Arrogant Man VS Unyielding Woman

Chapter 347 A Little Surprised

Chapter 347 A Little Surprised

Zed looked away from Jean after finishing his sentence. He was too shy to let Jean see his expression

after what he just said.

Jean, on the other hand, was surprised at Zed's answer to her question. She didn't expect something

like that would come out of his mouth, making her blush.

"I - I don't get it, still. What do you mean?" Jean asked, breaking the silence that had loomed before

them. "When we were in the hospital, I don't understand why you treated me as if I was the antagonist.

Do you know how it felt like seeing you? You gave me this grim stare, and... and such hostile eyes

pierced to my soul making me any more guilty than I already was! Didn't you see the despair in my

eyes? Or did you not care at all about my feelings?" Crossing her arms, she questioned Zed in

disbelief, still not comprehending why he treated her that way. He might have answered some of her

questions, but a lot of question marks were still needing answers for her to pop.

Zed chuckled at himself softly but enough for Jean to hear, making her all the more confused. He then

faced her and said,"My silly girl, if I didn't treat you with hostility, would you have left me like that? If you

stayed with me, it would be very dangerous." He heaved a deep sigh as he stared at her, who was now

looking as if a light bulb just appeared above her head. This made his smile bigger.

Now that Jean thought about it, she now realized why Zed had to treat her that way. She couldn't come

up with a better alternative, so she left it at that and just nodded her head in agreement. "Well, you're

right, but to tell you the truth, if Moore wasn't there, I can't imagine how hard it would have been for

me." She pondered for a while and then remembered, turning to face Zed. "Oh no, I wasn't able to

greet him." Zed gave her a confused look, but Jean hadn't noticed this and told him that she must go to

the hospital and visit him tomorrow.

Jean faced Zed, who was looking at her with a questioning look, so she asked what was wrong. "I

know that both of you have this strong bond that you two even have a connection I can't quite well

describe. However, after knowing his true identity, don't you think it's wise to distance yourself from


"Why should I distance myself from him? For as long as I had been friends with him, Moore hadn't

done anything to hurt me." Jean retorted him, with a puzzled expression.

He thought about what she said for a moment before asking for confirmation. "You do know that his

biological father turned out to be Gary, right?" As he noticed that Jean was already calm enough, he

started the car engine once more and turned the ignition on to continue driving down the road.

Jean kept her gaze outside of her window and answered,"Yes, I know! It still doesn't change the fact

that we are good friends." She nodded her head firmly and continued. "Besides, our friendship has

nothing to do with his father. As far as I know, Moore haven't said anything about Gary being his

father." She shrugged.

Zed gave Jean a quick glance before returning his attention back to the road. "What do you mean? He

doesn't want to accept Gary, let alone acknowledge him as his father? I mean, after all that happened?"

He couldn't help but be surprised. Then again, he thought of something and didn't say anything more

about the subject.

Jean noticed his sudden change of mood and faced him. She found his silence almost intriguing that

she couldn't stop herself from prying. "What's wrong? Is there a problem I'm not aware of?"

Zed gave her another quick glance and shrugged. "Nothing. I just find it surprising. Really. That's all to

it." He gave her a reassuring smile and cautiously warned her. "Jean, I'm not narrow-minded, so I

understand how you feel about this, but please, for your safety, stay away from Moore. His identity is

just too complicated. Besides, Hanley is already keeping an eye on him. I trust he would do his job well,

and I suppose if anything comes up, Edna would be there and beat a path to his door personally soon.

Please, Jean, for your protection, I sincerely hope that you do your part by keeping away from any

potential troubles. You, of all people, know how much we've been dealing with one already. After all,

this is the Bai family's business, and we ought not to get involved in it." He finished and sighed.

Jean thought of what he said for a while before responding,"I understand what you mean, Zed." Zed

nodded in relief, leaving them both in thoughtful silence. As for Jean, she didn't let go of the subject.

She pondered hard for a while before breaking the silence. With a resolute expression, she told

Zed,"Even then, I won't keep my distance from Moore." Zed gave her a questioning look again. He

thought that she had understood what he just said moments ago, expecting her to take heed.

"Regardless of who he truly is and what he may encounter, he is still my friend! He never failed to be at NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

my side when I was helpless and depressed. He was there when I needed someone to talk to, and he

was always there to comfort me. So I'm sorry, Zed, but I can't do it."

Zed stepped on the break as they passed a red light and looked at Jean. He realized how stubborn she

was and knew that she wasn't going to let this go easily, and that whatever warnings he would tell her,

she wouldn't listen. He broke his gaze at her and looked at the road. Before the red light turned green,

he sighed and compromised. "Fine! Since you seemed so decided about this, I won't argue anymore."

He then turned the ignition on once more and drove. "Although I will try my best to be there whenever

you need me, I just hope that you can protect yourself also when something unprecedented happens


Jean turned her gaze towards Zed. "Does it mean you're okay about my friendship with Moore?" She

asked, beaming at him. There was a twinkle in her eyes that sparked with joy, which was something

Zed could not resist, so he nodded reluctantly.

Jean couldn't believe it. Zed used to be very possessive. He didn't like it whenever there was another

man lingering around her, whether or not that man had ulterior motives. She didn't even expect to get

her way this time that she already half-accepted the idea that she was never going to talk to Moore


This change of heart made her even more curious. 'Why did he consent when it comes to Moore? Or is

it really just a character development?' She thought, staring at Zed intently as if trying to read his mind.

Zed gave her a quick glance and chuckled at how silly she looked. "You were too persistent, and I

wouldn't want to be deemed ruthless, would I? Moreover, you are my wife. If I can't stop you from going

anywhere near trouble, then I might as well just protect you even better this time." He sighed and

forced a smile at Jean, who turned red after his affectionate reply. Nonetheless, she still had doubts in

her heart.

"Zed, I find that you have different attitude towards Moore, why?" Jean spit out the doubts in her heart.

Zed gave this question much thought. He didn't want to worry Jean more than she already was, so he

said,"Perhaps, he didn't rub me the wrong way!" He chuckled and gave Jean another reassuring smile.

In return, Jean cocked an eyebrow, her eyes narrowing as if trying to tell if there was anything more to

it. She didn't understand what he meant by that, but his short response made her feel like he wouldn't

say any more. So she turned her body back to face the front, returning her gaze towards the road.

Zed just gave her a faint smile, assured that Jean wouldn't question his answers anymore, so he left

the conversation at that.

In all honesty, he didn't have had any dislike or remorse towards Moore the first time he met him.

Although he didn't exactly like him either, he developed a sense of confidence in him - a confidence

that Zed would consider almost close to trust.

That was why he relented in what her wife wanted. Most importantly, he didn't want to make his

beloved woman feel that he was too hard on her.

He was aware that having trust issues made it difficult for him to trust anyone easily, and that he was

very discreet about Jean's safety.

When it comes to Moore, however, he couldn't comprehend and even found it strange to believe in

someone else, especially someone with a close relationship to his wife.

Despite knowing about Moore's identity and all the cautions he told Jean about this dear friend of hers,

he couldn't help but accept that he didn't look at Moore differently. Nothing had changed except now

they knew more about him.

Some things were just unexplainable and better left that way.

While they were talking about other things, they didn't notice that they had finally arrived at their


As Zed parked the car at their garage, the lights turned on illuminating their house caught their eye.

Simultaneously, they both looked at each other, and after seeing their confused look was mirrored by

the other, they rushed out of the car and into the porch.

After changing their shoes in the foyer, they quickly strode to the living room. Just as they both thought

moments ago, there on the sofa sat Benjamin in full spirit. When he saw both of them enter, his cheery

face was swiftly replaced by nonchalance as if they just imagined the mirth on his face.

Even though the room was brightly illuminated by fluorescent lights and a huge glass chandelier

hanging on the ceiling above them, the room was filled with a gloomy atmosphere.

Zed and Jean exchanged worried looks before hurriedly walking over towards Benjamin and sat down

across him.

"Grandpa," Jean greeted politely, bowing her head in respect before facing him again.

Benjamin replied with a cold stare and remained distant even after the respect and politeness he had

just received.

Jean's eyes widened. She felt flabbergasted at Benjamin's lack of verbal response, so she lowered her

head. Before she did, she acknowledged Jesse's glare towards them, who was sitting not far from


Jean furrowed her eyebrows but careful not to let Benjamin see her disdain for Jesse that he might

take it as for him. She couldn't help but wonder if Jesse was ever finished with her schemes even after

what happened tonight.

'It's already so late, so why is she still here? Of course, she wants to see me get humiliated," she

thought, rolling her eyes.

"Grandpa, why don't you take a rest? It's already late, and I know you still haven't fully recovered." Zed

suggested, breaking the cold silence that had loomed over the room. He gave Benjamin a weak smile,

which was returned with a scornful look.

"I was waiting for you!" It was evident in Benjamin's face that he was very displeased. He took a glance

at Jean, who lowered her head even more at his sudden outburst, and turned to Zed, whose smile

dropped. "What took both of you so long? Do you know how long I have been waiting? An hour!"

Benjamin cried out in disbelief, while gesturing his wristwatch.

"I apologize, Grandpa, but we weren't aware that you'd be waiting for us. Had we known, we would've

rushed home." Zed explained, adjusting his seat before continuing further. "Nonetheless, we didn't

waste time on our way home after the ambush interview of the journalists."

Benjamin stared at Zed intently, looking for any hint of a lie. When he couldn't find any, he asked once

more. "Then, what took you so long? You haven't answered my question straight up. I am afraid both of

you purposedly delayed so you two could escape your old man!" After expressing his doubt, he

unconsciously stared at Jean.

Surprised, she caught sight of how grandpa turned towards her after saying that last line. She didn't

want to irritate him more, and she knew that if she kept silent, it would just add more fuel to the fire.

Taking a deep but unnoticeable breath, she lifted her head up and gave Benjamin a smile as wide and

true as she could possibly muster. "Grandpa, I believe you have misunderstood. It is not what you think

it is."

Benjamin narrowed his eyes at her. "Then, tell me, why are you both home so late?" He interrogated

sternly. At that moment, Jean felt like she was inside an interrogation room. Despite her insides swirling

with anxiety, she kept her calm from the outside.

In her periphery, she glanced at Zed, hoping he could back her up but found him looking at her

direction as well.

She cleared her throat and looked at Benjamin with confidence. She tried so hard to stay composed as

she responded,"With the night so late and dark, I asked Zed to drive slowly. The dim streetlights

weren't enough to cover the entire road, so I told him to place his full attention to safety." She felt

Benjamin narrow his eyes more, but she kept her nerves calm, so her excuse won't be exposed. She

just hoped that Benjamin would accept this and let go.

Fortunately, the word "safety" struck Benjamin, and his stern expression slowly turned soft. This was

one of those occasions wherein Benjamin was in a calm state. He nodded at Zed and agreed,"Well, it

is true that you, young man, should drive slowly, especially at night. It doesn't matter how long the drive

might be, as long as you placed safety as your number one priority."

Both Jean and Zed were shocked at Benjamin's response. They exchanged quick glances in disbelief.

Most especially for Jean, as she didn't expect their complacency could release them from Benjamin's

hard shell.

Most especially for Jean, as she didn't expect their complacency could release them from Benjamin's

hard shell.

Jean felt her heart warm at this thought. Sincerely, she gave Benjamin a smile and spoke,"Grandpa, we

understand. We will place safety as our first priority. But right now, your health is our priority. You must

be tired after a day's work. How about I assist you to your room so you could rest?"

Benjamin's eyes softened. Jean's concern for him warmed and tugged his heart. He looked at her

before giving her a faint smile and claimed in a softer voice,"I am in no hurry to rest! I'm concerned

about what happened to you at the party, and I would like to discuss it right now."

Jean's smile dropped. Her heartbeat started to race.

She wanted to cry and tried to stop him from making her think and talk about it, but her face showed

nothing, completely opposite to what her heart was into at that very moment.

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