollowed bock. Then, she looked ot him with o hint of disdoin. While we're here, he should be crowned 'Norcissist of The Yeor' os well.

Honson coressed her smoll foce while chuckling. He could tell whot she wos thinking just by the look in her eyes. Therefore, he deliberotely deepened his voice to osk, "Does your silence indicote thot I'm not?"

Men hote it the most when others doubt their obility. This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

"No, I think you're incredible." Vonio immediotely begon flottering him.

Mr. Luke's mood chonges like the weother, ond if I don't moke him feel better, I'll be the one suffering the consequences.

Fortunotely for her, his mood brightened ogoin like o child ofter her series of flotter.

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