Bye, My Irresistible Love

Chapter 478: Substitute

Chapter 478: Substitute 

Caroline‘s POV:

After receiving the e–mail from Charles, I felt a little guilty. This time, I was in the wrong. The room began to spin a little too fast as my breath shortened.I scratched at my chest, trying to pull in more air.

My limbs failed me and I was forced to lean against the sofa, lest I fall.

Slowly, I curled into a fetal position on the sofa.

Several moments later, my phone rang, the sound breaking the silence in the room.

Uncurling from my fetal position, I stretched forward and picked up the phone.I turned the screen to face me and found the caller to be my father.


"Caroline, come to the villa on the east bank.I have something to tell you."

"Okay, I‘ll be right there."

After hanging up the phone, I called Elena and we went to Dad‘s villa.

"Elena, what is Adam doing recently?"

I asked quietly, gazing out the window as Elena drove me towards Dad‘s villa.

"He hasn‘t done anything suspicious for a while now.I can‘t find anything on him." Elena looked distressed.

"We just have to be patient.Adam is a greedy monster.He won‘t give up until he gets what he wants." I sneered.

"He is more cautious than before.And as long as Adam is still a threat to us, we‘ll have to keep putting out every fire he starts.And I can promise you that we won‘t escape each fire unscathed if this keeps up for too much longer .We must get rid of him."

Elena reminded me in a low, harsh tone.

"He is Dad‘s brother after all.It‘s not easy to completely get rid of him."

Sighing, I was suddenly overcome with a sudden feeling of helplessness.

"Miss Wilson, have you considered asking Mr.Wilson for help? He will definitely help you." Elena suggested I nodded, lost in thought.

When I entered the villa, Dad walked over and hugged me.

"Caroline, it‘s been a while."

The bright smile on his face had me flushing in embarrassment.

"Yeah Dad, it‘s been a while."

Since we our last parting hadn‘t been amicable, I‘d been hesitant to see him because I was unsure of how to face him.

The cheerful reception was something of a shock to me because I‘d been expecting him to still be upset with me

"Caroline, check this." Dad handed me an invitation card.

I opened it and found that the invitation was to a dessert tasting party, "What‘s this?" I asked in surprise.

"It‘s a dessert tasting party, and it will feature all the best desserts in the world.I hope you will like it Besides, I hope you can forgive me,"

Dad murmured apologetically, his eyes wide and open.

Standing back into his guileless eyes, my heart was filled with warmth.

My Dad really cared about my feelings.

"Can I invite the kids to join us?" I wondered, my eyes shining with expectation.

"Of course "Dad concurred with a bright smile. The thought that I would meet the kids soon lifted my splits a great deal

“Thank you.Dad"

"I am your father, so I will always be in your corner.Any decisions you make now and in the future, I will always be in support of."

Dad‘s face lit up and his knitted brows smoothed out as he watched me carefully.

With a rueful laugh, I gave voice to the elephant in the room.

"Really? I know you don‘t want me to be with Charles."

"If he can really make you happy, how can I not agree? I‘m just worried that you will be hurt again," Dad said earnestly.

A wave of warmth flooded me.I asked tentatively, "Dad, what if Charles has never betrayed me and he still loves me?"

Dad sneered, his smile vanishing instantly.

"Even if he didn‘t betray you, have you forgotten all the pain he caused you?"

My heart ached with remembered pain and all at once, I felt bitter.

"I didn‘t forget."

I didn‘t dare to forget But I still loved him deeply and I would always be swayed by his declarations and actions.

"Caroline, I‘m not trying to force you, but this is a matter of your lifelong happiness.You have to mull it over carefully before you decide.No matter what your final decision is, you can always count on my support."

Dad reassured me firmly as he ran his fingers through my hair.

My nose twitched and I nodded heavily.

"Thank you, Dad."

"So, how have you been? I heard that Simon was injured.What happened?"

"Adam asked someone to make trouble for me with a knife, but Simon got in the way."

Briefly, I explained what happened.Dad‘s face darkened and he clenched his fists in anger.

"Adam is getting too far.Let me take care of it.I‘ll arrange for another male bodyguard to protect you."


"Caroline, I‘m sorry you had to suffer through this.Daddy failed to protect you," he murmured sadly, guilt written all over his face.

There was no way I would let Dad feel guilty for something that was not his doing.

Clutching his fingers in mine, I declared firmly, "This is not your fault, Dad.This blame you‘re heaping on yourself belongs to Adam.He is the greedy one who has been fantasizing about something that doesn‘t belong to him."

"I won‘t let him get away with it this time." Dad promised with a fierce glare.

"Have you been getting along with Olivia?" I asked lightly, changing the subject.

"Still the same," Dad replied with a small shrug.

"Where is she?"

"She has gone for the audition.I can‘t let her stay idle all the time." I saw several bottles of medicine on the table.

Turning to Dad, I asked worriedly, "Dad, are you not feeling well?"

"Nothing serious.Sometimes I have trouble breathing, but that‘s all."

"Will these drugs have side effects? You‘d better see Hugo for a more thorough check–up."

I suggested, concern for his health coloring my voice.

"Alright then, I‘ll contact him in a few days." Dad nodded, as he easily agreed to my suggestion.

Sofia‘s POV:

When I came out of the dressing room, my agent rushed over with the script in her hands and a perturbed look on her face

"Sofia, some of your scenes have been deleted."

"What?" My eyes widened in shock.

My agent looked embarrassed but she forged on and anxiously explained her suspicions to me.

"I heard that someone with a strong background joined the crew. She thought that as a supporting role, you have too many scenes, so she asked the director to delete part of them."

Without a word, I took the new script from her and glanced through it.I needed to confirm with my own two eyes exactly what changes had been made to my role.

Most of my scenes had been deleted, including several important ones.

"What‘s going on? Why did the director agree to delete so many of my scenes?"

My agent‘s face darkened and she opened her mouth to answer me.

But before she could explain, a gorgeous woman walked up to me.

Eyes full of contempt and disdain, she scrutinized every inch of my body.

Her condescending gaze made me feel uncomfortable and I frowned back at her.

"Are you Sofia Byrne? You are not half as beautiful as I expected.I really don‘t understand why Caroline chose you to shoot the publicity video for her project on the east bank "Who are you?" I asked in confusion.

"I‘m Olivia it exciting to snatch other people‘s things? Today, you will know how it feels to be robbed." Olivia sneered and left without looking back.

Dumbfounded by the hostile confrontation, I turned to my agent and asked, "When did I snatch her things away?"

"I have no idea," My agent replied, looking equally stumped.

With a shrug, I dismissed the strange incident and went back to the shooting set.I halted when I took in the strange atmosphere amongst the crew.

In a leisure manner, Olivia lounged on a chair as she sipped her beverage.

The director stood beside her respectfully with a besotted smile on his face.

"Miss Lopez, we are going to shoot the first scene.How about…"

"I can‘t swim, so I won‘t be able to do the water scene."

Gruffly, Olivia interrupted him with the snapped words.

"Then I‘ll find you a stunt right away." The director declared in an attempt to placate her.

"Don‘t bother.I think Sofia is about the same height as me.Just let her be my stunt double."

"I‘m sorry but I have to decline," I refused immediately.

"It‘s your honor to be Miss Lopez‘s stunt.What makes you think you have the right to refuse her?"

The director, who was now by my side whispered in a low voice, his face tight with anger.

"Sofia, do you have any idea who Miss Lopez is? She is Mr.Edward Wilson‘s girlfriend! We can‘t afford to offend her at all!"

My agent echoed the director‘s sentiment.

Edward Wilson‘s girlfriend? My eyes widened in surprise.

"Sofia, if you don‘t agree, we will have to terminate your contract."

The director threatened me coldly.

Shocked, I emitted a soft gasp, my eyes widening. Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

No! I couldn‘t terminate the contract, not with all the liquidated damages I would be forced to pay.

And that was money I most certainly couldn‘t afford.

Gritting my teeth, I jumped into the swimming pool since I had no other option than to endure the humiliation. The water in the swimming pool was so cold, my whole body froze immediately I came into contact with it.

When the scene was eventually done and I emerged from the water, my teeth were chattering and I couldn‘t stop trembling

"Your posture when entering the water is too ugly.It ruined the whole scene," Olivia stated with a disgusted sniff.

"Then do it again," the director said in a hurry.

Olivia was unsatisfied with the second shooting "You jumped too fast, Let‘s do it again."

I gritted my teeth and glared at Olivia and I looked at each other and then she smiled defiantly.he did it on purpose! resentment for that vapid woman unfurled in my chest.

I clenched my fist, barely suppressing the urge to tear her ace apart.

Unfortunately, I had no such connection to leverage, unlike Olivia.

My only option was to bite the bullet and jump into the swimming pool, repeating the same scene over and over again.

Only after my limbs had gone numb from the cold and I couldn‘t feel most of my body parts did Olivia pronounce herself satisfied. Tired, I crawled out of the pool.

But when I tried to stand, a bout of dizziness struck me and I fell.

Before I completely lost my consciousness, I saw a tall figure running over to me.

Then, I fell into a warm embrace.

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