An Eight-year-old Princess

Chapter 219 Damsel In Distress

Chapter 219 Damsel In Distress

When she heard his excuses, Hua Jing frowned. She knew that Ya Xi was trying to avoid her question.

And she was displeased with his answer. Hua Jing didn't think any woman in the Imperial City was

more powerful, nor wealthier than her.

She wanted to ask more, but stopped. At the moment, her own reputation was also at stake. Hua Jing

had already been warned and punished by her father several times. She couldn't make any more

mistakes. If that wretched Yun Shang learned about her rendezvous and reported to her father, Hua

Jing would be doomed. And if that were the case, Hua Jing would not be able to justify nor defend

herself. After all, as a Princess, she should never visit a brothel.

But Hua Jing wanted to know the woman's name. She smiled and softly said, "I merely want to know

her name. You don't have to worry. I won't do anything that's not proper."

Silence reigned for a long while before Ya Xi let out a sigh and answered, "I can't answer your

question, Your Highness. This particular guest is your relative. I don't want to be the cause of strife

between you and your family."

"What?" Hua Jing raised her eyebrows in surprise and pondered over the woman's identity. After a

while, she nodded to Ya Xi, "If you're unwilling to reveal her name, I won't force you."

Ya Xi flashed a smile before sitting at the Guqin stand. He suggested softly, "Let me play the Guqin for

you, Your Highness." With that said, he started playing.

As the music started, Hua Jing was a little surprised. She frowned as she recognized the song. It was

the famous love song, Courting a Phoenix.

However, the song reminded her of the royal banquet during which Prince Jing played the song for Yun

Shang. She never thought much of her step-sister. But at that time, Hua Jing had been envious of Yun

Shang. It was every girl's dream to be wooed by such a man of such excellence.

Thinking about that, Hua Jing raised her eyes and looked at Ya Xi. Although the men and women in the

Palace were all extremely beautiful, she had never seen a man as attractive as Ya Xi. How could she

not be elated when such a gorgeous man played a love song for her?

Not long after, Ya Xi finished playing. Hua Jing stared at him with great intensity before speaking,

"Lovely song, Ya Xi. I have little knowledge about music. I have no idea what meaning this song

carries. However, I think you are good at whatever you do, so you must have played it well."

Ya Xi bowed his head and flashed a grateful smile. Hua Jing's heartbeat quickened when she saw his


As she was marveling at his beauty, Ya Xi stood and approached her slowly. Hua Jing couldn't help but

step back when he walked toward her. She stopped when her shoulders touched the door.

"Why? Are you running away from me, Your Highness?" Ya Xi chuckled. He glanced at Hua Jing


Hua Jing flushed. She averted her eyes, "Why would I run away from you?"

Before she could fathom what was happening, the veil she was wearing was ripped away and tossed

on the ground. Hua Jing looked at the veil in a daze. Before she could react, she felt something warm

and moist touching her lips.

Her eyes widened in surprise and she raised her head. Ya Xi's smoldering eyes seemed to be

devouring her. Ya Xi smirked before lifting her and carrying Hua Jing toward the inner chamber. He laid

her on the bed gently before turning to pull the curtains. Then, he joined her in bed.

From that day, Hua Jing was obsessed with Ya Xi. Every night she would patiently wait for Cangjue

Qingsu to visit her. Secretly, she hoped that he wouldn't come. When she grew tired of waiting, she

would dress and leave for Suiyu House.

However, her routine was broken one afternoon when Ya Xi suddenly paid her a visit.

At the time, Hua Jing was napping in her chamber. When she heard the report, she hurriedly told her

servant, "Show him in!"

After a while, her maid led Ya Xi into the Princess's chamber. To Hua Jing's surprise, Ya Xi looked

awful. His bluish white gown was ragged and his pretty face was marred with soot and mud. Hua Jing

frowned at the sight. She dismissed her maids, took hold of Ya Xi's hand, and asked fondly, "What has

happened to you? Why are you in such a mess?"

Ya Xi didn't answer her question. The silence in the room was broken by the sound of Ya Xi falling to

his knees. "Your Highness, please help me!" he pleaded in a hoarse voice.

Hua Jing was taken by surprise. She asked, "Has something happened? How can I help?" Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

At her question, tears welled in Ya Xi's eyes. He sniffled as the tears trickled down his cheeks. He

seemed to be unable to restrain his emotions anymore. A sob escaped as he opened his mouth to

answer, "This morning, Suiyu House caught fire. The fire was so fierce that the whole building burnt to

ashes. Many people died in the fire. My servant, Qing Yu, the one who served you tea a few days ago,

also died. At the time, we were trapped in fire. He risked his life to help me, but was unable to make his

own escape. I should've been the one who died in the fire..."

Hua Jing was horrified. She asked, "Why would you say such a thing? How did the fire start? And were

you hurt in the fire? I'll send for a physician for you."

Ya Xi reached out and showed her the large burn on the back of his hand. Although the flesh and bone

hadn't melted away, his hand was swollen and red, and his skin had peeled. Hua Jing's heart ached

when she saw his wound. She grabbed his waist and commanded, "I'll have a physician look at the


However, just as she turned around, Ya Xi pulled her back. He pleaded, "No physician, please, Your

Highness. It's all my fault. I am the one the culprit wants to hurt. I am the cause of the fire and

everyone's death. I feel guilty, Your Highness. And you're the only person I can rely on now, as you're

the wealthiest and most powerful person I am acquainted with in the Imperial City. Please. Please help

me, Your Highness. Help me avenge my dead friends and the burnt Suiyu House."

Hua Jing frowned at his words. She urged, "Tell me every detail. Was it a deliberate fire?"

Ya Xi lowered his head. His tone conveyed the grief he felt. "Yes, Your Highness. The culprit was the

woman I mentioned earlier. The other night, she proposed that I live in her mansion. At the time, I was

unwilling, and refused. However, I had no idea what disaster was awaiting me after my rejection. Since

that day, she started to pick on me, again and again. Finally, she found a chance to vent her anger.

Today, Qing Yu accidentally poured some hot tea over her dress when he was tending to her. She was

enraged, and claimed that she would destroy the Suiyu House. I thought that she was merely

threatening, and didn't take her seriously. However, to everyone's surprise, the brothel caught fire and

burnt to ashes."

"The woman?" Frowning, Hua Jing asked, "Who is this woman?"

Ya Xi bit his lower lip as he looked at her with tear-filled eyes. He said, "I dare not say her name."

Hua Jing knew Ya Xi's character. As she had spent so many nights with him, she was aware that

although he appeared gentle and urbane, he was stubborn on certain matters. She held Ya Xi's hand,

and patted him comfortingly, "Tell me, please. Or else I cannot help you. How can I uphold justice if I

know nothing about our enemy?"

Ya Xi bowed his head again as he pondered on the matter. After a long while, he answered, "The

woman is related to you, Your Highness. She is your cousin, and she shares the same family name as

your mother. She's Lady Yingying of the Li Clan."

At his mention of Li Yingying's name, Hua Jing was shocked. She fell silent at the revelation. Of course,

she was friendly with Li Yingying, as the woman was her cousin. Li Yingying was a little older than Hua

Jing. As a twenty-year old woman, Li Yingying was still unmarried. Hua Jing had thought that her

cousin had high standards for her future spouse and had hence, not married. However, it now turned

out that she sought pleasure in brothels.

However, since the incident on New Year's Eve, Li Yingying's relationship with Hua Jing had suffered.

Hua Jing had been imprisoned after she had been framed for Li Yingying's poisoning by Yun Shang.

However, Li Yingying did not say anything in her defense, nor did she visit Hua Jing during her

imprisonment. After that, they had not met nor spoken.

Ya Xi noticed her hesitation and shock. He lowered his gaze to his feet, and forced a smile as he said,

"I know you shouldn't betray your mother's clan, Your Highness. How insolent I am to ask for such a

favor. I'll leave you now, Your Highness."

Hua Jing hurriedly took hold of his arm to stop Ya Xi from turning away, "But I have decided to avenge

you, and I would like to stand against my mother's clan for your sake. What's more, since Suiyu House

has burnt to ashes, you can stay in my Princess Palace for a while. And during your stay, I will settle

the matter."

Ya Xi paused a while before he shook his head and said, "Qian Ning died, too. Right now, I am the only

one capable of taking care of the affairs of Suiyu House. Some of our men survived the fire. I have to

settle them and try my best to satisfy their demands. If they intend to leave, I'll need to give them

money so that they can support themselves for some time. But if they want to stay, I'll have to rebuild

Suiyu House and offer them shelter like Qian Ning had done in the past."

Hua Jing hurriedly suggested, "No, please stay. As to the survivors, I'll have my people take care of

them. But look at you, you're a mess. Obviously, when you escaped from Suiyu House, you were in a

hurry, and didn't bring anything valuable with you. Without money and power, how can you rebuild

Suiyu House? Right now, what you need to do is wash and change. After that, I'll have my people help

you check Suiyu House, in case something important survived the fire. You and I are fond of each

other. How can I stand by and do nothing when you're in distress?"

Teary-eyed, Ya Xi flashed a grateful smile. He gazed at Hua Jing, "Your Highness... Meeting you has

been the luckiest thing that has ever happened to me..."

Hua Jing sent for her maid, and asked her to prepare a guest room for Ya Xi. She also ordered that the

maid help her guest wash and change. But when the maid asked which room she should settle Mister

Ya Xi in, Hua Jing was reminded of her first meeting with Ya Xi, thus she told the maid to accommodate

Ya Xi in the room by the lakeside.

The maid obeyed and led Ya Xi out. After Ya Xi left, Hua Jing frowned as she contemplated the whole

matter. Things were getting tricky here, as Li Yingying was the last person she wanted to pick on.

But she had promised Ya Xi to avenge his misfortune by confronting Li Yingying. If she didn't follow

through, Ya Xi would be disappointed. Determined to not disappoint yet another person in her life, Hua

Jing decided to help Ya Xi. She stopped long enough to fawn over his pretty face and excellent skills in


Hua Jing returned to her inner chamber. She was immersed in thoughts of how she would confront her

cousin. She took out a piece of parchment from a drawer, wrote an invitation on it, and asked a servant

to deliver the letter to the Grand Counselor's Mansion. She had to make sure that Ya Xi's story was the

truth, and if it were, the culprit was Li Yingying. Although Ya Xi was her new favor, she didn't think it

would be prudent to believe him blindly.

After Ya Xi had washed his face and changed into fresh clothes, he visited Hua Jing to thank her. Hua

Jing was delighted to see Ya Xi return to his former state. She looked at him from head to toe, and

nodded to him with a smile. However, when she saw her maids staring at Ya Xi in admiration, she was

displeased. She coldly ordered, "Leave us, all of you."

Although unwilling, the maids didn't dare to disobey Hua Jing's orders. They craned their neck to steal

a last glance of the handsome Ya Xi before leaving the chamber.

After the maids had left, Hua Jing took hold of Ya Xi's hand. "I'll send a few guards with you when you

collect evidence or valuable remains from the burnt Suiyu House. Feel free to go there when you are


Ya Xi bit his lip before nodding to her. Then he bowed and left.

Not long after, the servant Hua Jing had sent to the Grand Councilor's Mansion returned. He reported

to Hua Jing, "I've delivered your letter to the Grand Councilor's Mansion, Your Highness. However, the

chamberlain told me that Lady Yingying was not at home. So I entrusted the invitation letter to the

chamberlain, and asked him to give the letter to Lady Yingying when she returned."

Li Yingying was not home? Hua Jing frowned as a sense of foreboding overwhelmed her. She couldn't

help wondering whether Li Yingying would be waiting for Ya Xi at the ruins of Suiyu House. It was

unlikely, but...

Hua Jing didn't say anything. She frowned as she thought over all the possibilities. Then, she nodded

to the servant, and dismissed him.

An hour later, Ya Xi returned. However, to Hua Jing's surprise, Ya Xi looked distressed. And the guards

following him also seemed as though they had been involved in a fight. Hua Jing asked the maids to

help Ya Xi change before questioning her guards about what had happened.

A guard answered, "As per your instructions, we followed Mister Ya Xi to Suiyu House. The building

had been badly burnt. There's nothing left of it. After our arrival, Mister Ya Xi began searching the

debris, and we helped him. However, Lady Yingying suddenly appeared. She caught hold of Mister Ya

Xi by his arm, and intended to take him away forcefully. But Mister Ya Xi struggled to free himself. At

the sight, Lady Yingying's guards surrounded Mister Ya Xi, and prevented him from leaving. Since Your

Highness ordered us to help, we ran to aid Mister Ya Xi, and saved him from Lady Yingying's guards.

Seeing that she couldn't have her way, Lady Yingying became enraged. She started insulting Mister Ya

Xi. She congratulated Ya Xi on finding another lady rich enough to have her own guards to protect him.

We didn't dare to identify that we were Your Highness' guards. So we didn't say anything. Every time

Lady Yingying or her guards tried to grab Mister Ya Xi, we stopped them. Lady Yingying became

irritated as she couldn't do anything. Before she left, she promised that she would find him and swore

that she would make Ya Xi come to her willingly."

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