Chasing His Kickass Luna Back

Chapter 0293

Chapter 0293


The morning sun warms my tired body as I step out of my apartment. Chloe and Leah are waiting

outside so we can all walk to work together, leaning against the wrought iron fence outside my


“There’s the star chef,” Chloe says, pushing away from the fence as I approach. She’s wearing her all-

black work uniform consisting of a short skirt, a button-up top, and a pair of tights and heels, a stark

contrast from Leah’s neat and tidy sweater vest and slacks.

It was all I could do this morning to put on something neat, though. I’m still exhausted after last night,

so all I could manage was a clean long-sleeve top and some jeans.

I join them, a smile on my face as I jog down the steps. “I don’t know about ‘star’ chef,” I say with a

chuckle, “but last night did go pretty well, if I’m being honest.”

Leah’s eyes go a little wider, her curiosity piqued. “Tell us everything.”

We begin walking toward the cafe where we normally stop before work, and that’s when I launch into

the story about last night: the kind words from Vanessa and Xavier, the delicious three-course meal, the

perfect setting. Everything except Karl. And Logan’s comment, of course.

But as I talk, I can’t help but feel a little guilty for leaving Karl out of the picture.

I do appreciate everything that he did for me by showing up last night, but I just can’t bring myself to

mention it. Not after the way things ended. It’s still too raw, too painful to talk about, and I know that my

friends will want every little detail.

“That’s amazing!” Chloe exclaims as we approach the cafe. “Abby, I’m so happy. I think you’ve got this

in the bag.”

“I hope so,” I answer, biting my lower lip slightly.

Finally, we stop at the cafe. There’s a long line, and Chloe is dancing a little in her spot as she waits.

“God, I need to pee,” she finally blurts out. “Can you guys order for me? I’ll give you cash.”

“Oat milk latte as usual?” I ask.

She nods, already a few steps on her way toward the bathroom. “With vanilla, please!”

With that, Chloe is gone in a flash. Now it’s just Leah and I, and Leah wastes no time with her


“Well? Did Karl call you back?”

My heart skips a beat, and I glance at her, searching her eyes for any sign of judgment or curiosity. I

can’t hide the truth, but I can choose how much to share. After a moment of silence, I decide to be

honest without revealing too much.

“He… did call,” I reply, trying to keep my tone neutral. “He called to congratulate me on the second

chance and nothing more.”

Leah nods, her expression thoughtful. “That’s good to hear. I know things have been complicated

between you two.”

I feel a little guilty for lying, because the truth is, Karl didn’t just call. He showed up at my apartment in a

tuxedo, flowers in hand. And he had left a luncheon where he was supposed to be picking out a new

date for the Alpha party, all just to see me.

And yet, at the end of the night, we still parted ways; our romance has run its course. It’s about time for

us to move on.

But, before I can confess the truth, Leah speaks. “Abby, I heard a rumor that Karl is looking for a new

Luna. Is that true?”

Her words pierce through me like a dagger, and for a moment, I feel as if the air has been sucked out

of the room. So she knows. I swallow hard, trying to keep my composure. “Yes, it’s true,” I admit, my

voice trembling slightly. “He told me.”

Leah’s eyes widen a little bit, and she reaches out to place a comforting hand on my shoulder. “I’m so

sorry, Abby. I know how much he meant to you.”

I offer her a small smile, trying to mask the pain that’s lingering just beneath the surface. “It’s okay, Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

Leah. I want him to be happy, even if it’s with someone else.”

Leah looks surprised, her brows furrowing in confusion. “You’re taking this surprisingly well. I expected

you to be more upset.”

I take a deep breath, mustering the strength to meet her gaze. “I’ve had time to think, Leah. Karl and I

had our chance, and things didn’t work out. If he’s moving on, I should too.”

She squeezes my shoulder gently. I can see a hint of sadness in her eyes, but she looks proud, too.

“That’s good,” she says. “I’m glad that you’re taking it so well. This could be good for you.”

“Thanks,” I say, managing a smile. “I think so, too.”

Before we can say anything else, the barista calls us up to the counter. We order our drinks, reunite

with a much more comfortable Chloe, and make our way out of the cafe.

Before I know it, the conversation has evolved into something entirely different, but I’m glad for it. I

need a little distraction right now, not just from Karl, but from the looming call from Mr. Thompson that’s

supposed to come today.

“We need to get that pork loin out, John!” I call out over the din of the kitchen, my voice hoarse from

yelling all morning.

“On it,” John replies.

“Behind,” Anton calls out. “Knife.”

“I need an extra order of risotto!”

“Pork loin coming up!”

“Hot pan!”

“Fries are in!”

Suddenly, just as the dinner rush is beginning to dwindle, my attention is caught by the sensation of a

buzzing in my pocket. My phone.

I excuse myself from the kitchen and step into the storeroom where it’s quieter, my hands trembling

slightly as I answer the call. This call could change everything. If I’ve really been accepted as the

caterer for the Alpha party, it’ll be a massive boon to my career. Updated at Drąmanovеls.cоm

“Hello?” I answer, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

“Abby.” Mr. Thompson’s voice crackles through the phone. His tone is inscrutable, and instantly I can

feel my heart begin to race. God, I hope this is good news. “Do you have a moment?”

“Abby?” Mr. Thompson repeats.

“Uh, yeah,” I manage, swallowing. “I have a moment, Mr. Thompson.”

“Good. Abby, I’ve called to inform you…”

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