Chasing His Kickass Luna Back

Chapter 0305

Chapter 0305


I’m standing outside of my brother’s room, my hand lingering in front of the doorknob. This is it. After

years of being in a coma, my brother is finally awake. I take a deep breath and push the door open.

And there he is, sitting up in bed.

“Ethan,” I breathe, my voice catching in my throat.

He turns to look at me, and for a moment, we just stare at each other. Then, without a word, I rush

forward and hug him tightly. Neither of us lets go for the longest time.

“Karl,” he croaks, his voice still hoarse from years of not being used. “It’s good to finally see you, little


I pull away and look up at him, holding his shoulders in both hands. He’s thinner now than he was

before, but he’s still my brother. His eyes are the same, filled with that same light that they always

were. He’s just older now, and a little gaunt.

“I can’t believe you’re awake,” I murmur.

He laughs. It’s a gravelly sound, but it lifts my spirits. “I’m glad to be back, brother,” he says.

We spend the next few hours talking, catching up on everything that has happened during the years he

was in a coma. Ethan tells me about the dreams he had, how he could hear the sounds of the voices

that spoke to him even when he couldn’t respond, and how he always wished to be a part of it all. Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

But neither of us knows how he managed to wake up so suddenly; he just did. It feels random, out of

nowhere, but like a miracle at the same time.

“I’ve heard about your achievements as Alpha,” he says at one point. “I’m proud of you.”

I can’t help but feel a swell of happiness at his words. “I’ve done my best to lead the pack well, Ethan. I

hope to make you even prouder.”

He smiles warmly. “I have no doubt you will.”

As we talk, I can’t help but notice the bouquet of fresh flowers on the table beside Ethan’s bed. There

were fresh flowers here last time, too, but these ones are brand new.

“Ethan, those flowers,” I say, nodding toward them. “Are they from a visitor?”

Ethan grins mischievously. “Ah, you noticed. Yes, they are. Someone came to visit me during my coma,

and her voice was like a lifeline in the darkness. I couldn’t see her face, but I could hear her, and it kept

me going.”

I’m intrigued. “Who is she, Ethan? Do I know her?”

He chuckles. “You’ll find out soon enough, Karl. She’ll be at the Alpha party.”

I raise an eyebrow, surprised. “The Alpha party? But Ethan, you only just woke up. Are you sure you’re

up for it?”

Ethan’s eyes sparkle with excitement. “I’ve been trapped in a coma for so long, Karl. I’m dying to

socialize a bit, and besides, I have a date.”

I can’t help but smile at his enthusiasm. “Well, in that case, I’m looking forward to meeting this

mysterious lady.”

“Speaking of ladies,” he says, his voice filled with a hint of mischief, “did you ever win Abby back after


For a moment, I freeze, the pain in my heart resurfacing. The memory of the day I vented to Ethan

about Abby comes rushing back, and I feel a twinge of regret. I thought that he couldn’t hear me, but as

I’ve discovered today, he heard almost everything.

But I can’t let Ethan worry about me. I put on a smile and shake my head.

“No, Ethan,” I say, my voice steady. “It won’t work out with Abby after all. But I do have a date for the

Alpha party.”

Ethan looks at me, his eyes searching mine for a moment. Then, he smiles and pats my shoulder.

“That’s the spirit, Karl. Life is full of surprises, and you never know what the future holds.”

As I leave Ethan’s home, a mix of emotions washes over me. Reuniting with my brother, hearing about

his dreams during his coma, and knowing that he’s on the path to recovery—it’s all overwhelming, and

although I hate to say it, a little scary.

Will he want the title of Alpha back someday? And if so, how soon will that day come?

And then, there’s the mystery of the woman who visited him, the one who will be his date at the Alpha

party. I’m intrigued, to say the least.

I’m just about to head out the door when I spot the doctor who has been attending to Ethan and decide

to approach him. The doctor is a middle-aged man with a kind demeanor, and he greets me with a

warm smile.

“Doctor, I can’t thank you enough for taking care of my brother,” I say, extending my hand for a


He nods and shakes my hand firmly. “The road is long from over, but it has been a pleasure.”

I nod, understanding that not everything has an explanation. But then, a thought occurs to me. “Is it

possible that his wolf had something to do with it? Could finding a mate have triggered his awakening?”

I consider this for a moment, thinking about what Ethan mentioned about a woman who visited him

during his coma. If she turns out to be his mate, it would explain a lot.

A sense of happiness washes over me as I imagine Ethan finding love and happiness with this

mysterious woman. He deserves it after all he's been through. Draмaոovеls.cом

“Thank you, Doctor,” I say with a smile. “I appreciate your insight.”

He nods, his expression sympathetic. “You’re welcome, Karl. If you have any more questions or if

there’s anything else I can help with, don’t hesitate to reach out.”

With a final nod of gratitude, I leave the doctor behind and make my way back to my car. The drive

home is filled with a mixture of emotions, and my thoughts keep returning to Abby.

If I were in a coma like my brother, it would be Abby—not Shana—who would have the power to wake

me up. It’s a bittersweet thought, knowing that the woman I love has moved on.

But the past is in the past, and Abby and I have gone our separate ways now. There’s no going back.

But who knows? Maybe someday I’ll learn to love Shana in my own way.

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