Bye, My Irresistible Love

Chapter 514: We’re Safe Now

Chapter 514: We’re Safe Now 

Caroline‘s POV:

I got up early in the morning. The first thing I did was pack my luggage. And once I was done, I went downstairs with it. I hoped that everything would go according to plan so that I could finish my work early and come back to accompany Charles and my children.

Truth be told, I did not want to part with them, especially when it was sudden. Unfortunately, I had no choice but to do so.

Meanwhile, Elena had already prepared breakfast and was waiting for me downstairs.

“Miss Wilson, come and eat breakfast.”

She walked up to me and took my luggage.

“Thanks, but I‘m not yet hungry.” I waved my hand in dismissal and reminded her, “Remember to keep an eye on Simon while I‘m gone. Also, you should go and see Dad more often. I‘m worried about him. Adam might take advantage of my absence and stir trouble again.”

“I will.”

Thanks to Elena‘s reassurance, I could finally be at ease. As I was not in the mood to eat, I skipped breakfast and headed straight to the airport. On the way, I took my phone out and messaged Charles.

“I‘m going on a business trip. Take care of the kids.” I hit sent. But then, I realized that my message sounded stiff, so I added, “I‘ll bring you something when I get back.”

I waited for a long time for his response but none came. Was he still sleeping? I curled my lips sulkily.I told him last night that I would take an early flight in the morning.

But now, he did not even see me off nor did he reply to my message. In a fit of anger, I cursed him a hundred times in my heart. Honestly, I was hoping that he would at least come and see me off. But since that did not happen, I entered the airport with a heavy heart.

A few moments later, it was time to board the plane. It did not take long before I found my seat by the window

I reclined my chair, made myself comfortable, and closed my eyes to take a rest. Suddenly, I felt someone put their luggage in the overhead compartment and sit beside me. I was too tired to open my eyes, so I just let them be.

The pleasant voice of a flight stewardess came over the intercom.

“Dear passengers, we apologize for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, this flight has to be delayed due to technical issues. Rest assured that the plane will take off in about an hour.”

Many of the passengers groaned in annoyance.

A stewardess walked to my row and asked, “Sir, is there anything you‘d like to eat or drink?”

I stared at him with eyes wide open

Amnad of emotions surged up inside me,He did not reply to my message. But here he was, sitting right next to me. It did not take a genius to

know that he was messing with me.

The stewardess then turned to me and asked, “How about you, Ma‘am?”

“I‘m good. Thanks.”

I closed my eyes again and deliberately ignored Charles as if he were just a stranger,

“Actually, please give her a glass of milk,” Charles said to the stewardess without even asking me,

My chest tightened as anger welled up in my heart. Annoyed, I sat up and slapped away his hand that was gently pinching my nose.

“What do you think you‘re doing?” Charles handed me the glass of milk that the stewardess had brought over and advised, “You should drink this before you sleep.”

“I don‘t want to. You can drink it if you want.” Charles lifted the glass to my mouth, giving me no chance to refuse. Unable to do anything, I grabbed the glass from him. But just as I was about to take a sip, the milky smell came to my nose. I used to like milk.

But for some reason, it made me want to puke right now. Charles hurriedly handed me a barf bag and asked with concern, “Are you nauseous? I took the bag without a word. My stomach was churning. But because I did not eat anything, I had nothing to vomit.Charles asked the stewardess to give me a cup of warm water, which she immediately gave.

I drank the water, and its warmth immediately soothed my stomach. It took me a while to feel completely better, though. At last, the plane was about to take off,

I opened my eyes and saw that Charles was staring at me with an inexplicable gaze.

“Are you on the pill when we did ‘it‘ the last few times?”

Charles did not need to be specific for me to know what he meant. He must be thinking that I was pregnant. I stared daggers at him and snorted.

“I had not eaten anything yet since the morning. My stomach is just upset because I‘m furious at someone!”

“Are you pertaining to me?” Charles asked with a smirk.

I stood up and kicked him on the shin.

“Get out of my way. I‘m gonna go to the lavatory.”

Charles withdrew his legs and made way for me.

But just as I was about to walk past him, he stretched out his leg on purpose. It was too late for me to take my leg back, so I tripped over his feet.

I thought I was going to fall and make a fool out of myself. But then, a pair of strong arms caught me

I tried to get out of Charles‘s grasp, but he pulled me closer and held me even tighter. “Honey, I just wanted to suppose you. Don‘t you want me to go with you on your business trip?”

Speaking of which, something suddenly occurred to me, “Where‘s Corey Stanton? Why don‘t see him? Me should be with me today.”

“Oh. I forgot to tell you that Corey is my man.” Charles smiled and reached out to ruffle my hair.

I felt as though a lightning bolt suddenly struck me. I was too shocked to say anything, and it took me quite a while before I found my voice.

“So you‘ve been secretly helping me regarding the west coast project all along?”

“Yes,” Charles admitted. Copyright by Nôv/elDrama.Org.

I covered my face helplessly. How could I be so stupid?

When I had gone to the tennis court to discuss business with Corey, Charles was there with James as well.

I should have guessed it at that time.

“Why didn‘t you tell me?”

“Knowing you, you would‘ve refused my help. Besides, I wanted to give you a surprise,” Charles explained with a smile. Tears welled up in my eyes. I was so touched by what he had done that before I knew it, I had thrown myself into his arms.

“On second thought, had I known you‘d be so moved, I would‘ve told you about it earlier.”

“I think you did the right thing.” I cast Charles a reproachful look and continued, “You know, I wanted to make a clean break with you back then.”

“Yes. You were very cruel to me, so I could only help you in secret. I didn‘t want to upset you more than I already have and make you push me away again. But now, things have changed for us. I‘m afraid you can never escape from me again.”

Charles held me in his tight embrace with a beaming smile.

I finally went to the lavatory. And when I finally returned to my seat, my cheeks remained flushed.I looked outside the window, and the sunny weather made me feel even better.

Since I returned, this had been the first time Charles and I had gone out with just the two of us.

While the plane was soaring in the sky, I took out my phone and played the movie I had downloaded.

Charles suddenly leaned over and curiously asked, “What are you watching?”

“The Notebook. I‘ve been meaning to watch this, but I just didn‘t have the time.” Charles moved closer to me.

“Let‘s watch it together.” He took one of my earphones and plugged it into his ear.

As the wire was short, it brought us even closer.

We watched the movie in silence. When it came to the part where the couple were kissing in the rain, my heart raced and my cheeks turned beet red. I turned my head to look at Charles, who happened to turn his head too. Our noses touched, and we gazed into each other‘s eyes. One move and our lips would touch.

The atmosphere between us was ambiguous. Charles blinked his eyes and, ever so slowly, leaned over to kiss me 3415 soft and warm lips made my body tremble.

What was more, I felt like a current was pouring into my bear All of a sudden, the sunny sky turned a shade of gray as dark clouds gathered. There were also flashes of lightning, and the thunders were deafening. The voice of the stewardess came over the intercom.

“Our dear passengers, there has been an unprecedented situation in the sky. A storm is brewing, and we will likely experience some turbulence. Please return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts.” I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. I looked over Charles‘s shoulder and gasped sharply.

“Charles, it‘s the cumulonimbus!” Sure enough, an enormous cumulonimbus cloud was forming in front of us. It looked terrifying up close.

Unfortunately, the plane had to go directly into the clouds. It was said that the downdraft of this cloud was strong. It could cause turbulence and might even throw off the plane‘s equilibrium.

Worse, it might cause the plane to crash.

The passengers shouted and cursed in panic.

“I checked the weather, and it‘s supposed to be sunny today. How could this be?” It suddenly occurred to me that Charles got caught in a plane crash over a year ago. He must have been terrified for his life at that time.

I held his hand tightly. With a grim expression, Charles enveloped me in his embrace.

“Calm down, Caroline. This isn‘t the time to panic.”

“Charles, are we going to die here?” I sobbed.

Charles stroked my back comfortingly.

“No, we won‘t. Don‘t be scared. I‘m here.”

His voice was cold and deep, yet it was reassuring.

Thanks to him, the fear in my heart subsided a little.

So as not to feel unnecessary panic, I asked myself several times to calm down.

Charles was right. I had to keep calm.

But no matter how hard I tried to console myself, my hands and feet remained cold.

At this moment, the voice of the stewardess came over again.

“Passengers, the plane will land in twenty minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts.”

Twenty minutes.

As long as we could hold on for that long, we would be fine.

I comforted myself inwardly.

All of a sudden, a flash of lightning came outside the window, followed by a deafening rumble of thunder.


It was so dark outside. It was like the enormous cumulonimbus cloud had swallowed us,

Unfortunately, the cloud just kept on getting bigger and bigger,

I could not see anything outside the window except for the flashes of lightning A sense of despair washed over me, making me out of breath.

The plane jolted, and I felt my body get thrown in the air for a second. I screamed and tightened my grip on Charles as if I was holding for my dear life.

“It‘s the downdraft! We‘re doomed!” a passenger exclaimed.

“Fuck! What the hell is with this weather?” another complained. The passengers started cursing again. Some were praying, and the others were crying.

“It‘s okay. We‘ll be just fine.” Charles covered my ears and tried his best to calm me down. Tears streamed down my face in fear. Twenty minutes had never felt this long. Right now, every minute was torture.

To make the situation worse, the plane met the downdraft and began to descend. The plane jolted several times, and I felt like my heart was going to jump out of my throat. The plane landed twenty minutes later. The instant the wheels of the airplane touched the runway, the rain poured down. Although it was still dark outside, I could finally see some light. Relieved, I wrapped my arms around Charles‘s neck and cried in glee.

“Charles, we‘re safe now.”

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