A Call That Changed Her Entire Life

Chapter 518 I Won't Eat You Up

Chapter 518 I Won't Eat You Up

Magee knew she was just being curious, so he blurted out, "Since you two are so mushy, you are making me feel lonely. It isn't easy to find a girl in the jungle. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement, even though I don't really like her."

Emily pulled a face in disgust, "You are such a jerk, as usual."

"I'm flattered." Magee said insouciantly, "In a way, I have avenged you, you know. Now, how about serving me a cup of tea?"

Daintily she poured a cup of aromatic tea for him, "What do you mean?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

Running his fingers along the rough cup's pitted surface, he replied, "Don't you see? Whether Rose or Cherry, they both bore a grudge against you. But both of them loved me, and I dumped them. It broke their hearts. So, now they suffer for their deeds."

"That's a horse of a different color. You are a jerk by nature. Don't justify your love affairs with my suffering." Though she couldn't condone his deeds, she never felt any sympathy for women dumped by Magee, including Rose and Cherry.

In any case, it was their choice, so they must each bear the consequences.

In a way, she believed that they asked for it.

"I'm surprised that you still remember Rose," Emily said sarcastically, "I thought you'd forgotten her."

No one could be as cruel as Magee.

When he was interested in someone, he was willing to do anything to please her. But when his love faded, he would ruthlessly turn his back on them. His was a fragile and worthless love.

That was the reason why Emily had refused Magee. He was incapable of loving anyone except himself, to her that made him scum.

She would not choose him, even if she had never met Jacob.

Magee didn't want to discuss Rose any further as it dredged up some very complicated memories. He changed the topic smoothly, "I didn't see Jacob. Where is he?"

"He went to collect herbs for me," Emily replied with a cheerful smile beaming across her face, "The doctor were so skilled, that he relieved me from a long term illness."

Her happiness made him jealous. He looked down at his tea and smiled, "Well, that's good news. Why don't we leave here together when you get better?"

Emily became serious at the mention of leaving, "But I don't want to wait so long. What I want is to not only leave this place, but also destroy the human trafficking system here."

As long as the villagers remained involved in trafficking, more girls would became victims.

"I brought a group of subordinates with me this time, and us wandering around the village was not something the villagers wanted to see. I believe some of them have already suspect me. They are just biding their time. Those villagers may not have much fighting power, but subduing them will not be easy."

Moreover, my men would definitely lose their way in the labyrinth of mountain roads without local guidance, if they run away from the village.

"So we need to act at once. Is your phone still here?"

He knew what she was thinking, "Yes, but there's no signal. I went to the top of the mountain. The signal there was intermittent, but I managed to contact David."

Still busy pouring tea, her hands began shaking at his words, spilling some hot water and scalding her hand with the boiling water, "Ouch..."

"Be careful!" Concerned Magee relieved her of the tea-pot and gently took her injured hand in his. Her skin turned bright red, where the water burned her, a stark contrast to her fair-skinned hands.

His heart ached with instant pity for her and he gently blew on her fingers to ease the burning sensation.

Shocked by the sudden intimacy of his touch, she instinctively drew back her hand, "That's alright. Thank you."

"What are you afraid of? I won't eat you up!" Her dismissive reaction made Magee uncomfortable, and he assuaged her, "All right. I'll stay away from you."

She wanted to respond, but was distracted by the shadow of someone passing at the periphery of her vision. Turning, she saw Jacob returning from herbal medicine collecting.

Jacob was standing at the gate staring at them. Both Magee and Emily were caught off guard and wondered how long he had been standing there.

Inexplicably, Emily felt guilty, despite not having done anything to be ashamed of. She had not been disloyal to Jacob, but still... Rising she said, "Hi, Jacob."

"Hi." He replied, but made no further comment. As always, he acted gently where Emily was concerned, but he stared at Magee with a razor sharp look, ready to cut him to pieces.

Looking into the ferocious gaze, Magee felt his heart tremble with fear at the promised violence.

In that moment, he suspected that the old, cruel and merciless Jacob had returned.

'Oh, that's interesting, '

Magee thought, but fighting for calm remained seated and casually explained, "She burnt her hand."

Jacob didn't pay attention to him, but helped Emily to move inside, handing her the medicine which she had to take. He then came back to the yard, alone.

Sipping his tea, Magee made small talk, trying to cover his discomfort, "It seems like a long time, since we sat down together for a good chat."

"I have nothing to talk about with you." The look he received was cold, and he feared Jacob might throw the cup at his face any moment now.

Possessively, Jacob wanted Magee to have no contact with Emily, which even extended to include the drinking of her tea.

"You are right." Insulted, Magee pretended to suddenly remember something, "Right, because you are now the villager, Bear. And not the CEO of the Gu Consortium. Of course, we have nothing to talk about."

In turn, Jacob looked at the cup in Magee's hand with ferocity, "Stop. You don't deserve that cup of tea." Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

At once, Magee drained the cup of tea, and although the boiling liquid felt like lava going down, he managed to keep a dignified expression. Then, with a suppressed cough, he continued, "It must be hard for Emily, to stay with a peasant like you? Even I cannot put up with you."

Rage flared in Jacob's face, but he controlled the beast and said, "Keep going."

With feigned concern, Magee added, "She is a highborn lady. You were a suitable match for her in the past, as the CEO of Gu Consortium, but now that you've lost your memory, and everything... How can you let her suffer with you, living here in squalor? Do you really deserve her love?"

In response, Jacob clenched his fist until his knuckles turned white.

Emboldened now, Magee kept baiting him, "How can a highly privileged woman like her, love a poor peasant? She loved the Jacob who died. Not you, Bear, the farmer."

In an instant Jacob's patience snapped. Grabbing the table between them, he overturned it with a mighty heave, the edge almost hitting Magee's face.

Nimbly dodging the flying furniture, Magee kept taunting Jacob mercilessly.

"You are angry because you know what I say is the truth."

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