Chasing His Kickass Luna Back

Chapter 0320

Chapter 0320


My heart races as I watch Gianna push Karl’s brother, Ethan, into the room in a wheelchair. The shock

of her sudden appearance still hasn’t worn off, and I can’t believe she’s here, of all places, especially

right now.

Karl’s eyes meet mine, and I can see the confusion and surprise mirrored in his expression. It’s clear

that he didn’t expect to see Gianna here either.

“Did you know about this?” I ask, keeping my voice low so only the two of us can hear.

Karl shakes his head. “No,” he murmurs. “I mean… I knew he had a date, but I never would have

expected it to be her, of all people.”

I swallow. “Maybe she’s not his date,” I try to justify it, even though the words sound hollow even to me.

“Maybe… Maybe he just doesn’t know about her treachery, and hired her to push his wheelchair.”

But even as I speak, the words seem pointless. It’s clear that they’re together; I can tell by the way that

she leans down and whispers something to Ethan. He smiles and says something in return, and she

seems to giggle, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear for him.

“I can’t believe it,” Karl hisses, shaking his head again with incredulity. “It’s one thing to fool me, but to

fool my brother, especially so soon after he woke up from a coma? She’s like a snake.”

As Karl speaks, Ethan’s eyes scan the crowd, clearly looking for Karl.

“Let’s just try to stay calm,” I say, giving Karl’s arm a squeeze. “There has to be an explanation. And if


Before I can finish, Ethan’s gaze falls on the two of us, and his eyes light up with a mixture of surprise

and excitement.

“Karl! Abby! Over here!” Ethan calls out over the din, sounding just as vibrant as ever despite his recent

coma. “I want you to meet someone special!”

Karl and I exchange a hesitant glance before nodding almost imperceptibly to each other. We untangle

from our dance and begin making our way over to Ethan and Gianna. My heart feels heavy, tormented

beneath Gianna’s cold gaze the closer we get.

Her eyes slide over me as I approach, and I can feel the judgment. I try to keep my chin up, but it’s not

easy when she’s clearly sizing me up like I’m still nothing more than competition to her.

“Brother,” Ethan says, holding out his arms. “You look dashing tonight.”

With a tense smile, Karl steps forward and stoops to his brother’s level to give him a hug. “So do you,

Ethan,” he says. “I’m glad that you were able to come. I was starting to wonder if you’d make it tonight.”

“Ah, well…” Ethan pauses, slapping his hands on the side of the wheelchair. “This thing is a learning

curve. But it’s only temporary; the doctor says I should be back on my feet within a week at the most.”

As they speak, I just stand there, feeling small beneath Gianna’s penetrating, cold gaze. It’s as if she

can see right through me, like I’m both here and not here at the same time. I haven’t seen or heard of

her since Karl fired her after her treachery was discovered, which only makes it even more awkward.

“So,” Karl says, breaking the brief silence as his eyes land on Gianna. “I take it this is your date.”

“Yes,” Ethan says with a chuckle. “I know it comes as a surprise, Karl, but your secretary was the one

who always came to speak to me while I was in my coma.”

“Is that so?” Karl asks, cocking his head to the side.

Gianna nods, her gaze snakelike as she glares at Karl. “Yes,” she confirms. “Every day. I knew he

could hear me, and I knew that he needed the company.”

“She told me so many things,” Ethan chimes in. “She was my only real, consistent link to the outside

world. And although it sounds absurd, I fell for her during that time.”

I almost laugh out loud, but I manage to control myself. Gianna? Ethan’s link to the outside world? He’s

right; it is absurd.

“Well, someone had to do it,” she says, and her tone drops ever so slightly, her gaze flickering back

and forth between me and Karl. “And I was quite taken with your brother. I always loved him from afar.”

She chuckles, checking her nails on the hand that isn’t resting on Ethan’s shoulder. “In a silly way, his

coma finally allowed me to overcome my anxiety.”

At her words, Ethan laughs; but Karl and I just exchange glances.

“Gianna, you could have approached me sooner,” he says. “But it doesn’t matter. Why don’t we all get

a table together so we can catch up?”

Nodding, Karl replies stiffly, “Absolutely. Let’s… catch up.” C0ntent © 2024 (N/ô)velDrama.Org.

As we head to a table with Gianna pushing Ethan in the front, I fight to keep a composed expression,

even as my mind races.

How could Ethan not know the truth about Gianna? Is he really that oblivious, or is there something

more to her story that we don’t know?

No, I think to myself. Surely he doesn’t know. And surely whatever she told him is a complete and utter


Karl turns to me, his expression full of rage. “I should tell him,” he murmurs, his hands clenching into

fists at his sides. “He should know that his ‘date’ is a liar and a cheat.”

Karl looks torn, his jaw clenched with frustration. I know he knows that I’m right, but it’s clear that he

wants to expose Gianna for who she really is. And so do I; but now is simply not the time.

He stares at me for a moment, absorbing. Finally, he nods in reluctant agreement.

“You’re right, Abby,” he concedes. “I shouldn’t call her out right now.”

I nod and manage a slight smile. “Good. You can handle it later, in private. But tonight, let’s just focus

on keeping the storm at bay. Alright?” NovelDrama.Org

Karl nods in response. “Alright,” he says, letting his shoulders slump slightly as he tries to relax. He

chuckles then and shakes his head. “I forget sometimes how important your input always was to me.”

I feel a blush creep into my cheeks, and without thinking, I loop our arms together, giving his arm a

delicate squeeze. “Well, tonight, I’m by your side,” I say. “Whatever you need, I’m here.”

But then, before he can say anything, Ethan’s voice cuts across the room.

“Karl! Abby! Over here!”

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