Chasing His Kickass Luna Back

Chapter 0205

Chapter 0205


I was sitting in my apartment one night after work, flipping through N*****x with a glass of whiskey in my

hand, when my phone buzzed on the coffee table. Picking it up, I let out a soft sigh. It was Marcus, and

it was late. It wasn’t like him to call this late at night. We had only just spoken a couple of days ago, at

Abby’s clean-up party, too.

“Marcus, what’s the matter?”

I could hear him sigh through the phone. “Karl, you might have to pack your bags and come home.

Sooner rather than later.”

I frowned. “Last week you told me things were stable. What changed?”

“It’s your brother. The doctor came by. He’s showing signs of improvement, Karl. Doc says it might be

just a matter of weeks before he wakes up.”

My eyes widened slightly, and I sat up. I knew that he was improving, but I didn’t think it would happen

so soon. “Weeks? Are you sure?”

“Yes, I asked him twice to confirm. He’s showing responses, moving in his sleep. Vital signs are

improving. It’s not certain, but it’s possible.”

A long pause filled the air. I wasn’t sure what to say. My brother waking up should have been good

news, but Marcus and I both knew the implications; that my brother might want to take back control of

the pack when he woke up. And I wasn’t about to give up so easily.

“Is that it?” I asked, maybe a little more bitter than I intended.

He sighed. “Listen, the pack is restless, Karl. Your absence is making people question your leadership.

And your brother waking up? They’re saying maybe it’s time for the ‘true Alpha’ to come back and


Anger shot through my veins. “The true Alpha? Are you kidding me? I’ve been leading the pack in his


“And I’ve been defending you, Karl, but I’m just one guy. With you gone, people are talking. You’ve

been chasing after Abby and they think you’re neglecting your pack. You know how gossip spreads.”

His words stung, but the shame that followed hurt more. I had been preoccupied with Abby, I knew that.

Marcus was just voicing what I had been ignoring for too long. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“So what are you suggesting, Marcus? Should I abandon everything here and come back


“I’m suggesting that you think about your priorities, Karl. Your brother’s recovery could be a game-

changer. If he wakes up and you’re not here to navigate the transition, the pack’s loyalty might shift.”

“I get it. I really do. I’ve been neglecting my duties. But I’ve got commitments here too, Marcus. Abby

has the cook-off next week and I need to be here for her.”

Marcus sighed. “The cook-off?”

“I know how it sounds,” I said, “but she’s important to me, too. I can’t just abandon her.”

“Karl, listen,” Marcus said, “I’m not trying to sway you one way or the other. I’m just telling you the


“I know,” I murmured. “I’m grateful for your honesty, though, Marcus. You know you’re a good Beta to


“Thanks, Karl,” Marcus replied.

I sighed then and passed my hand over my face. “Alright. Here’s what I’ll do: I’ll finish the cook-off, and

then I’ll come back home. One week. I won’t make any more commitments here until everything’s

settled with the pack. How does that sound?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Marcus said, though he still seemed skeptical. “Just remember, Karl, the clock’s


Abby and I are standing in her office, and I’ve just broken the news. Her wine-stained lips twitch into

the slightest frown, and I can tell that she’s on the verge of tears. She quickly looks away, not realizing

that I can still see the reflection of her face in the mirror.

“Alright,” she says quietly. “So, after the Alpha party, you’ll go home.”

“Sort of,” I answer. “I’ll be heading home right after the cook-off, actually.”

Her eyes widen in the mirror. She still doesn’t realize that I can see her, she’s too busy staring down at

the floor.

“But you just told me it would be after the Alpha party—”

“I’ll come back for the Alpha party. But after that, I have to go home. Permanently. I’m sorry, Abby.”

A flicker of what looks like despair crosses her face, but she quickly hides it with a tight-lipped smile

and turns back around, her posture stiff. “I understand, Karl. Being an Alpha comes first, and you have

responsibilities. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and the restaurant.”

Her words are laced with sincerity, but my wolf senses the thinly veiled disappointment that she’s trying

to hide. I know it hurts her, and it’s short notice. My chest tightens at the thought of leaving her, but I

have no choice. I’ve been shirking my duties for too long now. Marcus was right; I need to go home. I

need to be an Alpha.

Abby’s eyes soften as she looks up at me finally. “You know, I’ve always admired your dedication to

your pack. I hope you know that.”

Her words make my stomach feel lighter. “Thanks, Abby. That means a lot.”

There’s a charged silence between us. For a moment, I want to kiss her. But then the night of the party

flashes through my mind, and I know I can’t. I can’t be rejected again, not now.

“But I promise I’ll visit, Abby,” I find myself saying. “And… you’re always welcome to come to my home,

too. I meant what I said about you always having a place there.”

She smiles, a genuine but hesitant expression. “I wouldn’t want to impose. You have enough on your


I chuckle. “Imposing? Abby, you’d never be an imposition. My home will always be open to you. It was

our home once, too.” New chapter avаilable oո Drаmа

“Well, then… maybe I’ll take you up on that offer sometime,” she says, her eyes twinkling as she gazes

up at me. “Who knows? Maybe I’ll surprise you with another visit soon.”

Our eyes meet, and in that moment, a myriad of emotions pass between us—regret, gratitude, maybe

even a sliver of hope. With a final nod, I take a step back, putting a bit of distance between us.

“So, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say, shooting her a smile. I point at the index cards on her desk and wink.

“Keep practicing.”

I nod, a smirk tugging at the corners of my lips. “Wouldn’t dream of it, boss.”

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