An Eight-year-old Princess

Chapter 223 Sneaking Into The Imperial Palace

Chapter 223 Sneaking Into The Imperial Palace

Yun Shang was sure that something had happened in the Imperial City. She hid behind a tree outside

the city gate and studied the guarded entry, and the dozens of soldiers who were examining the

commoners entering the city. Something caught her attention. She realized that while the commoners

were allowed to enter the City, no one was being permitted to leave. It looked like that the Li Clan had

blocked the gate, and forbidden anyone from exiting the Imperial City.

How dare they? The Li Clan was too audacious.

Frowning, Yun Shang pondered for a while before she sent a signal to her guards. The Prince had kept

the news from her because he didn't want Yun Shang to get involved in the civil war and worried for her

safety. But since she had returned and learned about the Li Clan's movements, she wouldn't step aside

and watch. And she didn't think Prince Jing could drive her away.

After a while, none of her guards responded. However, Jing Ying, Prince Jing's shadow guard,

appeared in front of her and reported, "Your Highness, His Highness has asked me to bring you to


A little surprised, Yun Shang stared at her. After a long while, the Princess nodded. It seemed that the

Prince had ensured that his guards would protect her no matter the circumstance. No wonder he

always knew where she went and what she did. Seeing that the Princess had agreed, Jing Ying bowed

before turning to lead the way.

Later, Yun Shang was led into a little compound located in the corner of the Imperial City. She was

surprised again, for she knew that it was one of her guards' strongholds, and also a junction of the

secret passages that lay beneath the city. Under the yard ran many tunnels that also led to other

strongholds in the Imperial City and Qingxin Palace. Some tunnels even went outside the city. When

tasked with renovating Prince Jing's Mansion, Yun Shang had heeded his advice and ensured that a

tunnel was dug below the mansion. From what she remembered, the tunnel work had neared

completion when she left the Imperial City.

Prince Jing was waiting for her in the yard. He appeared indifferent when he spotted her. After several

quick glances at her, he asked plainly, "Is it a boy or a girl?"

Knowing that he was referring to Lady Jin's baby, Yun Shang nodded to him, "It's a little prince."

Prince Jing's body stiffened noticeably. However, he averted his eyes, and said, "I'm afraid that the

Empress and the Grand Councilor have also received the news."

"Perhaps. How are things going in the Imperial City?" Yun Shang softly asked, "Lin has reported to me

that the Imperial Palace is fully secured, with thousands of guards patrolling the Palaces and archers

stationed throughout the walls. And I saw that the Imperial City has been closed, too. The gates are

shut and no one is allowed to go out." Whilst she was talking, Yun Shang approached the Prince.

Prince Jing reached out and pulled her to him. He stood and hugged her around her shoulders. "You

should not have come here. Over the past a few days, the Grand Councilor has been busy persuading

the officials to ally with him. If they consented, they would be rewarded with gold and jewels. And if they

refused, their whole family would be killed as a result of their defiance."

Upon hearing that, Yun Shang's eyebrows furrowed. She knew that every revolt was based on killing

and torturing, but she didn't expect that the Grand Councilor would be so cruel and cold-blooded

toward his fellow officials.

She asked with a frown, "Who have joined him? And who have been killed?"

Prince Jing sneered, "Before Li Jingyan could do anything, I informed all my allies to take their families

away. None of them have been found and confronted yet. However, I can't fool him for too long. He will

figure out what I have done in the coming few days. And I've also received reports from my men in the

Palace. According to the report, the Ministry of Rites has been preparing for the enthronement

ceremony. The crown is what they have been coveting. But I wonder which of them will ascend to the

throne, Li Jingyan or Xia Houjing."

Gnashing her teeth, Yun Shang asked, "What's your intention? Has my father learned about what's

happening in the Imperial City?"

Prince Jing nodded, "Of course, he knows about the rebellion. He has appointed me with the

responsibility of handling the matter. Li Jingyan is a fool. He's stupid to believe that he could become

Emperor just by gaining control of a city. Right now, there are no more than forty thousand Xia soldiers

quartering in the Imperial City, whereas more than a million of them are laying siege at the border of the

State of Xia. They are waiting for Li Jingyan's orders to invade Ning. But don't worry, I have mobilized

our forces in secret, and our army is capable of defeating theirs. And within three days, the soldiers

who guard the Imperial City will be there. At that time, I'll catch the rat in its hole."

Yun Shang felt relieved, but she suddenly recalled another matter. "If Li Jingyan wants the throne, he

wouldn't harm the current Emperor, so my father is fine. But my mother is with him in Laifeng City, will

she be in danger?"

Prince Jing patted her hair comfortingly. He lowered his head to look into her eyes, and smirked, "Well,

what did I tell you? If you hadn't come back to the Imperial City, you wouldn't be worrying about your

mother. You could've protected her in person. At the start, I wanted you to stay at Laifeng City and look

after your mother, but you have come here, regardless of your parents and my warnings." At his words,

Yun Shang appeared anxious. Seeing the anxiety in Yun Shang's eyes, Prince Jing continued though

he softened his tone, "But they'll be fine, don't worry. Every Emperor has his own force, a small army of

guards that listens to his orders only. Your father's force contains about thirty thousand men, and every

one of them is an excellent soldier. Right now, his force must be with him, or somewhere near Laifeng

City. And your father is also under the protection of many martial arts masters. Li Jingyan couldn't hurt

the Emperor even if he tried. He can't hurt your mother either."

Yun Shang felt relieved.

"Uhhhh!" Suddenly, a shriek broke the silence. Several cries and the sound of clamoring footsteps

could be heard next. Yun Shang shuddered, and asked, "What happened outside?"

A guard quietly went out to check. After a while, he returned and reported with disgust, "Your

Highnesses, a commoner just called the Grand Councilor a treacherous traitor, and was killed by the

patrolling soldiers."

Yun Shang sneered. Hatred flashed in her eyes as she spoke, "What's the point of killing one's own


With arms around her waist, Prince Jing led Yun Shang into the room, and said, "But you forget. Li

Jingyan wouldn't see these commoners as his people. In his eyes, his people are the people of Xia."

At his words, Yun Shang trembled in anger. She had forgotten that Li Jingyan had been placed by Xia.

However, he had lurked in the State of Ning for so many years, long enough to make everyone believe

that he was loyal to Ning. And his disguise was nearly perfect. No one had ever seen a flaw and

doubted his true identity. How very impressive.

And her father's ladies were at danger. If Li Jingyan were to usurp and ascend to the throne, or if he

was placing someone else on the throne, the Emperor's ladies would be the first target. When a new

Emperor ascended the throne in this way, the ladies surely suffered.

However, this would be a great chance for her to take over the Palace from the Empress. The Empress

always thought that she was in charge of the Palace, but she knew nothing about the human heart, nor

how people responded to fear. This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

Determined, Yun Shang decided to pay a visit to the Imperial Palace. She then told Prince Jing about

her plan. The Prince stared at her speechlessly. After a long while, he reluctantly agreed.

Yun Shang then headed towards the entry of the secret passages. However, before she entered, a

voice called from the outside, "Your Highness! The Grand Councilor took guards to the new

Zhuangyuan's residence!"

Hearing that, Yun Shang quickly turned around. Craning her neck, she said, "The Zhuangyuan is an

ally. Please tell him to pretend to surrender, and claim that all he wants is his sister's safety."

Prince Jing paused for a while. He smirked, "Well, well, I didn't expect him to be one of your men. I

have investigated him before. No wonder his background was so clean."

Yun Shang nodded to him, and then entered the tunnel.

Since the tunnels were clear, in no time, Yun Shang reached Qingxin Palace. She waited in the tunnel

for a long while. Once the clamor in the Palace finally subsided, she walked upstairs. Once in the

Palace, Yun Shang noticed that it was getting dark outside. She worried that the Empress's informers

might be in her palace. Thus, she hid under her bed and waited until the halls were quiet, and the lights

had been put out. Then she jumped out of the palace wall and ran to Yarui Palace to meet Lady Ya.

Another lady shared Yarui Palace with Lady Ya. She wasn't favored by the Emperor. Yun Shang feared

that this lady might be the Empress's ally, thus she tried her best to sneak in secretly. She hid beneath

the window of Lady Ya's chamber, and waited. Not long after, she heard Lady Ya enter and ask for hot

water to wash. A quarter of an hour later, she heard Lady Ya speak, "I need to rest now. You can


Yun Shang's eyes narrowed. She waited until Lady Ya came close to the window. Then she knocked on

the window sill. The window opened and Lady Ya peeked out. When she saw Yun Shang, she was

scared, and hurriedly brought her into the chamber. As they entered, Yun Shang slowly shook head,

and pointed to the lit lamp on the table. Lady Ya quickly nodded, put out the lamp, and sat with Yun

Shang on her bed.

"Your Highness!" Lady Ya whispered anxiously, "The guard in the Palace has been fortified. I've written

many letters, but was unable to deliver them to you. And today, Empress Yuan Zhen suddenly

summoned all His Majesty's Ladies and delivered a speech. She said that as long as we did exactly

what we were told to, we would live. No one knows what she meant. But it sounded weird and


Yun Shang sneered. She said softly, "How interesting. She means to take her father's side."

Lady Ya was scared. She blurted out, "You mean a rebellion, Your Highness?"

Yun Shang nodded to her. She said, "Don't worry. Indeed, Lord Li is rebelling, but His Majesty is fine.

But I need you to do something for me. Do you know which of the Ladies are the Empress's friends,

and which are against her?"

"Yes, I do. I have a good understanding of the relations between the Ladies and the Empress."

"Good. Since the Empress has kept everyone in the dark, we will play dumb, too. You will behave like

you have no knowledge of what is happening. But you need to pay your respects at Qiwu Palace as

usual, and you will mention Lady Jin's child to the Empress. You will remind her that Lady Jin must

have already given birth, and soon, she will bring the little Prince or Princess to the Palace. When the

time comes, the Emperor will certainly hold a royal banquet. The Palace has been shrouded in gloom

for such a long time. You want to organize a show to commemorate this blessed occasion. And you

want to prepare a dance with the Ladies who are good at dancing. You've been dealing with Empress

Yuan Zhen for a long time, and should know about her characteristics. Say it in a way that she can't

find any excuse to refuse. Then, once you're allowed to conduct the performance, you will visit the

Ladies, and tell them..." Yun Shang whispered a few sentences in Lady Ya's ear.

With that said, she straightened up and continued, "The Ladies in the Palace always appear harmless

and stay away from fights. However, they're smart, and know which side to pick. With subtle

arrangements, you can persuade them all to be our allies." Yun Shang then took off a jade pendant

from her belt, and handed it to Lady Ya. "This is the pendant that symbolizes my identity as Princess

Consort Jing. If they don't trust you, you can show it to them. And later, I will ask my men to deliver a

letter to you."

With trembling hands, Lady Ya took the jade. She nodded to Yun Shang, and said, "Be careful, Your

Highness. The Palace is under the control of a hostile power. You should be more cautious than


Yun Shang nodded. "I will. I need to visit Lady Meng. She's too cunning for you to handle." Qin Meng

was a smart and treacherous woman, who was beyond Lady Ya's capabilities. And although Qin Meng

and the Empress were hostile to each other now, if they didn't handle Qin Meng well, she would

definitely reveal their plan to the Empress.

Once out of Yarui Palace, Yun Shang hid in a corner and studied the patrolling soldiers. The guard in

the Imperial Palace had been doubled. She then asked ten of her guards to note down the garrison

distribution, and turn it into a map.

Her guards hurriedly carried out her orders. Yun Shang then headed towards Qin Meng's palace.

Although the Emperor visited her from time to time, Qin Meng wasn't in favor. And the servants in her

Palace had all been placed by Yun Shang. When Yun Shang arrived, she sent a signal to the servants,

but to her surprise, she received a warning. The Empress was here, too.

Yun Shang frowned. Why was Empress Yuan Zhen here? Why would she come to Qin Meng, despite

the hatred between them? She wondered what the Empress's true intention was.

Although curious, Yun Shang dared not walk any closer. Hiding in the bamboo grove outside, she stole

several glances, but could only see their shadows projected on the window paper by the candle light.

The one with a phoenix corona would be Empress Yuan Zhen. And the other must be Qin Meng. They

sat opposite each other. The Empress appeared to be in a pretty good mood, and seemed to be

laughing and talking. Whereas Qin Meng remained silent with fists clenched tight under the table.

After a long while, the Empress stood and headed toward the door of the chamber. Qin Meng followed

her in a hurry. They left the chamber together.

Yun Shang took the chance to climb in through the window. She avoided the candle light as she made

her way to the bed and seated herself.

Later, Qin Meng returned. She closed the door, and with her back to Yun Shang, she stood in a daze. It

seemed that she was contemplating something. Yun Shang sneered, "Lady Meng, when did you

become so friendly with Her Majesty?"

Qin Meng shuddered and spun around. Seeing that Yun Shang was sitting on her bed, she became

scared. Yun Shang was smiling, but her eyes were cold.

At the scene, Qin Meng hurriedly knelt in front of Yun Shang, and pleaded, "I…I didn't know… I didn't

know that you had returned to the City, Your Highness…Forgive me…"

"How so? Why should I forgive you? Have you betrayed me?" Yun Shang retorted with a sneer.

Qin Meng knew that Yun Shang had seen everything. Biting her lower lip, she said, "The Empress

wants me to do something for her."

"Oh? What is it? Why would the Empress come in person to ask for a favor?" Yun Shang raised her


Qin Meng remained silent, her eyelashes flickered in anxiety. After a long while, she finally continued,

"I...I'm pregnant..."

Yun Shang was completely shocked. She had never expected that. The expression on her face turned

from blank to astonished. Qin Meng let out a sigh as she continued, "I know that I was merely a court

maid in your employ. Now, I am a Lady at the lowest rank. I should never have kept this child, but I

have no choice...I don't have the heart to abort it... However, the Empress learned of my pregnancy.

She's the most powerful woman in the Palace. I dare not disobey her wishes. I was afraid that she

might hurt my child. And today, she suddenly came to discuss about my child. The Empress offered to

be the child's foster mother. She wants to raise the child after it's born."

"Oh? How did you respond?" Yun Shang appeared calm although she was also surprised by the


Qin Meng bitterly smiled, "I have no choice, Your Highness. I know she covets my child. I'm fearful of

the consequences if I refuse her. I only wish for my child to survive..."

Yun Shang smiled disparagingly before speaking, "It seems you have no idea about what's going on in

the Imperial City. Or else, you wouldn't have agreed to her request. Do you know, why am I here?"

Qin Meng was dumbfounded. She shook her head in a daze.

Seeing that, Yun Shang emitted a loud laughter, "Let me tell you what has happened. You must be

wondering why the Empress has been talking about loyalty over the past a few days, and why she

mentioned that as long as you didn't betray her, you would survive and thrive. But you could never

imagine what has happened. The Empress's father, Lord Li Jingyan, is now a traitor. He is aiding the

State of Xia in their invasion of Ning. Right now, the Imperial City has been locked, and all the officials

that didn't bow to the Li Clan have been killed. You see now? The Grand Councilor wants to usurp the


Hearing that, Qin Meng was more terrified than before. She stared at Yun Shang, blankly, face pale in


Yun Shang raised her eyebrows and looked at Qin Meng as she continued, "The Empress is Lord Li's

daughter. She will survive the rebellion, and thrive as the most honorable woman in whichever dynasty

that takes over. And if the Grand Councilor succeeds the throne as the new Emperor, she would be his

Eldest Princess. Huh. But what will happen to you and the other Ladies, Lady Meng? If that happens,

all of you will be used women, and concubines of the late Emperor. What would happen to worthless


Horrified, Qin Meng shook her head in disbelief. She whispered, "No, it's not true..."

Yun Shang stared at her before mocking, "And what will happen to your child? Do you think the Li Clan

will let it live? How foolish of you to believe the Empress's words.

However, the Grand Councilor is not going to succeed. And the Empress will regret taking his side. She

should never have staked all her hopes on a revolt. Although she has fortified the guard in the Palace,

her force is not strong enough to stop anyone from breaking in. Right now, the Li Clan possesses an

army of a mere forty thousand. But Prince Jing has been placing a larger and stronger army around the

Imperial City. They will lay siege soon and the Empress will lose the war. And she will lose her life. Do

you really think taking her side will bring you closer to fortune and glory? Well, in my opinion, if you take

her side, your choice would only bring you closer to death. Oh, in the event that the Empress wins,

perhaps what awaits you is a fate worse than death. You have fought with her for the Emperor's favor.

She must already hate you." Said Yun Shang with a smile.

Qin Meng shuddered in terror. Sweat trickled from her forehead and her face was pasty white, as if she

had imagined the most horrible thing happening to her. But Yun Shang was at ease. She sat

comfortably on the bed and stared at the flickering candle light as she thought about Qin Meng's


Finally, trembling and panic-struck, Qin Meng fell to her knees. She crawled to Yun Shang, raised her

head, and looked into Yun Shang's eyes, "Your Highness! Please save me! Please! You have the ability

to save me!"

Yun Shang smiled. "Of course, I can save you and your child. But, I don't feel any necessity to save

either of you."

Qin Meng hurriedly pleaded, "Your Highness, I've been working for you for such a long time..."

Yun Shang flashed a smile, "You've been working for me? But I thought you worked for the Empress.

Just now, you were talking to her with such delight. What if I promise to help you survive the revolt, but

you betray me and tell my plans to the Empress? Although I'm not afraid of her, you will die before me

if you ever informed on me."

That said, Yun Shang intended to leave. But Qin Meng hurriedly hugged the Princess's thighs and

pleaded, teary-eyed, "Please forgive me! It's all my fault! I would never betray you! And I know my

mistake! Please forgive me! Please give me a chance to prove my loyalty!"

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